Backpacks for town clothing

Backpacks for town clothing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apolyon.6937


The title is my suggestion I would like to have one of those charr backpacks with my witch costume.

Backpacks for town clothing

in Suggestions

Posted by: ForAce.1943


I think much better will be cape with guild banner. (Now we have Guild Missions. This is great time to create that backs!) But quaggan or charr backpack will be nice too. – All informations about Guild Wars 2 in one place. In polish.

Backpacks for town clothing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069



*Transmute old back armor to Town clothing
*A weapon swap “not in costume brawl”
*Add weak armor stats to town clothing
*Equip a normal weapon to town clothing.
*Add a use tonic button