Bank pin number / password protect

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lox.1089


Extra layers of security are always nice.
I would love an optional password for bank access. It could be anything such as an in game pin number (entered on a in-game keypad to avoid keyloggers). This would add an extra layer of security for our most valued items (gold resources etc) if our accounts are compromised.

Additional options would be to 1. require the pin EVERY time gold or items are to be removed from the bank, or 2. Require the pin once each gw2 session.


Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Why would you need this?

are you buying gold form 3rd party suppliers?
Did you buy your game copy digitally? If so you can ask them to remove your CC info form their databases.

I have never ever feared my accounts getting hacked, mainly cause I have never put my self in that situation. It happen once in WoW because Blizzard had their Database hacked but that was a Monthly Sub, GW2 is not.

So why do you need this Option?

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I’m not against extra security, but I do think that anyone who is hacked probably left themself wide open to it.

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Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bahamadude.4925


Your account can get compromised in other ways than gold sellers. Viruses and spyware can also screw you over. I agree with added security, but i feel that a password is pointless because if they can nab your account name and password, they can easily get the password for your bank as well.

EDIT: And yes when it boils down it is in fact one’s own fault if their computer gets hacked or full of viruses.

(edited by Bahamadude.4925)

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Your account can get compromised in other ways than gold sellers. Viruses and spyware can also screw you over. I agree with added security, but i feel that a password is pointless because if they can nab your account name and password, they can easily get the password for your bank as well.

you said it right there

Viruses and spyware can also screw you over

How do you get those?

By not being careful.

Look i am always up for security measures I really am. Although at what point in time do we start taking responsibility for our own actions “Viruses and spyware can also screw you over” <——— this is not Arena Nets job to make sure we do not get these. It is your job, now if the Hack came from “Viruses and spyware can also screw you over” from Arena Nets side then it is their responsibility to right the wrong.

I wish people would just start taking responsibility for their own actions instead of asking someone else to do it for them.

Bahamadude.4925 Now I am not bashing you brother believe me when I say this, but you just made a point that everyone uses as an excuse to not take personal respectability for their own actions. It is like the people that go to off the wall Torrent sites and then cry cause they got a Virus that Blue screened their PC. Is it that sites fault or is it the person that decided to go to the shady site and click Download now?

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bahamadude.4925


Your account can get compromised in other ways than gold sellers. Viruses and spyware can also screw you over. I agree with added security, but i feel that a password is pointless because if they can nab your account name and password, they can easily get the password for your bank as well.

you said it right there

Viruses and spyware can also screw you over

How do you get those?

By not being careful.

Look i am always up for security measures I really am. Although at what point in time do we start taking responsibility for our own actions “Viruses and spyware can also screw you over” <——— this is not Arena Nets job to make sure we do not get these. It is your job, now if the Hack came from “Viruses and spyware can also screw you over” from Arena Nets side then it is their responsibility to right the wrong.

I wish people would just start taking responsibility for their own actions instead of asking someone else to do it for them.

Bahamadude.4925 Now I am not bashing you brother believe me when I say this, but you just made a point that everyone uses as an excuse to not take personal respectability for their own actions. It is like the people that go to off the wall Torrent sites and then cry cause they got a Virus that Blue screened their PC. Is it that sites fault or is it the person that decided to go to the shady site and click Download now?

Lol it seems you caught my post before i was able to correct it. note what i added at the end. that was suppose to be part of the orginal post but i forgot it due to me rushing. You’re completely right and i don’t consider what you said to be bashing.

To be fair however, one’s computer having viruses may not necessarily be the gamers fault. This is something i learned the HARD way. Had a relative that came to visit and he went crazy downloading crap behind my back>_> next thing i know, I’m canceling my debit card for fraud.

But regardless, when it boils down passwords are still pointless.

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gahzirra.8639


Why would you need this?

are you buying gold form 3rd party suppliers?
Did you buy your game copy digitally? If so you can ask them to remove your CC info form their databases.

I have never ever feared my accounts getting hacked, mainly cause I have never put my self in that situation. It happen once in WoW because Blizzard had their Database hacked but that was a Monthly Sub, GW2 is not.

So why do you need this Option?

Seriously, what do you do go around trashing every suggestion…You are right there should be no such thing as Authenticators or 2 Factor verification. Cause yea hackers can only get your password if you download pron or 3rd part. You are a fool to think multiple layers of security is a bad thing and even more foolish to think it cannot happen to you.

There is a huge thread in Account issues, where lots of people were hacked even taking every precaution(2factor,authenticator)

Bank pin number / password protect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Why would you need this?

are you buying gold form 3rd party suppliers?
Did you buy your game copy digitally? If so you can ask them to remove your CC info form their databases.

I have never ever feared my accounts getting hacked, mainly cause I have never put my self in that situation. It happen once in WoW because Blizzard had their Database hacked but that was a Monthly Sub, GW2 is not.

So why do you need this Option?

Seriously, what do you do go around trashing every suggestion…You are right there should be no such thing as Authenticators or 2 Factor verification. Cause yea hackers can only get your password if you download pron or 3rd part. You are a fool to think multiple layers of security is a bad thing and even more foolish to think it cannot happen to you.

There is a huge thread in Account issues, where lots of people were hacked even taking every precaution(2factor,authenticator)

I am sorry you feel I am bashing someones Ideas, rather I do not agree with them. But plain and simple it is the responsibility of the user to protect their own stuff. I got my account hacked once from wow in the 12 years I been playing online games and that was in due part to me letting a friend use my computer and him doing stupid things. Like another poster had happen to him. Would an extra layer of security have stopped that? No. although it was my responsibility to make sure my friend was not doing something un-warranted on my computer and I didn’t, therefore I paid the price. You live and you learn, since then I have never been hacked or had my account stolen form me, because I make sure not to put my self in situations like so.

I can show you countless sites on the web that have people saying their computers got hacked and they never do anything they only check their email and that is it. When in the end 99.9% of people that have information stolen form their computer regardless of what they say is because they were careless, like my self and the other poster.

It is not foolish to think it wont happen to me when I am the one that over see’s and watches what happens on my computer. Ergo I know I will not be hacked cause ergo I do not leave my self open to be hacked. No matter how many walls or layers of security one has or a company puts up for you, the stupidity of people or the carelessness of people will shatter them before they can be effective.

So when you have a user that constantly puts his or her computer at risk what good is having 10 layers of security? Are you saying it is not the responsibility of the user and it is of the gaming company’s to make sure they put 100 layers of security up cause Player A can’t be responsible enough to not put his computer at risk? Tell me at what time is it the Users responsibility and not the gaming companies ?

Seriously that is like buying a 2 million dollar home and 100k worth of electronics for your home and leaving the door open with a sign saying I purchased $100,000.00 worth of stuff come steal it then buy a home security system, then get robbed and blame the security company for not doing their job. When in fact it was the home owner that left his door open and announced he had stuff and to come steal it. If you ask me it is Absurd to defend such type of people for being lazy, the world today likes to be kind to the lazy, stupid, and irresponsible when in truth we should be telling them how it is regardless of it being harsh or not.

(edited by Kaimick.5109)