Auto targeting system suggestion.
In your options you can set it up so that you target the closest thing to you. Even this can be annoying. If there is a moa standing closer to you than what you really want to target you can aggro it instead if your not paying attention.
In your options you can set it up so that you target the closest thing to you. Even this can be annoying. If there is a moa standing closer to you than what you really want to target you can aggro it instead if your not paying attention.
Well then the logical solution to that would be that auto targeting doesn’t auto target non-agro targets.
Simple solution.
Yea this does need some fine tuning, for the reasons you stated i have had to turn mine off.
Yes this definitely needs to be tuned. The worst is when it targets unlimited health Practice Dummies, such as those that can be found in the Centaur camps.
Or, targeting a static item when there are active aggo mob around you.
Sure, part of this is supposed to be skill but, during a massive zerg, everything is happening so fast, a mechanic like this should work properly.
Aggro mob should be high priority, static targets the lowest.
I dont know if people know this. If you click right mouse button, you choose a target. This make targeting hard, if you are using autotarget or not.
It has been suggested before, that right mouse button only rotates screen, not choosing target. Right mouse targeting makes whole targeting system unstable.
(Sry my bad english)
I really hope that this would be repaired soon, or make it optional.