Attach weapons to our back or our sides.

Attach weapons to our back or our sides.

in Suggestions

Posted by: yrrnn.6790


This would require some new animations, and obviously ArenaNet have more important things to worry about right now, but further down the line I would love to see an option to carry one handed weapons on our backs as well as on our waist. I can’t remember what game it was, but I remember playing some kind of mmo/rpg that had a checkbox that allowed you to choose where you sheathed your weapon, and thought that was very nifty. This would especially make dual wielders look cooler imo, with crossed swords/whatever on their backs.

I’d also love to see actual sheaths for swords (probably not going to happen), quivers for bows (saw this mentioned in another thread), and better placement of weapons on our waists so they don’t clip through most armor.

It’s the little touches like these that help to bridge the gap between highly detailed AAA adventure games and the simpler approach of most MMOs.

Attach weapons to our back or our sides.

in Suggestions

Posted by: qweepee.3617


I’d like to see duel wielding two handed weapons in each hand, Like titan’s grip on a fury warrior in wow.

Attach weapons to our back or our sides.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mexay.4521


I’d like to see duel wielding two handed weapons in each hand, Like titan’s grip on a fury warrior in wow.

If you like stupid mechanics that can break the game so much, then go back there
Also, I really don’t see a need to do this. A greatsword would look kinda silly on your side…

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

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