(edited by Lt Latency.7415)
Better Condition Gear plz
In the dual attribute sections, you could choose to have Ravaging or Lingering gear. And in the triple attribute sections, you could choose to have Carrion or Rabid gear. These all have Condition damage as their “Main” stat.
Um… perhaps you could clarify what you meant by “stats you don’t want”?
Try Carrion gear.
+Condition Damage, +Power, +Vitality
At level 80 full exotic, I have 1423 condition damage, 1709 power and 1981 vitality.
Carrion is, in my opinion, the best Condition gear out there. Condition Damage is it’s primary stat, so you get a lot of it, but by having power it also means you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. Furthermore, any condition build needs vitality or toughness in my opinion, because conditions deal damage over time, you must be able to live long enough for your opponents to take sufficient damage.
I like Vitality best, because conditions ignore Toughness, meaning a condition build stacking toughness loses to a condition build stacking vitality by sheer virtue of having 10k~ HP less.
And condition damage is actually more potent at lower levels. It scales terribly, and is far less effective when you reach the high-end exotic level. It does feel like the game doesn’t want anyone making a con. dmg. reliant build, and rather it be an after thought.
The thing I don’t like the most. Is not having a crafted magic find set with condition damage it.
So Instead of
+Power + precision + MF
There is no
+con + precision + MF
Ravager and Carrion seem ok, But would it be better if it was
+ con + prec + vit
I play a confusion Messmer. So almost all my damage comes from me spamming abilities that cause confusion so I don’t need power to much
(edited by Lt Latency.7415)
Carrion works great if you do straight-up conditions and don’t rely on crit-based procs.
However, if a majority of your conditions activate based on your critical attacks, then Rabid and Rampager are suitable alternatives. Rabid can at least give you some survivability with the added Toughness (at the cost of Power), while Rampager is more glass cannon-ish.
Currently, Rabid gear cannot be crafted. It must be purchased from dungeon vendors, karma vendors, or found as a drop.
Based on some moderate experience with condition builds, the only time I would get bent out of shape about it is when I have to destroy siege and destructible objects, since conditions do not affect them right now. Other than that, I wouldn’t mind condition builds, as long you do more than one condition to the enemy. Personally, I find playing condition builds to be fun and interesting.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
Carrion works great if you do straight-up conditions and don’t rely on crit-based procs.
However, if a majority of your conditions activate based on your critical attacks, then Rabid and Rampager are suitable alternatives. Rabid can at least give you some survivability with the added Toughness (at the cost of Power), while Rampager is more glass cannon-ish.
Currently, Rabid gear cannot be crafted. It must be purchased from dungeon vendors, karma vendors, or found as a drop.
Based on some moderate experience with condition builds, the only time I would get bent out of shape about it is when I have to destroy siege and destructible objects, since conditions do not affect them right now. Other than that, I wouldn’t mind condition builds, as long you do more than one condition to the enemy. Personally, I find playing condition builds to be fun and interesting.
I know there is some good condition gear but why can’t you get it before end game. It’s there in final sets but there is no weaker versions of it that are easy to get.
I doubt people would be happy, If they start swapping out stats for condition damage on their power gear.
It the same for people who play condition
That might be a little bit of a bind, since the only MF gear with condition on it is the Mad King’s stuff, which will only go up in price the further away from Halloween we get.
Perhaps you could just focus on getting non MF condition gear, then investing money/time into getting 5 Superior Pirate and 1 Traveler’s runes?
I know there is some good condition gear but why can’t you get it before end game. It’s there in final sets but there is no weaker versions of it that are easy to get.
What about Ravaging Gear? That is the dual attribute condition damage gear. It is +Condition +precision.
(edited by DigitalKirin.9714)
I find using Rabid gear (prec/tough/cond) w/ crit proc sigils and Undead runes to work quite well. I have no use for power, and toughness is always a good thing.
Also, this is from a Necromancer point-of-view. If you don’t have much synergy with crit procs in your traits, you might benefit with the other condition gear.
Power + Condition + MF gear would be “Traveler’s” prefix. In essence, Mad King’s sets would be equivalent to Errol’s, Jatoro’s, and Yakkington’s exotics in both stats and looks.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
I am pretty sure ravaging stops once you get to higher levels and becomes rampagin.
Which is con prec and power.
I could be wrong i will go check the ah, if I can buy green ravaging I will be happy
To understand if you play a power toon pick the gear you have now, Look at one of those stats and change it to conditions. You stats go from ones you like to Why do I have con damage on these.
Ah ha, yes, Traveler’s would be the correct prefix, thank you.
It’s good to see that Mad King’s, Errol’s, Jatoro’s, etc. are essentially Traveler’s gear, though, as that means that it’s really just semantics between saying Traveler’s and any of the other gear.
If you’re a Necro I would go with Rabid gear because you already have a high vit pool and if you’re running a condition build you already have multiple ways to dump/transfer your conditions. so you shouldn’t even need to worry about them killing you.
Any way long story short, The condition gear from 60-pre orange has awful stats and no magic find.
This would be easy to fix, Just add a few more emblems that are made from a combination of crafting gear.
Say for gear that is
+ con + precision + MF
You need 4 venom sacks and 4 fangs. instead of 8 of one.
I wouldn’t say awful, they’re just not the stats you’re looking for.
However, fear not! Don’t worry about a few percent points of MF. Instead, eat MF food, and enjoy your run up to level 80. Then build an Magic Find set that you will enjoy. o_o)-b
If you’re a Necro I would go with Rabid gear because you already have a high vit pool and if you’re running a condition build you already have multiple ways to dump/transfer your conditions. so you shouldn’t even need to worry about them killing you.
is rabid a type of armour.
I checked that ah and there is no rabid only seals
If you’re a Necro I would go with Rabid gear because you already have a high vit pool and if you’re running a condition build you already have multiple ways to dump/transfer your conditions. so you shouldn’t even need to worry about them killing you.
is rabid a type of armour.
I checked that ah and there is no rabid only seals
It’s a stat description prefix, but the only lv. 80 Rabid-type armor is from dungeons or dropped and karma, I believe.
I wouldn’t say awful, they’re just not the stats you’re looking for.
However, fear not! Don’t worry about a few percent points of MF. Instead, eat MF food, and enjoy your run up to level 80. Then build an Magic Find set that you will enjoy. o_o)-b
Well for mesmer it hard.
I would say screw and just go power build, But all our AoEs are condition based and we can’t tag large group of enemies as power build. We need to use the staff.
Then with condition build we can’t get stats for it and get no magic find.
I know it’s not a huge deal, But have magic find at least for both types of damage would be a improvement IMO.
I’m not necessarily saying go with a power build, I’m just suggesting that if you want condition damage, that you not worry about MF until you hit level 80.
If you absolutely must have MF, perhaps look at the gems and seals you can add to armor, and eat MF food.
Sorry, by Rabid gear I mean +condition + precision +toughness. Condtion damage is the major stat and precision and toughness are the minor.