Better informed consumers!
I live in the region they sell the game, but the 1 time events all happen when im asleep because of my work schedule. They need to get rid of 1 time only events at only certain times. It really is no fun I missed out and others missed out on the an Halloween event, even if it was a cutscene and this event to get a free 20 slot bag.
i was just wondering why would they sell it as an international product then proceed to launch these one time events that obviously would not be able to accommodate players across the globe, cant figure out whats in their head.. or maybe it wasnt meant to be international to begin with?
They picked the time that the highest concurrence. If that time had been a time that was better suited for Oceanic players they would have done that time and not 12 pm PST.
We don’t know yet if they will look again at concurrence when planning future events and adjust based on changing player base or not. So this is a bit too much with too little evidence.
But ANY time will be a bad time for someone. No matter what time they pick, there will be complaints by people that they can’t get on at that time. So ArenaNet picked the time that the highest % of people were on and used that as the time to have the event.
I wished Anet had a little note on game product that warns potential buyers that even though the game is sold to oceanic regions, however the monthly events occur right in the middle of oceanic sleeptime!
It’s like they don’t even realise there are different timezones in the world. I have this image of someone sitting there thinking whatever time it is in North America is a “great” time for everyone else as well, even though the later you go on a North American Sunday, some Oceanic people are already up and at work on their MONDAY.
They picked the time that the highest concurrence. If that time had been a time that was better suited for Oceanic players they would have done that time and not 12 pm PST.
The problem is not when they schedule the one time event. Someone is always going to miss out.
The problem is that they thought that a one time event was a good idea, despite the fact that people would be forced to miss out. Then, to compound things, they added a reward.
And not just a reward, but a fairly substantial reward. Forget the exotics and most of the stuff, I would have loved to get a 20 slot bag and save 2 gold in the process…!
Yeah rewards for 1 time events are bad. They should have thought up a better system.
The idea is that one-time events are bound to miss out one side of the globe. Dont sell a product globally if you are gona do that, or atleast give a warning. OR- atleast make it occur twice.