Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

As the title says, Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels. You can get them in Fractals with only 10 dailies, and you could even kitten through multiple daily levels if you’re 20+. In addition you have the chance of getting the rings themselves. People who do constant fractals have more rings than they know what to do with… however those that don’t want to do fractals have to grind 35 kitten days (or 25 if you do monthly)? Where is that cost considered fair? Even at 10 Laurels, this would still be the much slower method.

The second concern is that the infusions are WEAKER stat wise than the fine recipes that take mist essences. So once again, for the best stat characters, you are still REQUIRING Fractal runs. Cost is fine, and not having agony is fine – but they should have the same stat bonuses.

Last, of course, is the back piece. Minimum: A mist essence replacement (or mist essences themselves to save on coding) that can be obtained for laurels/karma/whatever. This would allow for at least the extremely expensive ascended back piece MF crafting. If back pieces were to be added directly, I would limit them to the MF ascended items, as the fractal backs should be a fractal only item.

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: FanaticDamen.3749


Maybe not 10 Laurels… 15 or 20 ya I agree, but Fractals are harder to do than Dailies so I would say for it to be fair I would say 15-20.

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Yes… killing a few mobs and gathering definately is right up there with completing three fractals and a giant squid monster. Obviously days spent ingame doing whatever is the main exchange rate here.

Oh wait, no, that’s really silly. I think they’re just fine. Spend a month just playing the game, and basically get it for free. I’m assuming you actually put in the little bit of extra effort to finish the Monthly too.

Once again, for those who don’t seem to understand, skill beats minor and sometimes even major differences in stats. Ascended gear is for Fractals. It doesn’t make you remarkably better than someone in Exotic or even Rare gear. It doesn’t even necessarily make you insignificantly better. Its purpose is to combat a special mechanic in Fractals, that’s all.

If you want it, regardless of your reasoning, but you don’t want to do Fractals to get it, then you need to wait it out. That’s how it is and how it should be, yes.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I’d say 30 to match the amulets is more reasonable.

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Hmmm… I have zero intention of getting ascended rings with laurels. Fractals are not tough, and take just as long as doing dailies. The argument that just because you can get a laurel by doing what you want but have to do fractals to get pristine relics is the whole freaking problem. Agony is a fractal mechanic, stats are not. The rings on the Laurel vendor do not have agony resistance – you can get infused rings from 20+ fractals. Stats may not be 100% of combat, but it makes a difference. Critting for a couple hundred more is not “oh, I wish I didn’t do that damage because I don’t need it”. Gear + skill > either alone as any kind of edge matters. Why the argument ascended gear is not needed was ever made is just ‘silly’.

So really, why is a month of ginding dailies so easy that it should take well over three times as long as someone grinding a fractal daily? Ok – so if you’re in a crappy pug, fractals are harder than the dailies, but I can also get rings directly in fractals. I can do multiple fractal dailies in a day – there is zero options on getting extra laurels in a day (other than the day you finish monthly). Fractals will still be the fastest method of ascended rings. I get far more gold in fractals than I do from dailies. Heck I can even have a chance at precursors. The difference in ease of getting ascended items is infinitely easier in fractals – so much so, that if I want them, I have to do fractals. I do fractals. I have and will get more gear from fractals. But in the environment Anet says is their goal, it doesn’t fit – Right now it forces a mechanic. What I proposed I feel would help make it fit the “play how you want”.

(edited by Drawing Guy.3701)