Badge of Honor deposit/More

Badge of Honor deposit/More

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


We need more deposit slots for badges and the various other items we get from say AC and the other dungeons..Tired of like 6 stacks of Badges taking up most of my bank slots

Badge of Honor deposit/More

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet should come up finally within one of the next updates with the needed convinience change, that all kinds of currency items should become finally the way how gold/garma/gems/laurels get collected.

All these items should cost no inventory space and should get just simply collected like gold with no limits. So these currencies beign then not accountbound anymore, but character bound then turning the old currencies into consumeable items to turn them into the new way of how they would work so that players have a chance to decide, onto which characters they want to have the stuff ….

I can#t believe, that something such as easy to change hasn’t been done already.
They already changed alot of stuff from character bound to accoutn bound or vice versa, but a simple single, like turning all currencies into a character bound limitless currency that is shown to players like gold/karma/gems in the corrseponding menu window is just unbelievable ….

Either this, or anet should come up with an item, where we can put in unlimitless all of our tokens and badges ect. to reduce the amount of inventory space that is blocked by all these items down to just 1 and. An item like a “Token Bag/Chest” whatever.

And what Anet could do also finally is to increase the maximum stack number from 250 to say 999 to decrease the amount of mutiple stacked items so that inventory space won’t be blocked so much with stacks of items

this counts also for the account chest. also there should stack up all items to 999.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Badge of Honor deposit/More

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


The reason why items are in 250 stacks is because one byte is 256 values. If they went ahead to make stacks 999, then they would either need 2 bytes for each item stack and would probably increase the item limit of any stack to 65536 (because otherwise you’re just wasting a lot of bytes).

They could create a parser that would, after 999 of any item, start going onto another item, but what happens if you accidentally get to 1000 of an item, is it fair that it transforms into another item? or what happens if an item of yours turns into 999 of another item?

Badge of Honor deposit/More

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


hey, i’m no IT specialist or so, i have no clues about such specific programmign stuff.
I only suggested that the game needs higher stacks, because you get specific items extremly quick and often, so that you stacks pile up very quickly in the game.

An other solution could just be to increase the options of what ypou can do with all those very quick stackign items, so that you have more usage for them and they don’t stack up so quickly, as you have a permanent use for them so that these items never get first into high stack amounts, because of you permanently using these items for something, that you permanently want to use…

The amoutns of badges of honor we got overwhelemd with are currently only a problem, because the game has not enough usage options that are worth it to spent badges on..

ANet needs to increase the options for what we can use badges and the problem would solve itself without havign to increase the stack limit.

They could implement for example following things for BoH’s.

  • Add the option to buy inventory bags for Badges, so that also WvW Players can get their 10 to 20 slot bags without needign to play PvE for them or havign to craft for them…
  • Add more Item skins, like older living story skins for very high amounts of badges, gold ect. for exaple they could start off with the Flame and Frost Skins for once with a cost of 25G and like 2000 Badges or so … just an example that should show, what I mean… that way players get a big incentive to play WvW, because there you could get then something special, that is’t receivable anymroe by any other normal ways.
  • Add more WvW specific weopons/armors that are only receivable via Badges of Honor
  • Add specific back pieces and toys/ clothes, than are buyable only via badges of honour
  • Add Execution Consumeables like that stuff we got from the wintersday event, so that we can change with BoH’s temporarel our execution animations
  • Add a Buff Food NPC, that sells WVW specific food for Badges of Honour
  • Add more tradable Trap Types
  • Add more tradable Siege Weapons and special Siege Weapon Skins that are buyable via badges to make your created siege items look more unique.
  • Add in some titles, which can be basically bought with badges of hour.
  • Add the option to buy the commander feature with Badges of honor instead of with 100 gold and make a commander icon that got the commander via badgers of honor look different, than the one, who bought the feature. (like havign the blue symbol have some feathers at the side and a little star above the icon compared to the current normal blue icon without anythign of that) so that you can see the difference of commanders who simply bought the feature and those who earned it themself with badges (cost like 10000 badges) that don#t need to be given to the NPCat 1 go, bud you can slowly pay off the cost, until the counter reaches 0 to avoid massive stack blocks filling your inventory …
  • Add specific new precursors, that can be received only via Badges of honor
  • Add the option to exchange Badges of Honour against other useful things like:

- Colors
- T1 to T6 Materials
- Salvage Items
- Collecting Items (Sicles, Axes, Pickaxes and other maybe in future new items like hopefully fishing rods/baits and shovels)
- Crystals
- Stones of Sages
- Obsidian Shards
- Globs of Ectoplasm

  • Temporal Buff Boosters for more Exp, Karma, Glory, Attack/ Defense/ Auto Heal for 1H

If anet would just increase the stuff like that what we could use Badges of Honour for, then there would be no problem with too many badge stacks in the iventory, if among all of these options are things, that you want to permantly buy.
Like for example exchanging badges for color<7materials and the stuff i listed up at the last point now.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside