Background Sounds Anoying!

Background Sounds Anoying!

in Suggestions

Posted by: pew pew pokes q q.7816

pew pew pokes q q.7816

Seriously I loved Gw1 Shiverpeak sounds with the wind blowing, and the icebergs cracking and ice creaking. It could put me to sleep. But gw2 with the constant wolf howling, some random bear growling and the wolves sound like they are horny just doesn’t seem to fit the bill. Its very annoying and theres no option to remove the ambient animal noises. I could sit for hours listening to shiverpeak sounds with headphones on but the wolves…Pls remove them or add an option to set that sound to a indivual category to mute it. PLEASE! I need quality sound. Over kill on the wolf howling seriously.

Background Sounds Anoying!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


The one I can’t stand is in The Grove. There is this high pitched sound every so often that I guess is suppose to be a bird. When I first heard it I thought my air conditioner was on the fritz. It actually hurts my ears so I avoid that area as much as possible.

The Burninator

Background Sounds Anoying!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seraph.6145


I’m annoyed with that background sound that is present like…everywhere. No matter where you are and what you do, It’s out there all the time. It’s hard to describe, but it sounds like someone is droppin’/movin’/placin’ a glass vials or bottles or something like that and it makes them…umm… make that sound.
Happens all the time and very often, once every minute or so, and you can hear it even when music volume is set to maximum!
Maybe it’s some kind of subliminal method of Indoctrination? <Tin foil hat on>
If yes, then it doesn not work on me, dear ANet. It only Iritates me!