Better guild management tools, please

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solefald.8751


Dear Team,

Since I started to operate as a guild leader recently, I have ever raising concerns about the guild management system, implemented in Guild Wars 2. To say the least, the tools that are available to manage guild members, track and control guild bank deposits and member activity are outdated, or straight up useless.
I hereby wish to list these concerns to raise awareness, in hopes of future fixes. The list goes as follows:

Problem #1: The game does not offer any kind of method to track the last login times of the guild members, wich causes the leaders to suffer greatly when they wish to root out inactive members.

Suggestion: On the guild panel, where the members are listed, make a column with the last login date next to every guild member’s name.

Problem #2: Informing guild members about basicly anything is near impossible. The guild message of the day is only visible when people actually take that precious 2 seconds of their time to open the guild panel after every login. Wich they don’t. Because they are lazy.

Suggestion: Make guild message of the day appear after every login in the player’s chat window.

So some response would be nice, what can we expect and what not. And people if you also found this system unmanagable please post some positive feedback, also enlighten me if I’m wrong in something.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinuviel.4369



I agree with the above probelms/suggestions, and this is just 1 of the many many many many problem in the game.
Any kinda response also would be good. Not just w8 and hope for something to happen.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: kriminal.5012


hmm what id also like to see is that you can actualy edit the current message of the day, and not retype it all over again.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


So, this has been suggested before, and I will once again say that I’d support this idea.. however, one change I’d like to see made is instead of a last login time, a last represented time would be better which would account for login time as well(because if they’re not online, they’re not representing).

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rahvun.4729


Please fix this soon.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noja.4571


I support this idea. My only hope is that I hope the devs take there time to read these suggestions as they are good information to improve the games quality.

The guild system is unique, but it is lacking in important areas that you pointed out.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


Good suggestions. The bird likes them!

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimby.5970


Good suggestion, it would make the guild more efficiënt. However not really a high prio for me :-)

Ruins of Surmia
Godless Crimbz, level 80, Charr, Warrior
God Crimbz, level 80, Sylvari, Mesmer

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


I like these ideas, and as callidus pointed out, last rep time would be even better than last login time.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pumillion.2519


As a guild leader of eMoa I strongly approve. Also make the treasure vault and deep cave seperate permissions. And actually edit the motd instead of retyping evrything when you edit it.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


Good luck. I lead a large guild and have been asking for these features since day one. I have given up at this point.

Here is my suggestion: Make a guild website and make signing up mandatory. Sure, some members will hate you for it and will leave your guild, but at least you will be able to keep track of some basic information about your guild members.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElixireL.5190


Tracking log-in times isn’t going to happen for privacy concerns. Tracking times when member is representing is all you should need?

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rei Hino.5961

Rei Hino.5961

well the solution for 2 would get spammy though if they was in multiple guilds though. Anyone that have been on second life witch allows you to be in multiple groups could see that. and if it only show the guild they have set for represent would miss your message so your solution for 2 cancels itself out

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


Tracking log-in times isn’t going to happen for privacy concerns. Tracking times when member is representing is all you should need?

Privacy concerns? Really? How is this a privacy concern issue at all. I can add anyone I want to my contact list, without them knowing about it, and track how often they are online…this is not in the least a privacy concern, if it were, MANY other MMO’s would be in trouble for this. Twitter, Facebook, and the rest of those stupid social sites would be getting sued as well.

This is a non-issue.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


And how about a guild hall??? mmm….

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


I have seen these asked for in this game over and over again. Why is ANEt not listening?

Guild Suggestions:
-Ability to send Guild Wide Mail
-Ability to send Officer Mail
-A Chat channel for Guild officers
-a Log in or log off indication in guild chat of members
-Message of the day being auto posted in guild chat upon log in.
-A last log in time for guild members in roster
-List of other guilds your members are representing or members of.

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


Agree on all those.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: UZI.4836


Oh, god, please make these changes! It would make the gaming so much more enjoyable. I won’t say things like “oh, these are easy to do” and such — I don’t know how complicated it is to make changes like this. I just REALLY hope, ArenaNet will make this happen.

And yeah, I accept the fact that last represented time would be better.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokenserenity.4638


They have last time logged into game on gw1 so why they didnt add it to gw2 is a mystery, then again i’d have been happy if they just added everything from gw1’s guild panel alongside any new additions but it would seem that like many other features gw1 had it didnt make the transition for some reason or other(guildhalls i can understand them not implimenting yet as they probably want to figure out a way to make them cooler than gw1’s halls), the lack of guild v’s guild is the biggest issue though as the game is called guild wars yet there are none.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pumillion.2519


They have last time logged into game on gw1 so why they didnt add it to gw2 is a mystery, then again i’d have been happy if they just added everything from gw1’s guild panel alongside any new additions but it would seem that like many other features gw1 had it didnt make the transition for some reason or other(guildhalls i can understand them not implimenting yet as they probably want to figure out a way to make them cooler than gw1’s halls), the lack of guild v’s guild is the biggest issue though as the game is called guild wars yet there are none.

Totally agree but gw2 is not made the same way as gw1 is so you can’t really just copy things but yeah im 100% sure that there are possible solutions for the guild panel. Also ive read some interview with izzy that they will probably not add gvg in the game but i could be wrong about this cause izzy said that these game modes (gvg and ha) did not make gw2 because they didnt want to have too many gamemodes due to balancing reasons. But I still hope they will add GvG in GUILD WARS 2 or they could just rename the game

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uraina Sun.7891

Uraina Sun.7891

I agree. We loved the log time. I would love the message of the day to be loaded in chat like in guild wars 1. I would really LOVE MY GUILD CAPE AND ALLIANCE BACK!!!!! now our old alliance is all over cant really game with them as much like you said. i hate being in multiple guilds. i would rather be in the alliance bring it back!

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: UZI.4836


I agree. We loved the log time. I would love the message of the day to be loaded in chat like in guild wars 1. I would really LOVE MY GUILD CAPE AND ALLIANCE BACK!!!!! now our old alliance is all over cant really game with them as much like you said. i hate being in multiple guilds. i would rather be in the alliance bring it back!

Actually I don’t have much of an idea about how GW1 handled these things. I just want this game to finally work as intended…. since I bought it. :\ So many things still missing, but this guid system is actually rotting the very core of every community based game: the community itself. Seriously, the fact that these issues still stand, it’s like… if I bought a car without wheels, only whit the promise that later on I will get those wheels eventually. Problem is, that if Anet can not, or does not want to fix these problems REALLY soon, then it – in my humble oppinion – endangers the mere existence of the player base, wich they’d like to build upon future expansion packs. Please, ArenaNet, get on with this… I don’t want to just stand and watch this game die because of this.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I agree with most of your points bar 3, also since day 1, it really is not good enough that guilds have not been looked at since release :/

-A Chat channel for Guild officers

Honestly if your guild is large and active enough that you need to have private discussions like this they your guild needs to invest in a Teamspeak, Ventrilo or Mumble server and pronto. No real need to go through the hassle of designing some awkward system like this, IMO.

-Message of the day being auto posted in guild chat upon log in.

Might be a bit messy if players have more than 1 guild, or if the message only shows for the guild being represented then chances are the message will be missed unless they are the type of player that looks at it normally.

-List of other guilds your members are representing or members of.

NO, just no. It is not anyone elses business what guilds people are in. If you don’t trust your members, get rid of them. This will only add more drama to certain guilds. “Oh you are helping [XxX], you can’t be in our guild if you are with them” etc. Not a chance this would be received well by players.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


Nothing yet? This makes me sad. Come Anet, this is good stuff.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monkeyy.2709


A system like the browser based Tribalwars has would be fine. A small coloured circle – Green is online in last 3 days, orange is offline for more than 3 days and red is offline for over a week.

Dates could be adjusted but this would work fine hopefully without polling too much.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


Good idea that one. And simple.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExCode.6370


What I think would be useful (including some of the above suggestions):

- Last login date
- Be able to edit the MOTD rather than have to start over. Mostly because I put website and VoIP info here in addition to a “real” MOTD. I hate to retype or copy/paste from another file. I’d care less if (next suggestion)
- Separate guild information tab/box of some sort to display VoIP info, website address, etc.
- MOTD output to user’s chat window when logged in
- Treasure Trove/Deep Cave should have separate permissions
- Be able to hover over anyone’s name and see all of their character names. Sometimes I forget who someone is when they’re offline by their account name.

Stef – Guild Leader of Revel [REV] – Blackgate

(edited by ExCode.6370)

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dream.4918


Im just offering my support for this post, I think the problems and suggestions at the top are great ideas.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: girlvsmmo.4631


I’d just like the ability to add nicknames to the guild roster. I have a bunch of alt addicts in my guild and often times they don’t follow the same naming conventions for all their characters. It would be nice if I could just add a nickname next to their character name so I know who they are at a glance, especially when they log in with a new alt.

Alexis Nyght | Thief | Sanctum of Rall
Kamikaze Runners [KR] – because walking to your death just isn’t as fun

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Damarus.5938


Dear Team,

Since I started to operate as a guild leader recently, I have ever raising concerns about the guild management system, implemented in Guild Wars 2. To say the least, the tools that are available to manage guild members, track and control guild bank deposits and member activity are outdated, or straight up useless.
I hereby wish to list these concerns to raise awareness, in hopes of future fixes. The list goes as follows:

Problem #1: The game does not offer any kind of method to track the last login times of the guild members, wich causes the leaders to suffer greatly when they wish to root out inactive members.

Suggestion: On the guild panel, where the members are listed, make a column with the last login date next to every guild member’s name.

Problem #2: Informing guild members about basicly anything is near impossible. The guild message of the day is only visible when people actually take that precious 2 seconds of their time to open the guild panel after every login. Wich they don’t. Because they are lazy.

Suggestion: Make guild message of the day appear after every login in the player’s chat window.

So some response would be nice, what can we expect and what not. And people if you also found this system unmanagable please post some positive feedback, also enlighten me if I’m wrong in something.

Nice work! I agree on both problems and solutions. Furthermore, I would even take on to the second problem that managing the guild message is a pain, as every time you attempt to change the message, it does not show the previously saved text so you type the message from scratch. I’ve grown accustom to just keeping a notepad file that I edit and then copy/paste. But really, both are very true, and very standard.

One small note though – what’s with the title? This seems like a massive cry for a small wolf

Member of Knights Templar [KT] –

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Just posting my agreement!

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


My suggestions to Guild Wars 2 – Guild System are as followed:

1) Message Of The Day from all guilds should be visible at the same time in Guild panel.
2) Message Of The Day box need improvements and features which allows you to move it and see everything you’ve written at once.
3) Last login on members should be visible as you and others have suggested as well.
4) No Influence earned by non-representative members should be changed so that they provide you with at least some amount of influence.

Xifix | Thief

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razorblades.8136


These are all fantastic additions to the guild system and I honestly think anet should look into them. I mean with a game like “GUILD war 2” one would think that the guilds would be superb but, some of the limitations are, for the lack of a better word, sad. I am definitely in agreement with this thread!
Please work on it Anet!

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: HappyWulf.9671


+1 for problem #1! Pleeeease we need a Last Seen Online tab!

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nadakuu.6827


Dear Team,

Since I started to operate as a guild leader recently, I have ever raising concerns about the guild management system, implemented in Guild Wars 2. To say the least, the tools that are available to manage guild members, track and control guild bank deposits and member activity are outdated, or straight up useless.
I hereby wish to list these concerns to raise awareness, in hopes of future fixes. The list goes as follows:

Problem #1: The game does not offer any kind of method to track the last login times of the guild members, wich causes the leaders to suffer greatly when they wish to root out inactive members.

Suggestion: On the guild panel, where the members are listed, make a column with the last login date next to every guild member’s name.

Problem #2: Informing guild members about basicly anything is near impossible. The guild message of the day is only visible when people actually take that precious 2 seconds of their time to open the guild panel after every login. Wich they don’t. Because they are lazy.

Suggestion: Make guild message of the day appear after every login in the player’s chat window.

So some response would be nice, what can we expect and what not. And people if you also found this system unmanagable please post some positive feedback, also enlighten me if I’m wrong in something.

I agree that there should be a last login check for users. Being a guild leader , i find i spend too much time and resources(ie my officers) taking attendance of who is where and when.

As for the guild message, i see a secondary problem with it. It is too short!
Yes it should display to members when they log in, but what i would love to see is an implementation of a guild bbs, maybe as an upgrade even as currently there is no reason to get politics lvl 5.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awlbiste.1803


I’ve agreed with and +1’d nearly every single thread like this but there never seems to be any response.

Awlbie – All Out Assault [AoA] Division Second – Stormbluff Isle

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


I have to agree with Awlbiste here. I have yet to see an Anet response to this, despite how obviously popular guild management suggestions are.

Comon guys, we would really like to see some of these changed implemented.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: kiwipearls.5237


I agree that there needs to be more features for Guilds.

1/ Member notes and Officer notes. I like to log down the dates when a member joined. And member notes for members to leave us messages. ie Gone on holiday

2/ Representation – maybe this could be presented as a percentage – ie so and so has represented the guild 80% – and display the last time they represented

3/ In game recruitment – like in WOW and Eq2

4/ When doing guild events ie pve/pvp – allow the guild leaders to force people to represent the guild.

Oh and I think socially the ability to see all guild chats for the guilds you are a member off (in diff tabs/or colours) even when not representing would help. This is the reason I am not in other guilds.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solefald.8751


Oh our topic magicaly changed title, well at least they saw it….they must be busy answering questions like: How do I sell my things? And other VERY VERY important questions.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: UZI.4836


Oh our topic magicaly changed title, well at least they saw it….they must be busy answering questions like: How do I sell my things? And other VERY VERY important questions.

Well I only hope that this means they’ve at least read the opening post.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: UZI.4836


So… it’s been 21 days and… well… I just want to point out, that ANY answer regarding this thread would’ve been nice.
If you guys’d say that “no, it’s not gonna be done, stop asking for it, gash!”, even that would be fine… I just…
Never mind…

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailey.6892


I agree that the guild system needs major work.

And the following that Azulia posted I really agree with.

Ability to send Guild Wide Mail
-Ability to send Officer Mail
-A Chat channel for Guild officers
-a Log in or log off indication in guild chat of members
-Message of the day being auto posted in guild chat upon log in.
-A last log in time for guild members in roster
-List of other guilds your members are representing or members of.

I would also like to see in the guild panel any item the guild has claimed in wvw, and what borderland it is in.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bailey.6892


And up 89101112131415

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crowsight.8927


Yep. I just outlined problems with the vault in a post a few minutes ago – glad to see people clamoring for this.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

Absolutely support this +1

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pantsdragon.5703


+1 Do it do it do it.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elquin.9016


+1 This really needs to be addressed. Especially the last login and last represented.

Guild Leader – Stonewall Vanguard
GLBTA / PvX Community.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stark.1350


I agree with all of this.

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avenge.1478


Last logged on/Last seen

That is all.

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

Better guild management tools, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


My list:

1. Last Represented. I don’t care how often my members log in. I want to know how long they’ve been away from the guild.

2. editable MoTD

3. Bulk Mailing according to tag (i.e. all officers, all members, all recruits, etc.)

4. MoTD to pop up in chat every time you either log in, or if you’re not representing, upon representing the guild.

5. A “notes” column to be able to tag “On vacation” or “computer down” or whatnot so as not to get kicked for non-participation

6. a chat pop-up when members either log in or start representing

7. (I heard it said somewhere that this is a future possibility) A Guild Hall

8. Actual GvG

9. A “guild search” tool to see if there is a guild named [whatever]

10. (personal wish alert) In-game guild calendar – it would only have to be for a week ahead so those who do not go to the website can see upcoming events… but I know this is just a dream, so…

Level 80 Elementalist