Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jinx.1964


Dropping many ascended rings in FotM. Problem is more rings than I can use.
Since they are account bound and can’t be salvaged, they are useless.
Suggestion: ANet could sell for gems, a salvage kit for ascended items…say maybe it would give you vials, globs or shards of essence and maybe a higher tier mat …….
Seems simple enough…but maybe not. Just hate not being able to utilize all these great drops.
Any other ideas?

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Just make them salvagable for ectos. They’re another tier of gear (armor and weapons will be coming at some point too), and currently rares give 0-3 ectos, exotics 0-5 ectos. Continuing the trend, salvaging Ascended gear should give 0-7 ectos.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alice.8694


Just make them salvagable for ectos. They’re another tier of gear (armor and weapons will be coming at some point too), and currently rares give 0-3 ectos, exotics 0-5 ectos. Continuing the trend, salvaging Ascended gear should give 0-7 ectos.

And a salvage kit quality chance to get a mist essence.

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


This would probably lead to a lower drop rate of ascended rings then, but its not like we don’t have a dozen already. +1

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jinx.1964


To clarify, this post was created to possibly get ANet to allow us to salvage Ascended Rings for Mist Essence, and if they so felt a higher tier mat…this would potentially make $$ for ANET in selling the “Ascended Salvage Kit”
There is already a method for ectos… this is intended to make our Ascended upgrading more accessible. Keep the comments going guys…numbers speak volumes

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: destijl.3769


Yes, absolutely. Bump the $#@! outta this thread. I’m sick of getting Solarias and Lunarias and rings with magic find on them, only to have them take up space in my bank in hopes that one day we will be able to salvage them for mists essence/relics/ectos/ANYTHING. Reduce the drop rates from daily chests if you have to, but PLEASE let us do something worthwhile with these unwanted/needed rings (as precious mists essences are hard to come by).

Your face is funny, all squished and weird.

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkar necrosphere.1328

darkar necrosphere.1328

Well at the very least I wish I could put for rings in the forge to possibly get someting I needed, but not being able to salvage them makes me feel like getting the ring was a waste of time. They deffenatly need give the rings some kind of secondary value.

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jinx.1964


Sure hate to see this thread die….We really need to be able to do something with Ascended Rings dropped in FotM. Its a shame we can salvage junk like skins and such but not a valuable item such as a Fractal ring. Please ANet give us an option….
And Community please bump this thread so maybe we can have an improvement in FotM. Thanks and cya in game….. Jinx

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizalee.4593


Please allow us to salvage Mist essences and/or Ectos from ascended rings, or allow us to throw them in the Mystic Toilet and maybe get a useful ring…

~ Rizalee – Human Mesmer ~
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

salvageing for mist essence would be nice
using pristine relics for mist essence would be nice
ectos would also be nice but not necessary.
Having content gated completely through your luck in getting mist essences is kinda silly

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nitross.6987


I don’t think a special salvage kit should be required for ascended items but I agree that we should be able to salvage them; at the very least we have a chance to get ectos if we get a ring we don’t need in a daily.

Also, if this were to come to pass, I support the idea of possibly salvaging mist essences form ascended items. The drop rate on those things is ridiculous; we need more ways to get them.

- Fort Aspenwood -

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: soistheman.7208


Or can be used in Mystic Forge to get second chance to get an ascended ring you want.

Elementalist lover since GW1. It’s the only profession I play!

Ascended Rings: To Salvage or Not to Salvage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


Or can be used in Mystic Forge to get second chance to get an ascended ring you want.

four bad (read: magic find) rings for a chance to get one ring that you wanted sounds fine for me.