Auto-Block Accounts we Report / Add Block feature to Mail
in Suggestions
Posted by: TheUndefined.1720
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
in Suggestions
Posted by: TheUndefined.1720
Simply stated as the topic title. Please allow us an option to check that will auto-block accounts we submit reports on, as well as add a block feature in our mail.
I’m tired of wasting even a few moments on all the gold sellers and farmers.
Thank you
EDIT: Posters seem to be getting confused as to how this system would work (and fyi this was the system WoW implemented so it’s not like some crazy new thing that’s never been tested).
^ If you notice, the block is automatic after you report them.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
in Suggestions
Posted by: marianitten.1247
Very bad idea… autoblock?
Edited: Ohh.. you mean, remove them from chat and mails? Well thats is ok.
in Suggestions
Posted by: TheUndefined.1720
For accounts we report? I also said add the option. Please read the whole thing
Edit: I mean exactly what I typed lol. Autoblock the accounts that you submit reports on. Such as gold farmers you right click, report for scamming / selling gold / spamming – then once the report is submitted, that person will be automatically blocked.
in Suggestions
Posted by: marianitten.1247
But what if he is not a goldseller/bot player? And some random guy report it?
Again, Very bad idea…
You need to read the post before commenting on it, he wants the report feature to also use “block” on that person.
A separate gold selling report option would be nice, too.
in Suggestions
Posted by: robinsiebler.3801
Auto-block is a potentially bad idea and this has been discussed elsewhere…
Someone’s account gets hacked. They goldsell. You autoblock them. The issue is resolved, they have control of their account. Now you have someone blocked for no reason. Eventually, your block list will be huge and what if that person suddenly has a legitimate reason to talk to you?
Auto-block is a potentially bad idea and this has been discussed elsewhere…
Someone’s account gets hacked. They goldsell. You autoblock them. The issue is resolved, they have control of their account. Now you have someone blocked for no reason. Eventually, your block list will be huge and what if that person suddenly has a legitimate reason to talk to you?
eh, that seems a bit far-fetched to me, but ok. normally i see gold sellers with ridiculous spam names.
at the very least, after i report the spam it should auto delete the email. i also don’t like wasting time with this.
this probably sounds messed up but, for those getting hacked shouldnt have bought gold to begin with, or should have different passwords for everything. for me personally i report all gold sellers and bots. i am somewhat tired of reporting them. i know anet wants to know about such things but when you log in and report 5 people for trying to sell you gold in your mail it gets discouraging. i feel this game is going to become like Aion, filled with RTM bots and you only get 100 people for your block list, you should be able to have a high number, or, infinite amount of blocks that way you dont have to worry about it if they dont give a crap, gust give us more block space. Manyt times in Aion my legion mates told me to not report them because they dont do anything anyway. I hope GW2 dont become like Aion with all the Bots spamming chat
in Suggestions
Posted by: robinsiebler.3801
A lot of accounts have been hacked. I have received 20+ spam messages and 90% of them were from regular accounts.
A separate gold selling report option would be nice, too.
They have already added that.
I think they may have added that with the last patch, I noticed it was there today, not seen it before
A lot of accounts have been hacked. I have received 20+ spam messages and 90% of them were from regular accounts.
fair enough.
then if not auto-block, auto-delete would be most appreciated. =)
in Suggestions
Posted by: robinsiebler.3801
I am all for auto-delete!
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I agree with this. I would like an option that if the email contains a URL it gets autoblocked.
in Suggestions
Posted by: TheUndefined.1720
Auto-block is a potentially bad idea and this has been discussed elsewhere…
Someone’s account gets hacked. They goldsell. You autoblock them. The issue is resolved, they have control of their account. Now you have someone blocked for no reason. Eventually, your block list will be huge and what if that person suddenly has a legitimate reason to talk to you?
I block all of the people I report anyways. So whether or not their account gets resolved is not my responsibility to adjust my block list.
Also, if I don’t block these people you know what happens? Spam. I can’t stand those messages, and it absolutely irritates me to spend an ounce of time on these hacking thieves.
Again… please read my original post. An option that you do not have to click to have auto-block would cause you no problem.
EDIT: I also believe people are misunderstanding what I’m saying, so I’m going to adjust my original post with a step by step explanation.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
I second this idea.
I agree with this as well.
Hate having to report then click on the name again then block.
P.S. btw thanks for adding “selling gold” as a reportable option.
in Suggestions
Posted by: TheUndefined.1720
Thanks for the support and constructive criticism.
If I’m not mistaken, didn’t GW1 have a similar system to this? I just don’t remember manually having to block many people in that game, and I know there were solicitors for gold selling.
You CAN take people who have been hacked and had their accounts returned OFF your BLOCK LIST so what exactly is the issue?
You get in a group 3 other people can hear the guy likely you’ll unblock him.
Not that hard to imagine.
I am getting spammed by the same accounts fast as I can delete/report their emails.
I’d also like to it auto delete the mail I report.
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