Armour Repair Costs

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glacial Singer.1573

Glacial Singer.1573


I have 30K at lvl 42, You want 6K to repair it ..That s a major chunk of change .
after playing since game release , can’t get copper coins above 50K,
Repairs keep me in poverty , and frustration with game ………..

DROP the REPAIR charges to a reasonable amount………. otherwise , see no point in playing .

And crafting stations produce junk , get better stuff from drops .
Even Tier 1 weps are substandard…….

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


Repairs are absolutely reasonable. Don’t die so often. Even as a WvW player they’re not a major drain.

As for crafting some of the best items in the game are crafted, and the craft system is absolutely awesome. Are you sure it’s Guild Wars 2 you’re playing?

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

If you die until your armor is all broken, you’ve died a dozen times. If you die a dozen times at level 40-50 without finding new gear from drops/karma vendors/crafting... obviously the RNG algorithm is conspiring against you.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


K? Let’s see… K is 1000, so 6k must be 1000 copper, or 60s, which is not true.
Fully repairing a level 40 set costs less than 10s. You exaggerate too much.

In any case, repair costs are only a problem for those that are too daring in WvW, and those trying to play the Thaumanova elemental event.
Anywhere else they are just fine.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glacial Singer.1573

Glacial Singer.1573

The cost at my 40 lvl, is 6 silver, as I found out = 600 copper to one silver , not K , if correct. and 100 silver =1 gold…. any corrections as to exchange rate are welcome here , please.

but still , 6 0ut 0f 30 is still a big chunk, and higher lvls even more .
Agree i am agressive in play , It’s my style…

Armour Repair Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cabbage.4085


The cost of two sets of gear (MF & Berserker sets) cost me a total of 11s when one set is broken and the other set is damaged.

I have never exceeded 11s in repair costs. (/2 = 5.5s per set)

If you cannot get 5.5s after dying ~10 times. You need to start playing with other players.