Blocking someone mutes Horn/Bell sounds.
Something does need to be done with this. There was someone in LA last night who purchased the horn just to annoy people. A comment was made that it was a nice use of 800 gems and their reply was “this is great i can annoy many people now”
I would like a /mute command added which would silence the person and make them invisible perhaps if enough people do it in a set period there would be some animation, however that may just encourage more to become griefers.
A thousand times this. I don’t WANT to turn off my effects volume just to get rid of the bell sound. I LIKE the game’s sound effects. I’ve encountered a grand total of one person using the bell for what it’s supposed to be used for (creating music) and she did a darn fine job of it! But everyone else just spams the highest note. That thing is horrible. I hear it for several seconds after tabbing out, like it’s ringing in my head. Sorry to whoever designed these things, but what did you think would happen?
It would be fine to mute horn/bell sounds from specific players when you block them. Some people play fine melodies. It’s just that some use it to be annoying, and so long as we can target them with a block, it’ll still maintain the value of the items.
It is one of the most amusing features in the game, do not change please.
I, as a professional horn player, find this “abusing” simply terrible but unfortunately you can’t talk or change the trolls mind.
It’s always been like that. The only way to fight a troll is either, report or pure ignore. They want attention and they shouldn’t get attention. Plus there are some people that are generally unfriendly all around the world. There definitely should be a /block or /ignore or /mute command.
P.S. For anyone who bought the horn or has the bell here’s a nice tune (it’s a more advanced one):
[Do][Re][Mi][Do][Re][Mi][Mi][Mi][Fa][Mi][Re][Decrease Octave][Te][Do][Increase Octave][Re][Decrease Octave][Te][Do][Increase Octave][Re][Re][Re][Mi][Re][Do]
I generally like the instruments, but for every person playing it the right way there are five trolls blowing the highest note. A character-based mute option would be much appreciated, especially if Anet plans to continue introducing instruments (which I hope they do).
So they waste 800 gems to annoy people..The sound will probably be blocked somehow again just like the winterbells because people like to act like a bunch of immature little pricks ( No kitten here ? ) .So then the forum will be flooded by these fools demanding their sound back since theyve spend 800 gems on something ! just walk away from that area for now,or report them for spamming..i mean it is spamming.
Reporting for spamming should be the right choice for now.
Muting the note for every player is the wrong choice however.
Muting single players is a good choice again.
Welcome to the life of anyone who’s ever seriously played an instrument. You always find one or two people who do nothing but play one note, if it can even be considered that, all the time. Learning to ignore it is the best thing you can do.
Sounds like a lot of time and energy on a-nets part for something we as mature players can do ourselves. Where does our responsibility begin? What happens when I don’t like fireworks being shot near me?
As a lowbie guardian fighting the fire elemental I had someone ask me if I could stop spamming my staff attack because it was hurting his eyes. I responded that there was a reaon for it. before I could go into detail he said “Yeah, because you want to be lazy”. My response was if that was really how he expected to get results. I didn’t even bother explaining how the mobs die before I can get a hit so my only hope is to hit them as they spawn.
Anyway, my point is that the instant gratification doesn’t need to come from a-net. Kid cries in a store. Annoying but that’s just part of life. Kids act immature. best way to deal with it is not to give them the attention that they are looking for. As Toast said, learning to ignore is the best we can do. And it exercises a RL skill we all need.
Fireworks are a consumable and will eventually run out. Plus, they don’t make obnoxious noises. I’d like the option to block someone to prevent them from being obnoxious.