Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II Suggestions

Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArvronChronozon.4170


Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II

I’ve been playing the game for a few months now, and I always felt there were a few things lacking in some areas, or a missing gem of the grand scale.
Here are some of my ideas, tho I have not been looking at forums so I don’t now know if some may have already mentioned some of the ideas.

1. Guild Suggestions: Looking at some of the things for guild is a little lacking so here are some think I thought would make the guild a little better.

> Guild Hall: A few years ago group of explores from the Durmand Priory uncovered an ancient Artefact from one of the lost races since before men arrived on Tyria. With the aid of Asuran Sciencetists a break through was found, the Artefact was found to have a connection to the Mists. With the Artefact they could create and shape realms with in the mists. Now seeing the use of such an Artefact they mend and create small islands for groups of Races and people all around Tyria… for a small fee of course.
» This creates a Small island with in the mists for Guilds.
» The island can be upgraded for Influence and Gold.
• The Island starts with a small village, with few NPC’s being Guild Bank, Guild Weapon smith, Guild Armourer, Armour Repair, Guild Promoter, and a Guild Registrar.
• As the guilds levels up their own guild island that small village becomes a small castle with better services, a Banker, Trading Post, Class Trainers – Retainer, and Merchants.
• As you level the island further you get better rewards and services, a Large castle with Crafting stations and services, Mystic forge, Asuran gates to each City, Flora / Ore / and Wood Nodes around you’re Island (Adds five of each node across the island and one Oricalcum and one Ancient Wood randomly around the island.

> Guild Bounties: as a small guild, it is increasingly hard to find the Bounty NPC Targets along their paths.
» Adding a Bounty detector would help guilds with their bounties and it stays a challenge for them.
» The Detector does not show players where the Target is, but instead uses a system much like a metal detector and gives off sound waves when the player is in proximity of the Target (Rage 1,200 the same range as a Rangers Attack distance.)
As you can see it’s not a big cheat since you still have to look and find the targets but it helps, for there are a number of times I passed a target with out seeing them at all. (No I’m not blind lol, well… least I don’t think I am Dx )

2. Aqua Breathers: One thing I think the game should really have is Exotic Aqua Breathers.

> Players should be able to purchase Aqua Breathers (Exotic) for each armour type in game so players have a under water helmet that matches their corresponding builds. (Example: Knight, Berserker, Valkyrie, Cleric.. ext)

» Add the Aqua Breathers to dungeon rewards NPC’s for 180 Tokens. (Same amount as the Helmets at the Dungeon’s NPC’s in Lions Arch.)

» Add to Temple Karma NPC’s for the five gods’ temples [42,000 Karma] (Balthazar, Dwayna, Grenth, Lyssa, and Melandru.)

3. Armour Compatibility: Asura and Charr Meshes Remodelled.

> Charr’s when wearing certain armours, their Tails go right through the model with out a proper tail hole, it makes it look somewhat un-realistic (yes I know it’s a game but still lol) it would make armour sets for Charr’s look so much better and not looks so bugged,
» With Charr’s Boots most of the time it looks as if their feet are too big for the shoes/boots, or were too small for their feet, it would look nicer if the boots would better match the feet.

> Asura’s when playing their ears just stick out of some helmets, it would look nicer if their helmets had ear holes, or did not show ears at all. Or maybe some armoured ears?
» With their boots, two of the three toes stick out of the sides of the boots/shoes, it would be nice to see the toes covered.

4. Armour Skins: Having more skins would bring more uniqueness to the game, and offer players better looking skins that might suite them more then ones in game now. It could also be that a new skins is released every week or two weeks for a limited time (7-14days) thus limiting the amount of players who would have that skin.

> God Skins: Much like Guild Wars I, Armour skins of the Gods would be much more enjoyable. I know I enjoyed “Grenth’s Regalia”

Nerfality [NERF] – The Forest Guard [TFG]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Character: Arvron, Arrow Of Belial, Valafar Of Riva.

(edited by ArvronChronozon.4170)

Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArvronChronozon.4170


5. Weapon Sheaths: When playing a player’s weapons is sheathed, they just float there with out looking very realistic.

> Each weapon should have a sheath so it adds more verity to the game.
» Give a hide Sheath option on the weapon much like the hide helmet, pauldrons, gauntlets and backpacks, for those who do not like or wish to have one on their characters.

6. Weapon Dyes: I found that the lack of dyes for weapons (being none at all lol) did not make to much sense to me; we could dye our Armour but then it left our weapons not matching the sets of armour we wear.

> Adding dyes will help make players look more unique, for it creates a bigger verity and helps players to look “Different”.
> This would also apply to Shields as well.

7. Daily World Bosses: Much like you have a Daily Achievements and Daily PvP Achievements, Per-chance there should be one for bosses?

> The Daily World Boss Achievements would show player which bosses they’re to kill in the world, an also for bosses who give a rare chests show a Chest beside the Tier (Photo of Box)
» Each Boss depending on their Levels, would give a Higher Amount of Achievement points [1-5]
» Example: Fire Elemental, Shadow Behemoth, The Frozen Maw, Great Jungle Wurm, and Ulgoth the Modniir gives 1 Point,
- The Shatterer and Tequatl The Sunless gives 3 Points,
- Claw of Jormag gives 5 points because he is the hardest and longest of the bosses.

8. Title: Most of the things players work for other’s cant even see what they have earned, as such most of the Achievements should be given Titles

> Achievements: Slayer – Players should be able to show which Slayer they want to. (Example: Centaur Slyer, Drake Slayer, Harpy Slyer, Ect… If Players spend all that time killing the Enemy mobs only for the Achievement points and not be able to show them off is kind of lame, because I know I want some of those Titles. It would also give more verity of titles people have so not every one always as the same as everyone else.
(I want the Ghost Slayer one Dx “Ghost Buster” ha-ha or “Zhaitan’s Bane”)

» Hero – Most of the Achievement Titles in this tab would be good to have as a Title to show (Example: Local Hero, Emergency Response Hero, Ect…)
» Tradesman – Explorer – Weapon Master – Jumping Puzzles.

» Each Title Track could be colourised, for they’re different difficulties. (much the same with the level of weapons, (Common, fine, masterwork, rare, exotic and legendary.)

9. Ranger Pets: Much like Guild Wars 1, Rangers should be able to choose if they want their pets out in combat or not.

> It lets players have more choice about their characters, I know when I play my ranger some times I don’t want my pet out, at which it lets you put you’re pet away, but as soon as combat starts the pet spawns right beside you.

10. Dungeon Difficulty Settings: Players new to the game and who are not use’st to the game find dungeons to hard, even my self I find a lot of dungeons to hard an thus I don’t enjoy them at all.

> Create an easier dungeon mode for players to choose from.
» Reduce the Dungeon’s mobs stats by 50% (Health, attack, defence, Ect..)
» Change the rewards to -50% (Less rare drops, 50% less Exp) so it would be fair, tho you get 50% of the stuff at least it gives players a chance to do the mission.
» All Achievements must be completed on the normal mode, you don’t earn any Achievements from the easy mode.
» Dungeon Tokens are Reduced to 30 for completing a path in Easy mode.(Normal dungeons have 60 Tokens per path)

Nerfality [NERF] – The Forest Guard [TFG]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Character: Arvron, Arrow Of Belial, Valafar Of Riva.

(edited by ArvronChronozon.4170)

Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArvronChronozon.4170


11. Black Lion’s Salvage Kit Overhaul & Grandmaster’s Salvage Kit
> Grandmaster Salvage Kit: 30% Chance of rarer materials. 90% Chance of recovering upgrades from items.
» Purchased at merchants for 30 Silver for stack of 25 kits .

> Black Lion Salvage Kit: 50% Chance of rarer materials. 100% Chance of recovering upgrades from items. 100% Chance of Removing the skin of the Item.
» When the skin of an item is removed it is placed as a non stat item much like a Char or Quaggan backpack with the straps for any level to wear. (Still need to use Transmuting Stones to add the skin to a different set of armour.)
» Purchased at Black Lion Trading Company for 300gems.
(This allows players to still break down armour but keep the skins of armour they like.)

12. Upgrade Extractors: these items would allow the player to extract upgrades added to an item with out breaking the item down or giving the player a chance to recover the upgrade if they wish to replace it with a different upgrade.
> Extractors are based the same as the Salvage Kits with Rank and cost the same for Each rank.
» Crude Upgrade Extractor: Has a small chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 32 Copper for a stack of 5.

» Basic Upgrade Extractor: Has a 20% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 88 Copper for a stack of 10.

» Fine Upgrade Extractor: Has a 40% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 2 Sliver 88 Copper for a stack of 10

» Journeyman’s Upgrade Extractor: Has a 60% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 8 Sliver for a stack of 10.

» Master’s Upgrade Extractor: Has an 80% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 15 Sliver 36 Copper for a stack of 10.

» Grandmaster’s Upgrade Extractor: Has a 90% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item.
• Purchased at merchants for 30 Sliver for a stack of 5.

» Black Lion Upgrade Extractor: Has a 100% chance of recovering an upgrade from an item. 30% chance of removing Double the upgrade.
• Purchased at Black Lion Trading Company for 300gems for a stack of 10.

That’s all of the ideas I have so far, well I have more but I need to wait and see how the Custom PvP Arena will be like before I can give the rest, for they may already be added.

Thanks for Taking the time for reading, and please share your Thoughts on any of the Ideas and remember I don’t read forums so I did not see anyone else’s ideas.

Nerfality [NERF] – The Forest Guard [TFG]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Character: Arvron, Arrow Of Belial, Valafar Of Riva.

(edited by ArvronChronozon.4170)

Arvron Chronozon’s Guild Wars II Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Martin The Brave.8731

Martin The Brave.8731

Overall great suggestions, although most of what you suggested has been posted before. I really liked the “Weapon Dye” suggestion.