Backpack & Bank Space

Backpack & Bank Space

in Suggestions

Posted by: Altosk.8492


Please remove gems from this equation. I shouldn’t have to buy or exchange my gold into gems in order to upgrade my backpack/bank space. This should have been a gold upgrade from the beginning and it just seems like a cheap ploy to make money off of.

WTB Color Blind Mode 100g+50e

Backpack & Bank Space

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


It’s a buy-to-play MMO with micro-transactions…inventory space is one of the most common things tied to extra purchases in these types of games. I know it’s frustrating (I’ve got 150 hours played between 4 characters and haven’t made a single gem purchase), but ArenaNet isn’t the first to do this — at least they’ve allowed the purchase of gems with in-game gold to give players a cheaper option if they’d rather take the extra time to earn the gold.