So I’ve had these ideas for a awhile now and figured I would share them. You never know maybe ArenaNet will use some of them, which would be awesome! Feel free to post some ideas of you own!
Definitely more pets! There are some running around already that people would love to have as pets (Griffon, behemoth, alpine stalker) and if the ogres can tame them then so can we! Also maybe more creature tameable or not can be added as the game progresses and new areas are discovered.
The ability to level them and make them better. Around the lines of how it was done in GW1 but without it being too complicated ( I death and your pet would learn a different attitude then what you were going for). Our pets should be able to grow with us as characters and learn new abilities maybe, it would give a whole new way to explore different aspects of the game and make everyone unique. The ability to grow them into veterans or champions down the line would also be amazing. Or at least make them look like they got bigger and badder.
Adding more skills to choose from would be great. Take the same set up now but just add a little bit more skills that people can choose from for weapons as well as character skills to replace other skills.
More “types” of weapons. The ability to have a huge battle axe like the hammers and not some little hand axe. Things like halberds or even hand to hand combat maybe (gloves/gloves with awesome spikes). Scythes, fans, spears (out of water), and maybe even more types of fire arms would be great to add to the game. This would be a great idea people already say that they wanted to try this game because it had rifle and pistols anyways. So adding to that and people will be more likely to want to play.
New things to craft and of course expanding the level for crafting as the game progresses (passed 400).
Other aspects-
Everybody want to see the dervish some back. The only problem is adding them could be difficult because their skills are already slightly similar to the guardian. In fact the guardian is almost a mix between the paladin and the dervish. More classes would be awesome maybe if they introduce more races it will be easier….which reminds me.
More races! I know a lot of people want to see the Kodan and the Quaggan. Unfortunately I don’t see those races making it into playable ones simply for the fact they work too well as npc’s. There’s not a huge difference in their looks between the others and if they were to be added as playable races it ill probably be far down the road. The Tengu is a good choice and possibility. They would be easy to try and customize for players to use. They would be easier to be able to make them look like individuals and different from other players characters. It could be a possibility that they are already planned because of the areas of the map we have yet to explore. Other races that would make a good choice to add would be the Largos and maybe the Ogres. Largos would be a little far-fetched because they are rare and stay away from people but it would be a nice add anyways.
With all these ideas I’m not saying that they are not already planned for the future or may never happen but I figured I would just put them out there. There is still so much content that is possible without there being an expansion for years! The map for Tyria is huge and we haven’t even came close to being able to see the whole of Meguuma or even the whole Crystal desert. I for one can’t wait to explore more areas. These are my personal add-ons to the game and I am super excited to see more content and all kinds of things added for this game!