Bag type reworks

Bag type reworks

in Suggestions

Posted by: LouDiamond.5831


So, we’ve got a lot of items that just clutter up bag space, and for those of us who have a ton of stuff, it’s just kind of a nightmare.

A couple examples:

  • 2 1-h weapon changing to 2h weapon – specifically w/ ascended. the offhand gets dropped into whatever-top-bag-slot-is-open. that’s silly. we need an ascended bag type or something that helps u keep this stuff organized.
  • Champ bags should loot to the appropriate bags – if it’s an exotic champ bag, put it in an exotic bag!
  • whites and salvage items – there really should be a bag for these. i wouldnt even care if they were put in w/ ‘junk’, but organizationally, it’s just all over the place.

I’d like to have a bag that i could customize in a way, via checkboxes or something, what sorts of items would be looted into that bag.

[SOL] Solari
[JQ] Jade Quarry

Bag type reworks

in Suggestions

Posted by: yurdun.2501


  • 2 1-h weapon changing to 2h weapon – specifically w/ ascended. the offhand gets dropped into whatever-top-bag-slot-is-open. that’s silly. we need an ascended bag type or something that helps u keep this stuff organized.

That is an issue, and I was thinking it would be nice if our main weapons were not even in our bags, It would be nice if on the hero tab where we currently put Main/Swap weapons there would instead be slots for all weapons a person can use and you can just designate which is Main/OH and Swap-M/OH. This would get rid of the ^above issue and i think it would just make it easier and more convenient for people. I would love to be able to easily switch between weapons depending on what dungeon or area I’m playing when OOC of course.

Anyone else think this is a good idea?