Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


So a lot of people have been bringing up back gears recently. We have them in game, but they aren’t visible. Every single thread that mentions them though results in “can we get a cape! I want a cape! capes are cool right?!”

Now, I don’t know about you guys – but I played WoW for years, and the only back armor offered was, capes. Capes everywhere. You’re level 3 and look like a hobo? Here have a cape! Now you’re super-hobo! Your armor looks like crap? Fly away crappy-man, and save the crap people of crapsburg from the acrapalypse!

It’s almost as if all the creativity in peoples minds has been drained, and they no longer have the capacity of imagining something being worn on the back that isn’t a piece of cloth designed to make them pseudo supermans.

So here’s the request; please implement visible back armors. They look cool, and can help complete a look that seems to be missing something.


DO NOT BY ANY MEANS RESTRICT IT TO CAPES. Dear kitty-cat enough with the kittened capes!

1. Back shields
2. Back plates
3. Wings
4. Scarves (long scarves like protoman or ninja gaiden)
5. Jetpacks
6. Weapon pouches
8. Backpacks (like engi’s have)

These are just some of what could be endless possibilities for immersion-deepening, character-customizing, creative, meaningful, ORIGINAL – ideas for visible back pieces.

Capes aren’t that cool, even with a guild logo on them!

Thank you for reading,

Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Skritt often have bottles in their backs. I’ve seen humans with some backpacks. Several charr have something like a briefcase strapped with belts to the back. Some silvary have wing-like sprouts.

All of those could be nice as backpacks.

They should make a tinker crafting profession, able to make them (also able to craft environmental weapons, techno-gizmo headgears like googles and monocles and breathing apparatuses). Plus put some of them in some Heart karma merchants, and at least one in each dungeon and cultural armorsmith.

No exceptions!

Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I think back armors should be incorporated into their current related professions, and each should have a special design system. Capes, cloaks, scarves, and wings can be the light armor stuff, as an example. I don’t think its necessary to make a new crafting profession for them.

Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


While capes will be a must i wouldent mind seeing cloaks that cover the whole body till you start fighting. Would be sooooo cool to see a cloaked thief then going into a leaping death blossom with the cloak just whirling around them.

Back gears - a request and a suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilverThorn.5047


Revive!!!! lucky i found this topic, and yes we do need more back gears and in better shapes too…. I for one would like wings option (not too stretched though), will help m add a Valkyrian look on my guardian.
Illusion wings might be a good idea as well esp for the mesmers.
Cloaks/capes will compliment almost all of the races/classes (asuras are an exception).

Main: Silverthorn Ventus – swift as the wind, sharp as a thorn
Alt: Mulciber Ironbarrel – The fire creates as much as it destroys