Blocking a commander

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Blocking a commander should make his commander icons invisible to you. I want to block every commander I come across.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


As a commander, I’ve to ask… why?

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idgarad.6105


How about the ability to toggle it off so I don’t have people following me all the kitten time? Nothing like a cross-realm spy knowing EXACTLY where the commanders are on the battlefield…

“No Mercy for the Panda Kids. We don’t want you. We don’t need you.”

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I see no use for them, especially on PVE maps, where they are just cluttering the screen with their commander icons.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parthis.2091


As a commander, I’ve to ask… why?

Because most of them are woeful at strategy, average at PvP and are full of there own self-importance.

I really hate that Commander is bought with 100g. Anet really could have made this great; it could have been a political system like Tera, where commanders are limited to, say, 10 per server and need to be voted for. Or as part of the guild upgrade system. Or through the achievement system by completing a number of PvP-focused achievements…

and so on.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: JiaYow.9327


How about the ability to toggle it off so I don’t have people following me all the kitten time? Nothing like a cross-realm spy knowing EXACTLY where the commanders are on the battlefield…

I’m sorry this is off topic, but are you seriously saying that commanders can’t toggle their icon off? I mean, really?

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


How about the ability to toggle it off so I don’t have people following me all the kitten time? Nothing like a cross-realm spy knowing EXACTLY where the commanders are on the battlefield…

I’m sorry this is off topic, but are you seriously saying that commanders can’t toggle their icon off? I mean, really?

I think I saw somebody who has a commander icon without it turned on last night. I could be mistaken though.

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: FatFuzzy.2659


All the commanders on m yserver (Sorrowful furnace) just talk talk talk talk….know everything and pretty much just suk. Since you cant block ppl while ur in the wvw world I move to another map and then block them and come back. At least that way I don’t have to see kids freaking out cuz they’re a COMMANDER. God, i soooooooooo wanna be a COMMANDER TOO

LvL 80 Thief “Axxeman”
Sorrow’s Furnace
Planet Earth

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genev.2450


Commanders can toggle their stuff.
Our Commander does it on and off if he wants to have pure coordinated guild runs instead of having all the pugs follow us, or if we have several commanders on the same map

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: aramina.2591


We have a commander in our guild, and there have been several times when he toggles off the icon, because we’re just strategizing with siege weaponry and don’t want a huge crowd of random people. Hilariously, you can turn the icon on in PvE areas, which is great because people start freaking out.

Aramina Eventide, Engineer
UV, Borlis Pass

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gradius.1462


As a commander I have a few things to add to this discussion. I use the commander ability for both WvW & PvE. Let me explain how and why it works very well in both situations.

PvE – I’m on Tarnished Coast which is the “unofficial” RP server. Using the commander ability I run RP Roaming Events. I enter an area with my guild mates, make an announcement in /map chat about our event, and toggle Commander on. The turnout is amazing for these events and they are great for keeping players immersed in the game world. I try to stay near event hotspots to keep people in the action as much as possible. We explore, kill, and most of all, create “meta” events when there are no real events going. These have been hugely successful and feedback has been great!

WvW – There are some pretty common misconceptions about what the Commander ability is used for here. The Commander is a squad commander, not an army commander. It’s fairly rare (comparatively speaking) that you see me chat in /team unless I’m coordinating with other leaders/commanders. For the most part I use /say or /squad to speak to those near me. Since I play on an RP server, for the most part I usually yell things like “Charge!” or “Keep AoE on those walls, soldiers!” I do these things while planning strategy with those that will listen.

To me, the Commander ability is full of use, at least from an RP/RPPvP perspective. But it does come with a lot of trolling as well. There is a lot of “He paid 100g to feel important” or “He’s a botter, it’s impossible to have 100g already!” going around and that’s just not fun at all and i try to ignore it. I only use the ability when I feel that it can make a difference, when I’m running with my guild in WvW, or when I’m running an RP event in PvE.

Not all commanders are bad

Lord Gradius Nashar || The Chosen [CHSN] || Tarnished Coast

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


“He’s a botter, it’s impossible to have 100g already!”… lol


Money isn’t an obstacle to me. 32,000 gems isn’t an obstacle to convert into 100g. It’s some $500. Big whoop. I spend more than that taking my wife out to dinner.

I saw it as necessary to help my guild and our new alliance to coordinate in WvW. That said, yes it can be toggled off, and I do so when not in WvW.

That said, I am not a “server/army” commander as cited by Gradius. I lead the Hakaishin, and I help lead the Sorrow’s Revenge alliance of 6 (current) guilds in WvW. Commander status has and will help facilitate that for us.

Those who have it on in Lion’s Arch is a bit laughable, obviously just kitten stroking their kitten. I would rather avoid the hassle and only have it on when it is needed to avoid the headache. I’ve enough to deal with in my guild and our budding alliance. Drama is not what I’m after as a Commander.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mif.3471


On a similar note, I’d like it if commander icon wouldn’t appear on the map in PVE zones, because I’m sick and tired of the endless /map trollfest every time a commander is in town.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smitten.3076


Money isn’t an obstacle to me. 32,000 gems isn’t an obstacle to convert into 100g. It’s some $500. Big whoop. I spend more than that taking my wife out to dinner.

obviously just kitten stroking their kitten.

The irony , OH the irony.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


Money isn’t an obstacle to me. 32,000 gems isn’t an obstacle to convert into 100g. It’s some $500. Big whoop. I spend more than that taking my wife out to dinner.

obviously just kitten stroking their kitten.

The irony , OH the irony.

My kitten enjoys when I stroke it. Purrs even. Especially when I scratch behind its ear.

But kittens stroking kittens? Blasphemy.

On a more serious note however, only proof that the idea of anyone with Commander is a botter is asinine. Some people simply need it beaten into them.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

(edited by Enerjak.2475)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick.3926


Commanders can toggle their stuff.
Our Commander does it on and off if he wants to have pure coordinated guild runs instead of having all the pugs follow us, or if we have several commanders on the same map

Yeah, commanders already can toggle it on and off.
I know a commander on my server that toggled it off after he discovered he was being tracked by a cross server spy.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galanath.5784


Call me a noob, but I just recently realized that commander icons appear above a player who had enough gold to buy the commander book. I thought it was a dynamic event commander in need of aid (since the first commander icon I saw was “Commander Pendingdoom” on the Cursed Shore map in PvE).

I ran over to help the commander who was “supposedly” pending doom…only to find out it was another player whose character’s name was Pendingdoom…LOL!

Later, I was in WvW and saw Commander Pendingdoom, and thought, “you can’t trick me this time Mr. Doom! I will freeroam and get pwnd on my own, thank you!”

The only reason I can see for a commander icon to be allowed to show in PvE is for the reason Graduis stated; to “run RP Roaming Events”.

If you have a commander title, please turn it off in PvE unless you are planning a server/zone event. It throws off the noobs. =P

Dizz – Asura Thief | Galanath – Human Guardian
Representing Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raffie.7865


put this thread in Suggestions. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


I think OP is just extremely jealous because he has no special icon on the map.

Chill the kitten out and don’t get mad over pointless stuff please

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yoda.9428


Yeah I will have to agree, the commander sytem is mostly negative. It seems commander status is problematic in itself whereby the consensus is a authority figure dictating the scenario in WvW. The responsability of a server figure head should not be bought and a true deomcratic process should advance the right candidate. Perhaps mentioned above, the elected candidate should get the title of commander and not a player with deep pockets.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I think its a good idea to have the choice to ignore a commanders icon. It gets ‘messy’ when I want to follow the commander for my guild and there are 4 other icons floating around in WvW.
In PvE its just annoying and I have no interest in that particular person.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


I too wish to have the ability to block the so called "commanders" completely, no matter how much they paid for a shiny icon.

These people do not represent, nor command me.

Some of the most obnoxious I have blocked (still having to put up with their icons constantly cluttering the interface), some I do respect for having a good play style but even then rarely follow them, because there’s much else to do and my own group is already well commanded, some I tolerate for at least staying quiet, but I still don’t need to see their icons for that.

I wish to have an opt-in to display a particular commander in case I decide to follow him, or be commanded by him. Otherwise, get them out of my face.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


I too wish to have the ability to block the so called “commanders” completely, no matter how much they paid for a shiny icon.

These people do not represent, nor command me.

Some of the most obnoxious I have blocked (still having to put up with their icons constantly cluttering the interface), some I do respect for having a good play style but even then rarely follow them, because there’s much else to do and my own group is already well commanded, some I tolerate for at least staying quiet, but I still don’t need to see their icons for that.

I wish to have an opt-in to display a particular commander in case I decide to follow him, or be commanded by him. Otherwise, get them out of my face.

I got Commander to assist my guild alliance of 7 guilds to coordinate properly. A party is only 5, and when we’ve 50 people between us in WvW, not being able to see each other on the map or have a unified chat, the ability to see waypoints, etc is a pain in the kitten This has been instrumental in our ability to improve.

I didn’t get it to command you. I honestly don’t care about you. I turn off the icon outside of WvW because people self-inviting to my Squad is annoying given I only have the desire to accept members of my alliance or those few PUGs I let into our Vent.

Quite presumptuous you are about us. But by all means, block me too. One less self-righteous troll for me to bother with in my efforts to play with my alliance effectively.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


"I got Commander to assist my guild alliance of 7 guilds to coordinate properly. A party is only 5, and when we’ve 50 people blah blah blah... . One less self-righteous troll for me to bother with in my efforts to play with my alliance effectively. "

I’m not sure if you’re a moron or if you’re simply roleplaying one, so I will repeat that for you:

I. Do not. Care. About. You. Or. Your. So Called. Alliance.

I don’t play WvW for you, with you, or because of you.

I didn’t choose you to command me, or to command anything else in this game.

I don’t need to see you on my map.

Your entire reply has nothing to do with me asking to be able to to not see your icon constantly cluttering my map. I do not ask for the commander status to be removed from you. I ask for the ability to not see you, because your presence on the map has absolutely nothing to do with me. You’re one of the hundreds of players that are running around, no more, no less. I don’t need, from all of them, to see you, and specifically you across the entire map. It has zero information value to me and actually distracts me at times when I’m looking for a commander that I want to see and follow. From just the two of your posts I can easily tell you that you’re not one of those. I want you out of my map. You are free to stay on anyone else’s map if they wish to, but I don’t.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


“I got Commander to assist my guild alliance of 7 guilds to coordinate properly. A party is only 5, and when we’ve 50 people blah blah blah… . One less self-righteous troll for me to bother with in my efforts to play with my alliance effectively. "

I’m not sure if you’re a moron or if you’re simply roleplaying one, so I will repeat that for you:

I. Do not. Care. About. You. Or. Your. So Called. Alliance.

I don’t play WvW for you, with you, or because of you.

I didn’t choose you to command me, or to command anything else in this game.

I don’t need to see you on my map.

Your entire reply has nothing to do with me asking to be able to to not see your icon constantly cluttering my map. I do not ask for the commander status to be removed from you. I ask for the ability to not see you, because your presence on the map has absolutely nothing to do with me. You’re one of the hundreds of players that are running around, no more, no less. I don’t need, from all of them, to see you, and specifically you across the entire map. It has zero information value to me and actually distracts me at times when I’m looking for a commander that I want to see and follow. From just the two of your posts I can easily tell you that you’re not one of those. I want you out of my map. You are free to stay on anyone else’s map if they wish to, but I don’t.

As aforementioned, one less self-righteous moron for me to bother with. Go ahead and block me. An icon over my head strictly in WvW and never saying anything to you in game, no command given, etc etc etc is clearly ruining your experience in Guild Wars 2. You’re clearly upset.

1-10umadubad? Tell us how you really feel.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I’ve said it in a different topic. I’ll say it here again. Make the commander icon visible to the guild he represents and only the guild he represents. This icon was meant for organization with in WvW. But once you have multiple commander icons on the WvW map you will have more confusion then organization.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: gduber.9756


I’ve been wondering what that stupid blue thing on my map was and why I could not get rid of it.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


As aforementioned, one less self-righteous moron for me to bother with. Go ahead and block me. [tears...]

For the second time, your entire reply has nothing to do with me asking to be able to not see your icon constantly cluttering my map. Please, go away.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

(edited by Spaceman.1063)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dortmunder.9572


Most commanders are sitting in town 99% of the time.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


I’ve said it in a different topic. I’ll say it here again. Make the commander icon visible to the guild he represents and only the guild he represents. This icon was meant for organization with in WvW. But once you have multiple commander icons on the WvW map you will have more confusion then organization.

Unacceptable. I lead 7 different guilds in WvW. Only one guild would not be sufficient to perform in WvW.

However, to supplement that with constructive criticism...

Option 1: Only show it in WvW.

Option 2: Only show it to those you invite to your squad (that way anyone not in my squad doesn’t whine/bysch/moan about a tiny blue icon on a massive WvW map and we can still coordinate those we are responsible for without incident)

Option 3: Automatically hide the icon if you have less than 1 full party +1 person in your squad (that way you can still coordinate 2+ parties, but if only 1 party or 1 person, it won’t show at all).

Etc etc etc.

There are a million ways to make people stop whining. Unfortunately I disagree with your approach as it removes the entire point of the Squad Commander (the ability to coordinate multiple guilds). Such an idea would be utterly stupid and obviously comes from someone who not only doesn’t understand the option’s utility nor do they WvW on a regular basis.

Take your pick from one of the options I provided, which would satisfy the QQs, any combination of them, or create one of your own that doesn’t essentially remove Squad Commander from the game altogether.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

(edited by Enerjak.2475)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Commander, and Squads, are a valuable way to organize people for large meta events in higher level areas. Taking this away because some people don’t understand it is not a good idea. No.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Who is trying to take away what? Have you actually bothered reading OP’s two lines long post?

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

The two people directly above me, not the OP, have suggestions to remove commander from PvE, Spaceman. And they’re both bad suggestions.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Ok, that puts it into perspective, sorry for misunderstanding you.

Nevertheless - People in PVE have the same right not to be bothered by the self-proclaimed "commanders" as have the people in PVP (WvW). There is absolutely no reason to keep showing the commander icons to 99% of people present at any place, at any time.

Despite that, and despite the bug that commander icons travel with them into PVE areas, pretty much anyone I ever talked to wouldn’t mind it, if we were able to block them / turn them off. There is no need to remove anything, as long as there is a way to prevent them from annoying rest of the people that are also trying to enjoy this game. I would also welcome this to be a default, and not the other way around. But I can still manage, as long as I can at least turn them off.

I already have to put up with a "Storyline" marker constantly cluttering my map despite me not running storylines 99% of the time I play guild Wars 2.

Now, as more and more show-offs keep buying the commander icon, my map looks like a 1970’s disco ball. It’s distracting whenever I play WvW or PVE.

If they wish to "command" their group of friends or lead a personal roleplay event - I don’t mind. But don’t show it to me across the entire map.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I’ve said it in a different topic. I’ll say it here again. Make the commander icon visible to the guild he represents and only the guild he represents. This icon was meant for organization with in WvW. But once you have multiple commander icons on the WvW map you will have more confusion then organization.

Unacceptable. I lead 7 different guilds in WvW. Only one guild would not be sufficient to perform in WvW.

However, to supplement that with constructive criticism…

Option 1: Only show it in WvW.

Option 2: Only show it to those you invite to your squad (that way anyone not in my squad doesn’t whine/bysch/moan about a tiny blue icon on a massive WvW map and we can still coordinate those we are responsible for without incident)

Option 3: Automatically hide the icon if you have less than 1 full party 1 person in your squad (that way you can still coordinate 2 parties, but if only 1 party or 1 person, it won’t show at all).

Etc etc etc.

There are a million ways to make people stop whining. Unfortunately I disagree with your approach as it removes the entire point of the Squad Commander (the ability to coordinate multiple guilds). Such an idea would be utterly stupid and obviously comes from someone who not only doesn’t understand the option’s utility nor do they WvW on a regular basis.

Take your pick from one of the options I provided, which would satisfy the QQs, any combination of them, or create one of your own that doesn’t essentially remove Squad Commander from the game altogether.

First off, I never suggested to remove the commander option. Second, constructive criticism doesn’t involve insults, but we can go there. Third, you should never jump to assume you know someone. Personally I love WvW and think its great fun. I have spent countless hours enjoying that aspect of the game.

You say you lead 7 guilds. Is this 7 guilds all at once or at different times? Or is this just an example of you sending out a text of chat in /map to random people and assuming they are following your commands and that gives you the right to say you are leading them?

If you are leading these guilds at one at a time then my suggestion would stand. Let that guild you represent and only that guild see your icon.

If this is an alliance of guilds that you consider yourself the leader then I would suggest a guild option to select your map commander for each guild that is in the alliance. Which would also lead into a new guild function called alliance where numerous guilds would be part of a collective where as I stated could choose their map commander.

You are blind if you do not foresee the utter confusion that multiple commander icons on a WvW map will become a negative impact on that servers performance. The map chat alone would and will become worse with time and the amount of increasing commanders.

Furthermore your statement that one guild is not sufficient to perform in WvW is false. Even a small guild can gain points for their server. It does not require a commander of several guilds. Is it more effective to have multiple guilds attack various points of interest? Yes.

So to answer your question on which option of yours I would choose. None.

As a final thought on the subject I think it was a poor decision on Anet’s part that they make the commander book bought with gold. I could easily just say you are a gold buyer and support gold farming. I believe the commander option should have been a guild choice/option. Better yet, if my ideal of an alliance was with in the game it would be a choice of all the guilds. But as it stands it just shows you had the gold to become one.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rendition.1342


As a commander, I’ve to ask… why?

Because most of them are woeful at strategy, average at PvP and are full of there own self-importance.

I really hate that Commander is bought with 100g. Anet really could have made this great; it could have been a political system like Tera, where commanders are limited to, say, 10 per server and need to be voted for. Or as part of the guild upgrade system. Or through the achievement system by completing a number of PvP-focused achievements…

and so on.

Agreed, now ppl are just using the commander title to show off how wealthy they are, worse still, most of them are terrible at WvW.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Commander and squad system should be revised because for me they’re meant to be used as a guild tool, not a server one.
That said, I started to keep my icon in PvE too because:

1) squad isn’t only for WvWvW and you may have more than 5 guildies in the same area

2) I prefer to get used to trolls, envy players, etc. cause I would encounter them anyway, so I just laugh at them when they write in /say , /map chat and move on

One thing that people don’t seem to understand is that we DON’T care about you, we DON’T want you in squad, nor to command you.
And have your game experience ruined only because you see a blue icon shows that you haven’t better things to do.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firoz.4028


“One thing that people don’t seem to understand is that we DON’T care about you, we DON’T want you in squad, nor to command you.
And have your game experience ruined only because you see a blue icon shows that you haven’t better things to do.”


I am also a commander.
Buying this book was the best investment ever.
100g to have +100 people follow you and helping you to get fast karma and gold?

Spaceman, your posts are full of jealousy.
If you don’t like it, too bad for you. It’s helpful for 98% of the other gamers.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

To be fair, players should be able to choose whether or not to see a particular commander’s icon on the map. I think this is all the OP asked and suddenly we have half a dozen commanders here all wound up because someone doesn’t want to see their icon on their map.

One – Piken Square

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skugga.5298


The 100 gold – instant commander is just Bad.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Money isn’t an obstacle to me. 32,000 gems isn’t an obstacle to convert into 100g. It’s some $500. Big whoop. I spend more than that taking my wife out to dinner.

obviously just kitten stroking their kitten.

The irony , OH the irony.

Sir, your a genius ROFL!

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kana.6793


I think the idea was probably that big WvW guilds would be the ones with commanders. These guild know who their tacticians are. Everyone in the guild sends that guy some silver. There you have it, 100g.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnu.4178


100g to have +100 people follow you and helping you to get fast karma and gold?

Spaceman, your posts are full of jealousy.
If you don’t like it, too bad for you. It’s helpful for 98% of the other gamers.

Karma and gold! That’s what that whole commander thing is about, yes?

Seriously though – i support the suggestion to be able to toggle off commander icons on the map. So far none of you commanders (especially the butthurt ones totally missing the point) have presented any argument why this option should not be implemented in the game.

Constructiveness: First: give an option to toggle off ALL commanders. Second: give a whitelist where you can add commanders so they’re always shown on the map.

Now – tell me why this is such a bad idea.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sade.5860


I second the option to hide commander icons when players don’t want to see them.
But I’d also like to see the option the other way around.

We are just a small guild, so when doing WvW we focus on precision strikes instead of big zergs. I’m not a commander yet, because of the high cost.
Knowing that everyone on the map can see me freaks me out a bit tbh…
I don’t want to lead 50+ zergs O_o

Guild leader of Split Persona (Underworld)
- The cosiest guild around -

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


How about the ability to toggle it off so I don’t have people following me all the kitten time? Nothing like a cross-realm spy knowing EXACTLY where the commanders are on the battlefield…

Bump for good idea.

Allow people the option to ‘turn off’ commander mode personally.

As for the OP, yes you should be able to block commanders. Why?

What happens after this game has been out for 1-2 years and there are 30-40 people with the ‘commander’ buff just because they wanted to always have a zerg following them?

Mark my words, we’re going to have a bunch of people running around with the little icons on the map. And then it will be useless.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Mark my words, we’re going to have a bunch of people running around with the little icons on the map. And then it will be useless.

Don’t know about your server, but this is what we already have now. I can log into WvW at any time of day and find at minimum 3-4 commanders running around the map, during the most hilarious moments even few of them running side by side, patting each other on the back (yes, some even come from the same guild).

People, at least those new to WvW that didn’t yet learn to ignore them, confusingly run back and forth as two of the groups get close to each other, not mentioning four.

I’ve been talking to people who long thought the "commander" is a map specific high-value NPC you have to protect (actually had people split off my group *during a fight* for exactly that reason, as some random commander just logged in), I talked to a person who thought they are ANet employees roleplaying a WvW event, I’ve had a person thinking there is only one commander in the entire game, being some kind of superhero player and that "he heard that _the commander_ once killed 40 people at the same time".

1-2 years for 30-40 commanders on the map? More like a month from now.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aepervius.2701


I did not know what a commander was until my first run in a commander. I was thinking “why that guy is a commander he has no concept of strategy” (assaulting/zerging a tower near our main keep losing god knows how many siege golem due to other team player attack, leaving the tower unoccupied after reconquering it, not even caring to order upgrade or manning the wall, or repairing, so that enemy sneaked back in 5 minutes later and took it back).

now i know. Anybody can buy the title. They should maybe add a requirement that you have to buy it for pvp points in addition to gold, or be voted in.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eliandal.8735


Forget Commanders – I’d just like the ability to block anyone in Wv3 without having to leave and requeue again!

Cuthache | Ranger
Yak’s Bend!

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enerjak.2475


I never suggested to remove the commander.

You suggested removing its primary function, the ability for several guilds to coordinate to see each other on the map, see targets, a chat that isn’t cluttering /map or /team, etc, allows multi guilds to hit >1 target, move efficiently, etc.

Constructive criticism doesn’t involve insults.

True. If you take offense to simple words, then you are due apology.

You should never jump to assume you know someone.

The point remains valid. The very notion that you would remove a vital tool for multi-guild functionality is asinine.

Personally I love WvW and think its great fun.

Congratulations, it is a great game mode. I would hope it is enjoyed.

You say you lead 7 guilds. Is this 7 guilds all at once or at different times? Or is this just an example of you sending out a text of chat in /map to random people and assuming they are following your commands and that gives you the right to say you are leading them?

Valid question. We’re a 7 guild alliance that includes my own. We’ve a coordinated Vent, a facebook group to schedule events. Each guild is sovereign. As a Commander, I facilitate coordination of these guilds, functioning as a council, each week the “lead” vote rotates.

Hope that clarifies, and gives perspective. Your idea of Commander’s function would kill the ability for guilds to join together efficiently, removing a tool for us to be able to synchronize multi-target raids, work between maps, and slow down our mobilization (the result is herding cats).

If you are leading these guilds at one at a time then my suggestion would stand. Let that guild you represent and only that guild see your icon.

If this is an alliance of guilds then I would suggest a guild option to select your map commander for each guild. Would also lead into a new guild function where numerous guilds would be part of a collective where they choose a map commander.

Interesting, but not currently available.

You are blind if you do not foresee the utter confusion that multiple commander icons on a WvW map will become a negative impact on that servers performance.

The map chat alone would and will become worse with time and the amount of increasing commanders.

Option 2: Only show it to those you invite to your squad.

Already addressed.

Your statement that one guild is not sufficient to perform is false. A small guild can gain points for their server. Is it more effective to have multiple guilds attack various points of interest? Yes.

You answered that with your final note. A single guild can take a supply depot, might hold it for 5-10 minutes if they’re good.

If they’re a zerg guild, might even get a tower.

They can be of minor import and might even accomplish a +5/10 for the server.

That will not turn a tide in WvW. You have experience, you should know first hand.

The mindless zerg is easy to counter, and while it may even take Stonemist, they sacrifice the rest of the map.

We do not.

So to answer your question on which option of yours I would choose. None.

I would not choose yours, for the many reasons above.

I think it was a poor decision on Anet’s part that they make the commander book bought with gold.

This I agree with. I support another method.

I could easily just say you are a gold buyer and support gold farming.

In a way, I am. I gave ArenaNet $500, 32,000 gems. I exchanged the gems for gold.

I’m so evil, I support ArenaNet. They must be gold farmers, amirite?!

I believe the commander option should have been a guild choice/option.

I would support this IF ANet brought back Alliances in GW1, and the Commander was shared in the Alliance. You would have my vote.

Better yet, if my ideal of an alliance was with in the game it would be a choice of all the guilds. But as it stands it just shows you had the gold to become one.

Again, I agree with you IF they brought back the Alliances of GW1.

You were correct about the insults. I did my best to curb it.

My responses are in the spoilers.

Alcione Enerjak – Human Necromancer (Level 80)
Guild Leader – The Hakaishin [GODS] (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


now i know. Anybody can buy the title. They should maybe add a requirement that you have to buy it for pvp points in addition to gold, or be voted in.

OMG Awesome idea right here…

Commander voting system:

  • 0-50 votes, White Commander Icon
  • 51-150 votes, Blue Commander Icon
  • 151-1000 votes, Green Commander Icon
  • 1001-2500 votes, Yellow Commander Icon
  • 2501-5000 votes, Orange Commander Icon
  • 5000+ votes, Red Commander Icon

That way, you up/down vote based on overall perceived strategy of the commander and people can tell who’s just a plain dunce.

Of course there would have to be anti-grief voting rules in place…details though, details…