Band-aid solution: Broken Skill Quests
I finished all skill quests in the game as of today. Those that were broken (not many and most in Orr) I revisited after they got fixed. Maybe some got broken again but based on my won experience I’d say it all should be working.
There is a skill point in Gendarren fields that is broken/missing. Its the asura pirate you fight on the boat.
There is a skill point in Lornar’s Pass broken/missing. Underwater by Jetsam/Suwash pirate area.
I can’t recall off hand the others, but these are just two examples. However I’m pretty sure that the two enchanted weapon skill challenges in Cursed Shore and the Bayt Poi skill challenge in Malchor’s leap are most likely bugged as well. Though I may be wrong about those 3, but they seem to get bugged very often. As well as the enchanted weapon in Straights of Devastation, but guardians can currently fix that one, awkwardly enough.
Edit: I realize that these are server specific, but some of us don’t like server jumping to get completion, and should not have to… Not to mention the chance of it being broken on another server is still a possibility.
(edited by Nudal.5310)
I saw one getting bugged once.
The NPC died instead going back to neutral.
After a while, the corpse was ‘cleaned’, but it didn’t respawn.
This seems to happen with many other events and skill challenges.
NPC dies and is cleaned from memory, and it doesn’t get replaced. Meanwhile, the event waits for the NPC to exist, but that never happens.
Until they fix that, they should reset maps every day, as it prevents completion.