Back gears - a request and a suggestion.
Skritt often have bottles in their backs. I’ve seen humans with some backpacks. Several charr have something like a briefcase strapped with belts to the back. Some silvary have wing-like sprouts.
All of those could be nice as backpacks.
They should make a tinker crafting profession, able to make them (also able to craft environmental weapons, techno-gizmo headgears like googles and monocles and breathing apparatuses). Plus put some of them in some Heart karma merchants, and at least one in each dungeon and cultural armorsmith.
I think back armors should be incorporated into their current related professions, and each should have a special design system. Capes, cloaks, scarves, and wings can be the light armor stuff, as an example. I don’t think its necessary to make a new crafting profession for them.
While capes will be a must i wouldent mind seeing cloaks that cover the whole body till you start fighting. Would be sooooo cool to see a cloaked thief then going into a leaping death blossom with the cloak just whirling around them.
Revive!!!! lucky i found this topic, and yes we do need more back gears and in better shapes too…. I for one would like wings option (not too stretched though), will help m add a Valkyrian look on my guardian.
Illusion wings might be a good idea as well esp for the mesmers.
Cloaks/capes will compliment almost all of the races/classes (asuras are an exception).
Alt: Mulciber Ironbarrel – The fire creates as much as it destroys