Armor subcategories in the marketplace

Armor subcategories in the marketplace

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razor.8972


Would it be possible to add subcategories under armor so we view things that we are actually looking for. I don’t need to see light or medium armor when I have armor, helm, and lvl 80 under my categories. It would provide less pages to go through and would streamline the marketplace. You could do it by armor type or even by profession!

Armor subcategories in the marketplace

in Suggestions

Posted by: CYB.9012


Not being able to choose the type of armor is a limitation. I’m wasting time and server requests browsing pages, looking for familiar icons.

Armor subcategories in the marketplace

in Suggestions

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


Yes please. I totally don’t understand why this isn’t already in place. A simple light/medium/heavy toggle would be a huge improvement to the TP.

Armor subcategories in the marketplace

in Suggestions

Posted by: HuntsForge.3260


I would rather be able to select light, medium or heavy than the individual pieces as it is now. Generally I go and buy a set so I never use the current subcategories.

Armor subcategories in the marketplace

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esreyr.6304


Perhaps not just an Armor Category. But a checkbox for “Usable Items Only”.
Then this could be applied to Weapons as well.

Also a checkbox would be easier to toggle than finagling with another dropdown.