Auto consume food

Auto consume food

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zareh.6935


Hi there. I would really like to have the option to turn on/off the ability to auto consume stacks of food. This way, I don’t have to worry about watching the timer. Could be as simple as right clicking the food and turn on/off auto consume. To be more organized, you could create another slot on the character equip screen and drag/drop the food in there, which would in turn auto consume all stacks dropped in there. Just some food for thought….err….so to speak. =P

Auto consume food

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I agree with this. Most MMOs have an auto-consume feature for consumables. The hero panel slot will be just perfect. It will automatically recognize the foods/boosts in your inventory and equip them in the respective slot.

Auto consume food

in Suggestions

Posted by: mkaito.6981


Everquest 2 had right that. Two slots for food and drink in the character window. You could choose to deactivate auto-consume, should you deem it adequate. Food and drink had nothing to do with what it does here, granted, but the feature was really well done.

Mesmer Lookalike

Auto consume food

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


Yes! I would love this! Especially as someone who has a character that relies on their food as one of their only sources of healing.

I can’t see it happening though, Anet generally seems to be against anything ‘automatic’ happening for you/your character. And I can sort of understand that too, I guess. Still it would be great.

Everquest 2 in general has a lot of wonderful features that I wish other MMOS would look at. This is a little off-topic but; it’s probably best the MMO there ever has been.