I would like to be able to link items directly from BLTC to the chat and vice versa so the name of item in chat is copyed to “search” in BLTC so we can find it instantly without manually writing the name. Also I would really really like to be able to pick “show only usable” items. And finaly fix thekitten“only show avaible” couse it dont work at all.
About chat windows please make it so we can change opacity and please make it so we can have more than one chat window seen at a time. So we can divide them and put wherever we want.
And about camera view I must say its terrible. If I go somewhere where is very tight I cant see anything except my head. Also would be nice if the leafs/tree disapire if it block my view. Its really anoying when I fight and come close to tree and suddenly I got a giant leafs on my monitor and need to go away or scroll down my view.
Thank you.