Black Lion Weapons the same price

Black Lion Weapons the same price

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Anet can you make Black Lion Weapons in the vendor the same cost the in Black Lion Tickets?

For example 4 tickets each for any weapon.

Black Lion Weapons the same price

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Would make more sense if they were all the same price, IMO.

I don’t know why they feel some need to be more expensive and some less. They’re ALL super-expensive, so why would any need to be even moreso?

Its just artificially inflating the price / rarity of certain items over others, which I don’t feel is the right way to go about it. The price of weapons (on the TP) should be dependent purely on popularity of the skin itself, not raised or lowered based on how many tickets they cost.