Better controls

Better controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Hi i’m a relatively new GW2 player and it’s awesome. However there is a major crack on this diamond – the controls. Guild Wars 2 is epic because it takes so much of old MMORPG garbage and makes it fun, meaningful and not a chore.

But the first thing that greets a first time player is a fist in the face in form of horribly stale controls. By that i mean viewing/turning mechanics. It almost feels like i’m playing one of earlier Resisdent Evil games. Ofc that’s partially on my side, as i use touchpad not mouse, but still this can be done way better. Just take a look at how Vindictus did it.

Turning around and rotating view should be instantenous, intuitive, and always accessible. Because in combat you need to see what’s going on around you and turn immediatly to face the thread. Also the ability to move around while attacking loses alot witout simple and responsive controls for that.

Better controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patu.9827


Turning, which I think is best, is with right mouse button. Its fast, accurate, i have found it good. Edit: sorry, i looked your post again, and i saw that you dont use a mouse. But i suggest, if its possebly, to use it Sorry i dont have betters suggestions and Sorry my bad English.

But its too bad, right click also pick up target. I think this could be a problem when using touchbad also.

Vaka Patu – Warrior – [TLA]

(edited by Patu.9827)