Bosses compared to GW1

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zijina.8326


I like this game, alot. But I’m starting to get really bored with the boss fights in gw2 compared to gw1 for 2 reasons.
1. Kiting kiting kiting and kiting. Not many bosses are melee friendly
2. CC immunity

In gw1 CC (stuns, interrupts etc) was a big part of most boss fights, in gw2 you can’t. Well, you can after you CC enough, then you can do it once and the stacks go up again but it doesn’t last long.

My 2h warrior can mostly only use melee on trash mobs, but on almost all boss fights its rifle and kiting. This is getting really boring. I rolled a melee class because I didn’t wanna kite stuff. I jump into packs of mobs and slaughter in close combat and it works wonderfully in normal pve, just not on bosses.

So, my suggestion is to remove the immunity buffs on bosses, half the cc time would be enough and then the fights become more tactically oriented in coordinate stuns so that melee focused builds can actually feel useful.

No tank, dps or healer… right? The holy trinity.
So with no CC’s we are forced to avoid all damage and kite.

Please devs, make the boss fights more fun for melee characters.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alsonia.4753


I can get behind this as a Dual Sword Warrior. While it is frustrating as all hell; being able to do both is very beneficial.

I use Dual Sword/Rifle since I run a hybrid Power/Cond build. If a mob diceds it wants to screw me I can switch out to my Rifle and kite and when Melee is safe again I can go in and run Dual Sword.

They game gives you 2 weapon sets; utilize them.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skie.8246


In my opinion kiting is too strong in this game – its leading to the point, where in dungeons most needed are DPS builds, because armor doesnt change much when you are struck with bosses aoe. Its to kite and live or not to kite and die. But if it is only mechanics on boss whats better? Player with DPS who will die on one boss hit or player with armor who will also die on one boss hit? Ye, its the first one.
Kiting shouldnt take away all dmg from player! It should be for example 50%, but not 100! Maybe then ppl would start to think on their builds, and not be pure DPS on all classes…

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zijina.8326


I can get behind this as a Dual Sword Warrior. While it is frustrating as all hell; being able to do both is very beneficial.

I use Dual Sword/Rifle since I run a hybrid Power/Cond build. If a mob diceds it wants to screw me I can switch out to my Rifle and kite and when Melee is safe again I can go in and run Dual Sword.

They game gives you 2 weapon sets; utilize them.

I think you miss the point completely. I DO use both weapons all the time BUT for bosses its 90% or more ranged and kite kite kite.

Thanks to defiance, you need to kite

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


Firstly to the original post, I have to agree fully, I Play a Thief and I am fed up with on 90% of bosses I am stuck using pistols or bow, it would be nice if the option was there to go in with my close range weapons in order to not just get a different perspective of the fight but to have the ability to use my thief’s high end burst damage with out the fear of being one shot every 5 seconds, and I personally think this can be solved very easily if bosses at times were able to be effected by crowd control more often then they are at present.

I can get behind this as a Dual Sword Warrior. While it is frustrating as all hell; being able to do both is very beneficial.

I use Dual Sword/Rifle since I run a hybrid Power/Cond build. If a mob diceds it wants to screw me I can switch out to my Rifle and kite and when Melee is safe again I can go in and run Dual Sword.

They game gives you 2 weapon sets; utilize them.

Alsonia I don’t think you have quite grasped what this post is about, yes the game does give you two weapon slots we all know that, however not everyone wants to kite all the time, for allot of classes such as Thief and Warrior they are allot more effective at close range then at distance. The problem here is that the game is forcing people who play these classes to stay at range pretty much 100% of the time when you are fighting bosses, but if you take that gamble and run in to the boss to do some close range damage your probably going to end up dead. Before this gets trolled, yes it is possible to run in and do some DPS and run out but not everyone wants to do that 100% of the time. I do love the mechanics in this game but if bosses could be effected by crowd control a bit more often it would solve this problem :-)

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


yup bitterly dissapointed gw2 approves to be another anti-melee game. yes there will be a bunch of ppl who will go on about l2p and dodge etc but the truth is it’s almost ALWAYS easier/safer (especially in 5-10 min boss battles) to go ranged. somebody start listing a bunch of boss fights or anything really where melee have the advantage, i guarantee it won’t be that many. seriously would it rly hurt to have bosses that i dunno, dont always mash your face in melee but have rly annoying ranged attacks that need to be avoided. now you will prolly say well if melee is always safe on this fight then why go ranged at all, i dunno i dont design boss battles but a simple solution would be, w/o at least 1-2 person ranged maybe the boss adjusts his abilities and starts mashin on the melee.

i think the only game that has ever come close has been wow sadly, and yes it had its fair share of anti-melee fights but had a number of anti-ranged ones i can recall to make up for it. althought i spose comparing large number raids to 5 man dungeons isnt right but im also including world event bosses like the risen priest of balthazar and a number of other dynamic event bosses.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I melee bosses all the time on my guardian. I can think of several cases where I do not (dredge power suit), but by and large I spend more time in melee on bosses than I do at range.

It is easier to play ranged, and most people want it easy.

My melee damage is probably around 250% of my ranged damage, but I have a 75% duty cycle (25% of my time is spent avoiding hits, not attacking). I must be more attentive, and I need defensive capabilities, and I am more likely to make a fatal or near-fatal mistake, but the reward is still added damage.

This is a risk that many people refuse to take. On one fight that I did for the first time last night, I was actually asked to pop out a greatsword for the boss. The mechanics favored melee.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I melee bosses all the time on my guardian. I can think of several cases where I do not (dredge power suit), but by and large I spend more time in melee on bosses than I do at range.

It is easier to play ranged, and most people want it easy.

My melee damage is probably around 250% of my ranged damage, but I have a 75% duty cycle (25% of my time is spent avoiding hits, not attacking). I must be more attentive, and I need defensive capabilities, and I am more likely to make a fatal or near-fatal mistake, but the reward is still added damage.

This is a risk that many people refuse to take. On one fight that I did for the first time last night, I was actually asked to pop out a greatsword for the boss. The mechanics favored melee.

I not trolling you mate but there is a bit of a difference between a Guardian and a Thief, we are not saying its impossible but with most classes (not all) the game does try to force us to go range over close range, if we want to complete a dungeon in a sensible amount of time (I.e not wipe after wipe as we try to use close range weapons over range).

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I agree that bosses are unforgiving to melee. I also agree that most fights are done now by kitting, although what I do not agree with is the fact that something needs to change. I play every profession out there, Lowest level is 53 highest level is a few 80’s. My thieve, Guardian, Warrior, and melee pron Elementalist ( Double Dagger ) are all melee. I play them as such and have no problems out side of not timing my skills properly. I know someone said that people would say L2P, use dodge ect. I am not going to say L2P as I feel that is just a troll thing to say, rather I will say that with the ability of Dodge and the Knowledge of boss fights and my skills I can stay in melee with ease.

Arena Net built the Mechanics so it would be hard to stay on top of a boss, with the removal of the Trinity system there is no way to really guarantee a focus assault from a boss to one character. This is what makes Dungeons challenging and hard. Sure you can do the simplistic way and kite from range, this is a feasible concept and a lot of players do this as it is easier than trying to time skills and pay attention to Boss machanics.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: XXJackXX.5908


Yes this subject is important for all who actually likes playing melee just in your face at close range. And yes i play a guardian as well have a fair toughness and vitality but still most of the bosses does one hit me if i just miss click dodge or just lag little bit. And you can’t melee any boss with putting condition damage with each hit. It just ignores all my toughness and defense. Or another problem is like when the burn effect is on the boss you can’t see the boss if it is charging it’s big hit attack or my charr is big enough to block the view of boss most of the times that i can’t see what boss is doing. And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.

How to fix make same bosses more melee friendly without making them impossible to kill by range, i would go with lower the defiance or when you remove all defiance stacks on boss can be stunned longer then normal till it get’s his buff back.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yemo.6348


I’m dissappointed that Anet completely took the control aspect out of the boss fights.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Yes this subject is important for all who actually likes playing melee just in your face at close range. And yes i play a guardian as well have a fair toughness and vitality but still most of the bosses does one hit me if i just miss click dodge or just lag little bit. And you can’t melee any boss with putting condition damage with each hit. It just ignores all my toughness and defense. Or another problem is like when the burn effect is on the boss you can’t see the boss if it is charging it’s big hit attack or my charr is big enough to block the view of boss most of the times that i can’t see what boss is doing. And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.

How to fix make same bosses more melee friendly without making them impossible to kill by range, i would go with lower the defiance or when you remove all defiance stacks on boss can be stunned longer then normal till it get’s his buff back.

Zoom your camera Back , My Guardian is a mitigation/ control. I don’t have a problem staying in and mitigating stuff. Yes there are times I have to dip out and kite him a little but more than 85% of the fight I am in melee range with him.

But if your camera veiw is covered up by your large character and you can’t see the spells ZOOM is a great feature.

  • And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.*

You mean like the Effigy in path 1 CoF that does an instant Knock down with a lot of damage?
I manage that one fine I take no damage and no knock down form it 75% of the time.

I say again knowing the boss fights are key to be able to stay in on melee, if you can’t learn the fights you will never be able to stay in on the fights.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I’m not disagreeing that the bosses/dungeons need work considering the amount of damage vs the lack of healing. I simply noticed a lot of thief comments and wanted to throw 2 cents in since the boss aspect has been covered.

Try running S/P and Shortbow. I use both, mainly my bow, on bosses but the nice thing about sword is you can use your #2 skill to shadowstep behind the boss when opportunities present themselves, pistol whip him for some good damage followed by shadowstepping back to your original position and weapon swap back to your bow.

I do that when I run with my guild knowing my warriors are capable of handling melee combat and aggro management. So I’m never worried about the boss turning around to smack me, even if he does you can still return before anything bad happens. If your thief is a glass cannon you may want to look into a better build, it’s a support class after all.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I’m not disagreeing that the bosses/dungeons need work considering the amount of damage vs the lack of healing. I simply noticed a lot of thief comments and wanted to throw 2 cents in since the boss aspect has been covered.

Try running S/P and Shortbow. I use both, mainly my bow, on bosses but the nice thing about sword is you can use your #2 skill to shadowstep behind the boss when opportunities present themselves, pistol whip him for some good damage followed by shadowstepping back to your original position and weapon swap back to your bow.

I do that when I run with my guild knowing my warriors are capable of handling melee combat and aggro management. So I’m never worried about the boss turning around to smack me, even if he does you can still return before anything bad happens. If your thief is a glass cannon you may want to look into a better build, it’s a support class after all.

Thief is a support class ? sorry but I disagree fully, (not going of subject here to much but: ) yes we can give party wide stealth and venom share on certain builds but its not a support class, A Thief is best when its doing no holds bared DPS IMO, in response to saying try using S/P I tried it and I never liked It I know its popular with people in PVP who don’t know how to use Duel dagger to its full potential but in PvE I also I find its damage output to be massively less next to duel dagger, I use short bow for WvW and PvP but not so much in dungeons as at range it does not have high enough single target DPS next to Duel pistols, and in a boss fight I personally think duel pistols is better. Using S/P to do as you suggested would still amount to less DPS then standing there going full DPS with Pistols, which brings us back to the original point that Thief’s and certain other classes are forced most of the time to stay at range. During boss fights I do swap to my daggers for a quick burst at times but the problem is as soon as the boss targets me I am dead which is why I think making bosses at times vulnerable to CC meaning people who prefer to use close range attacks can get there fix ^^.

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: XXJackXX.5908


Yes this subject is important for all who actually likes playing melee just in your face at close range. And yes i play a guardian as well have a fair toughness and vitality but still most of the bosses does one hit me if i just miss click dodge or just lag little bit. And you can’t melee any boss with putting condition damage with each hit. It just ignores all my toughness and defense. Or another problem is like when the burn effect is on the boss you can’t see the boss if it is charging it’s big hit attack or my charr is big enough to block the view of boss most of the times that i can’t see what boss is doing. And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.

How to fix make same bosses more melee friendly without making them impossible to kill by range, i would go with lower the defiance or when you remove all defiance stacks on boss can be stunned longer then normal till it get’s his buff back.

Zoom your camera Back , My Guardian is a mitigation/ control. I don’t have a problem staying in and mitigating stuff. Yes there are times I have to dip out and kite him a little but more than 85% of the fight I am in melee range with him.

But if your camera veiw is covered up by your large character and you can’t see the spells ZOOM is a great feature.

  • And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.*

You mean like the Effigy in path 1 CoF that does an instant Knock down with a lot of damage?
I manage that one fine I take no damage and no knock down form it 75% of the time.

I say again knowing the boss fights are key to be able to stay in on melee, if you can’t learn the fights you will never be able to stay in on the fights.

Yes you must be a genius with figuring out the ZOOM. I didn’t think about that at all (sarcasm). And CoF path 1 you can easly melee that one, but what about the first boss with fire whips that keeps putting bleed on you. Or AC cave troll with putting 6 bleed with each hit. Instead of trying to dodge every hit of him you just kite it. Or from fractals dredge one with Legendary Mining Suite, that one also nicely putting bleed at melee also stuns.The point isn’t most of bosses melee friendly. And we are not saying make all bosses melee friendly so we all get to melee and kill the boss. The part with problem you kill all the bosses with kiting it is boring.

Ok another idea if players can switch between bosses let boss switch weapons to melee and range. Make it interesting. Like CoF story boss does swap between weapons and it is interesting you do both kiting and melee at the same boss. Instead of all kiting around you get a round up fights with bosses.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Yes this subject is important for all who actually likes playing melee just in your face at close range. And yes i play a guardian as well have a fair toughness and vitality but still most of the bosses does one hit me if i just miss click dodge or just lag little bit. And you can’t melee any boss with putting condition damage with each hit. It just ignores all my toughness and defense. Or another problem is like when the burn effect is on the boss you can’t see the boss if it is charging it’s big hit attack or my charr is big enough to block the view of boss most of the times that i can’t see what boss is doing. And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.

How to fix make same bosses more melee friendly without making them impossible to kill by range, i would go with lower the defiance or when you remove all defiance stacks on boss can be stunned longer then normal till it get’s his buff back.

Zoom your camera Back , My Guardian is a mitigation/ control. I don’t have a problem staying in and mitigating stuff. Yes there are times I have to dip out and kite him a little but more than 85% of the fight I am in melee range with him.

But if your camera veiw is covered up by your large character and you can’t see the spells ZOOM is a great feature.

  • And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.*

You mean like the Effigy in path 1 CoF that does an instant Knock down with a lot of damage?
I manage that one fine I take no damage and no knock down form it 75% of the time.

I say again knowing the boss fights are key to be able to stay in on melee, if you can’t learn the fights you will never be able to stay in on the fights.

Yes you must be a genius with figuring out the ZOOM. I didn’t think about that at all (sarcasm). And CoF path 1 you can easly melee that one, but what about the first boss with fire whips that keeps putting bleed on you. Or AC cave troll with putting 6 bleed with each hit. Instead of trying to dodge every hit of him you just kite it. Or from fractals dredge one with Legendary Mining Suite, that one also nicely putting bleed at melee also stuns.The point isn’t most of bosses melee friendly. And we are not saying make all bosses melee friendly so we all get to melee and kill the boss. The part with problem you kill all the bosses with kiting it is boring.

Ok another idea if players can switch between bosses let boss switch weapons to melee and range. Make it interesting. Like CoF story boss does swap between weapons and it is interesting you do both kiting and melee at the same boss. Instead of all kiting around you get a round up fights with bosses.

The bleeds and everything else you mentioned is easily dealt with by having a mitigation build. Also I wasn’t the one complaining about my charr taking up my whole screen so I couldn’t see the bosses animation.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


I’ve been wondering if there are even different scripts for the boss AI. They mostly seem to be "have tons of HP, do some AoEs, maybe summon some adds."

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


/Agree I am pretty tired of having to switch to my bow on my thief when I am in dungeons. Outside of dungeons I can melee just fine on most bosses, but in dungeons it is hard to get enough damage when they like to hit the thief first (well that’s what happens to me).

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: XXJackXX.5908


Yes this subject is important for all who actually likes playing melee just in your face at close range. And yes i play a guardian as well have a fair toughness and vitality but still most of the bosses does one hit me if i just miss click dodge or just lag little bit. And you can’t melee any boss with putting condition damage with each hit. It just ignores all my toughness and defense. Or another problem is like when the burn effect is on the boss you can’t see the boss if it is charging it’s big hit attack or my charr is big enough to block the view of boss most of the times that i can’t see what boss is doing. And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.

How to fix make same bosses more melee friendly without making them impossible to kill by range, i would go with lower the defiance or when you remove all defiance stacks on boss can be stunned longer then normal till it get’s his buff back.

Zoom your camera Back , My Guardian is a mitigation/ control. I don’t have a problem staying in and mitigating stuff. Yes there are times I have to dip out and kite him a little but more than 85% of the fight I am in melee range with him.

But if your camera veiw is covered up by your large character and you can’t see the spells ZOOM is a great feature.

  • And most of the times because some of the attacks cast instantly by boss with high damage i don’t have time to dodge them.*

You mean like the Effigy in path 1 CoF that does an instant Knock down with a lot of damage?
I manage that one fine I take no damage and no knock down form it 75% of the time.

I say again knowing the boss fights are key to be able to stay in on melee, if you can’t learn the fights you will never be able to stay in on the fights.

Yes you must be a genius with figuring out the ZOOM. I didn’t think about that at all (sarcasm). And CoF path 1 you can easly melee that one, but what about the first boss with fire whips that keeps putting bleed on you. Or AC cave troll with putting 6 bleed with each hit. Instead of trying to dodge every hit of him you just kite it. Or from fractals dredge one with Legendary Mining Suite, that one also nicely putting bleed at melee also stuns.The point isn’t most of bosses melee friendly. And we are not saying make all bosses melee friendly so we all get to melee and kill the boss. The part with problem you kill all the bosses with kiting it is boring.

Ok another idea if players can switch between bosses let boss switch weapons to melee and range. Make it interesting. Like CoF story boss does swap between weapons and it is interesting you do both kiting and melee at the same boss. Instead of all kiting around you get a round up fights with bosses.

The bleeds and everything else you mentioned is easily dealt with by having a mitigation build. Also I wasn’t the one complaining about my charr taking up my whole screen so I couldn’t see the bosses animation.

Yes i can purge 2 conditions every 10 secs and i got enough HP to hold for a while but at with the amount of HP bosses have i don’t stand a change to keep getting hit by them. Or for example from fractals miniboss of dredge fractal with spamming all the adds. In that mess and my animations overcome the view of the boss and i can’t see him channeling his attack. Or AC first boss Lt. Kholer if there is burn animation or big explosion animations you can’t see if he is about to pull you. Or from grawl fractal last boss if you try to melee that one you won’t have enough time to react his fire arrow that puts agony and fire shield at you. Yes you can melee them if you are carefull enough but the reward of getting slightly more dps with melee (with my guardian) isn’t enough for the effort of trying to dodge every attack. Because you do spent a lot of time in pointblank range to boss trying to avoid and not get hit rather then just more dpsing. I love being challenged by boss fights but at this point it is more kiting and boring long range DPS.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikcen.7518


Bosses here are lame. What kiting? You can go and hit it till dead, it has no AI. It will not attack you if you made big damage. Raid just fly /but it doesn’t attack you meanwhile/ from time to time, and has some debuf. It’s so easy to kill Big raid in GW2, that it’s boring. Dungeon raids are better, but even in dungeons I use kiting only when I’m lazy.

(edited by Ikcen.7518)

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


First off, Guild Wars 1 didn’t have many bossfights worth mentioning, apart from Rotwing, Shiro and the EotN Mountain Heart. These weren’t even very high quality.

The only regular bosses with difficulty were eles and ritualists (double damage) and monk boss with monk henchmen in hard mode.

Second, in almost every MMO melee does more damage than ranged and GW2 is no different. This is to offset part of the kiting. In stationary MMOs this means melee is overpowered, in GW2 this means melee is pretty balanced. Anyways, ranged is always an option, even for warriors and guardians.

Third, bosses do a lot of damage. The way to avoid this is either l2p or waypoint camp. Your choice, both work.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zombie.2310


Imagine an Open World boss without defiance. And a group of people around him. The ranger kicks the boss somewhere, the guard pulls him, the warri kicks him somewhere….

And a thief is raging because he can hardly hit the boss with daggers since it gets kicked/pulled all the time. And casters rage because their long channeled spells miss and they lose the chance to do damage and end up with bronze rewards instead of gold.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


Imagine an Open World boss without defiance. And a group of people around him. The ranger kicks the boss somewhere, the guard pulls him, the warri kicks him somewhere….

And a thief is raging because he can hardly hit the boss with daggers since it gets kicked/pulled all the time. And casters rage because their long channeled spells miss and they lose the chance to do damage and end up with bronze rewards instead of gold.

We are not talking about the big open world bosses, we are talking about bosses in dungeons mate, and it would be possible to make some bosses susceptible to certain kinds of CC, so that would be a work round for the scenario you posted ^^

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


Bosses here are lame. What kiting? You can go and hit it till dead, it has no AI. It will not attack you if you made big damage. Raid just fly /but it doesn’t attack you meanwhile/ from time to time, and has some debuf. It’s so easy to kill Big raid in GW2, that it’s boring. Dungeon raids are better, but even in dungeons I use kiting only when I’m lazy.

I guessing you not done Fractals of the Mists ? or many other explorable dungeons then ?

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I’m not disagreeing that the bosses/dungeons need work considering the amount of damage vs the lack of healing. I simply noticed a lot of thief comments and wanted to throw 2 cents in since the boss aspect has been covered.

Try running S/P and Shortbow. I use both, mainly my bow, on bosses but the nice thing about sword is you can use your #2 skill to shadowstep behind the boss when opportunities present themselves, pistol whip him for some good damage followed by shadowstepping back to your original position and weapon swap back to your bow.

I do that when I run with my guild knowing my warriors are capable of handling melee combat and aggro management. So I’m never worried about the boss turning around to smack me, even if he does you can still return before anything bad happens. If your thief is a glass cannon you may want to look into a better build, it’s a support class after all.

Thief is a support class ? sorry but I disagree fully, (not going of subject here to much but: ) yes we can give party wide stealth and venom share on certain builds but its not a support class, A Thief is best when its doing no holds bared DPS IMO, in response to saying try using S/P I tried it and I never liked It I know its popular with people in PVP who don’t know how to use Duel dagger to its full potential but in PvE I also I find its damage output to be massively less next to duel dagger, I use short bow for WvW and PvP but not so much in dungeons as at range it does not have high enough single target DPS next to Duel pistols, and in a boss fight I personally think duel pistols is better. Using S/P to do as you suggested would still amount to less DPS then standing there going full DPS with Pistols, which brings us back to the original point that Thief’s and certain other classes are forced most of the time to stay at range. During boss fights I do swap to my daggers for a quick burst at times but the problem is as soon as the boss targets me I am dead which is why I think making bosses at times vulnerable to CC meaning people who prefer to use close range attacks can get there fix ^^.

And likewise I would completely disagree with your statement that Thief is best as all out dps. When you have rangers and casters backing up warriors and guards there is no reason to go glass cannon. Thief is totally a support class as it can be a dps class depending on the way you play.

To address your “Once the boss targets me I’m dead” point, that’s why I laid it out for you. When you go glass cannon your going to get owned, especially in a dungeon with no healing and hard hitters. That’s why our S/P has a shadowstep/return skill and our shortbow has a built in evade. The fact your getting hit is simply due to your play style, my thief handles melee and ranged very well with no significant loss in dps.

In regards to supporting my group I do many things to allow others to keep the fight going. With my ability to evade attacks at a much higher level then other classes I handle picking up any downed players. I handle CC and aggro by dropping party stealth and blind conditions following interrupts. I drop my poison condition fields for combos for the entire group followed by cluster bombs or pistol whips for AoE attacks. I could write paragraphs of examples but you’ll probably stop reading before this sentence and write me off as “troll thief who failz”.

You can be a support class and still do very well on the DPS front.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Kape.3672

The Kape.3672

I understand you very well, im also getting boring of this battle system and im talking here about make the battle system like gw1 because was much more freely and wise tactical approuch to play, here i feel like im playing a game with a lot of blocking system.
Feel free to speak here, i realy hope they change this.

Your Home Hardcore PvE Guild focused in doing Speed/Record Runs & Guild Missions!

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I understand you very well, im also getting boring of this battle system and im talking here about make the battle system like gw1 because was much more freely and wise tactical approuch to play, here i feel like im playing a game with a lot of blocking system.
Feel free to speak here, i realy hope they change this.

How many threads are you going to link your thread to?

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikcen.7518


All dungeons done, story and exp, with warrior. Fractals lvl 7, it’s boring, and easy like lvl 1. Suppose there is difference on higher lvls, but it’s boring.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I’m not disagreeing that the bosses/dungeons need work considering the amount of damage vs the lack of healing. I simply noticed a lot of thief comments and wanted to throw 2 cents in since the boss aspect has been covered.

Try running S/P and Shortbow. I use both, mainly my bow, on bosses but the nice thing about sword is you can use your #2 skill to shadowstep behind the boss when opportunities present themselves, pistol whip him for some good damage followed by shadowstepping back to your original position and weapon swap back to your bow.

I do that when I run with my guild knowing my warriors are capable of handling melee combat and aggro management. So I’m never worried about the boss turning around to smack me, even if he does you can still return before anything bad happens. If your thief is a glass cannon you may want to look into a better build, it’s a support class after all.

Thief is a support class ? sorry but I disagree fully, (not going of subject here to much but: ) yes we can give party wide stealth and venom share on certain builds but its not a support class, A Thief is best when its doing no holds bared DPS IMO, in response to saying try using S/P I tried it and I never liked It I know its popular with people in PVP who don’t know how to use Duel dagger to its full potential but in PvE I also I find its damage output to be massively less next to duel dagger, I use short bow for WvW and PvP but not so much in dungeons as at range it does not have high enough single target DPS next to Duel pistols, and in a boss fight I personally think duel pistols is better. Using S/P to do as you suggested would still amount to less DPS then standing there going full DPS with Pistols, which brings us back to the original point that Thief’s and certain other classes are forced most of the time to stay at range. During boss fights I do swap to my daggers for a quick burst at times but the problem is as soon as the boss targets me I am dead which is why I think making bosses at times vulnerable to CC meaning people who prefer to use close range attacks can get there fix ^^.

And likewise I would completely disagree with your statement that Thief is best as all out dps. When you have rangers and casters backing up warriors and guards there is no reason to go glass cannon. Thief is totally a support class as it can be a dps class depending on the way you play.

To address your “Once the boss targets me I’m dead” point, that’s why I laid it out for you. When you go glass cannon your going to get owned, especially in a dungeon with no healing and hard hitters. That’s why our S/P has a shadowstep/return skill and our shortbow has a built in evade. The fact your getting hit is simply due to your play style, my thief handles melee and ranged very well with no significant loss in dps.

In regards to supporting my group I do many things to allow others to keep the fight going. With my ability to evade attacks at a much higher level then other classes I handle picking up any downed players. I handle CC and aggro by dropping party stealth and blind conditions following interrupts. I drop my poison condition fields for combos for the entire group followed by cluster bombs or pistol whips for AoE attacks. I could write paragraphs of examples but you’ll probably stop reading before this sentence and write me off as “troll thief who failz”.

You can be a support class and still do very well on the DPS front.

Firstly I am not going to say “Troll thief who Failz” mainly because I respect other people’s views (doesn’t mean I agree), I do see your point however I have tried sword pistol and I find it to be too slow paced for my play style in PvE, and PvP. As for the bow, in PvE it’s pointless most of the time except when AOE is required). My Build in PvE does offer support to my party also by giving regular buffs such as Fury Might and swiftness. I know S/P builds are probably allot easier for thief’s in dungeons but my build if played correctly is by far much more devastating I offer buffs to the party as well as AOE heals and I am not as squishy as you think I have over 15k hp and a good amount of toughness also. Before we go massively off subject this post is not about arguing if Thief is a support class or DPS the answer to that is simple its both, its down to who’s playing it and what they prefer, DPS or support both are viable builds.

This thread is not about one thief or one warrior its about the game, and it seems more then just a few people agree the current state of boss battles are a little bit repetitive with it forcing people most of the time to go ranged over melee, and all we are suggesting is that something either gets added or gets changed to make boss fights more exciting instead of its current state.

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I understand you very well, im also getting boring of this battle system and im talking here about make the battle system like gw1 because was much more freely and wise tactical approuch to play, here i feel like im playing a game with a lot of blocking system.
Feel free to speak here, i realy hope they change this.

Since not everyone is familiar with GW1 combat, please allow be to summarize it for those that did not experience it:

  1. Warrior pulls a group of enemies around a corner. Ranged AI is now shooting into the wall, and the melees are being body blocked by the warrior.
  2. Monks and/or paragons drop massive damage reduction buffs on the warrior to effectively reduce incoming damage to 0. In many cases, the warrior will take 0 damage and heal everything in the area with each hit.
  3. Ranged damage dealers (everybody else) drops AEs on the cluster of enemies, being careful to avoid skills that trigger the scatter mechanic. Melee attackers stack +damage buffs and let loose with n-squared damage combos (Whirlwind attack + Hundred blades + battle standard of slaughter, etc.).
  4. Everybody bum-rushes the ranged mobs.
  5. Loot.
  6. Repeat.

When I first experienced it, the content was new and novel. Looking back on it, however, it was all pretty simple, especially following a lot of the skill buffs and 7-hero allowance.

Bosses in GW1 were largely just tank-and-spank fights. Shiro was just a matter of getting everybody in melee range and popping the warrior special skill, or using his leashing mechanics against him. Kanaxai was a straight-up tank-and-spank, urgoz was like kiting a stationary target, almost nothing in EotN was particularly inventive, they were just interesting backstories and groups of enemy builds to counter. Duncan was just a matter of bringing swap on a human-controlled character.

There are only two fights that come to mind as being more than just “kill the enemy” fights: The Iron Forgeman and the wurm boss in the story version of Heart of the Shiverpeaks. These two fights required you to do a lot more than jsut use your skill bar in an effective manner.

While I look back at my time spent in GW1 fondly, it was the environment, lore, and community that made it enjoyable, not the boss fights.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


GW1 was just a better game with teamwork.

GW2 is 5 individuals being their own team working alongside each other.

GW2 lost everything that made GW1 a good game and we just have to live with that.

Losing out on things like healing other players, protective spirit, blocking by %, blind that doesn’t suck, daze that doesn’t suck, interrupts that don’t suck etc. is how Anet wanted the game to progress.

Even if GW1 bosses were a tank and spank, I still enjoyed them a lot more than the bosses in GW2.

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I am having no problem with Group cohesion. All of my groups work together and talk about what we are running to maximize the effectiveness of the run.

You apparently have not been so lucky and I am sorry for that. But CC’s and conditions have to be carefully timed with the groups other CC’s to be effective. To fault the game for pushing for a more team work atmosphere, when in fact it is your groups you have been in not doing this is just as wrong as your proclaimed ruining of GW2

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

GW1 was just a better game with teamwork.

GW2 is 5 individuals being their own team working alongside each other.

GW2 lost everything that made GW1 a good game and we just have to live with that.

Losing out on things like healing other players, protective spirit, blocking by %, blind that doesn’t suck, daze that doesn’t suck, interrupts that don’t suck etc. is how Anet wanted the game to progress.

Even if GW1 bosses were a tank and spank, I still enjoyed them a lot more than the bosses in GW2.

Well you’re clearly upset and should go play GW1 if it’s so much better. Stop pugging and find a guild if your having that kind of luck every single time you enter a dungeon. If your in a guild find a new one cause it clearly doesn’t work well as a team.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I understand you very well, im also getting boring of this battle system and im talking here about make the battle system like gw1 because was much more freely and wise tactical approuch to play, here i feel like im playing a game with a lot of blocking system.
Feel free to speak here, i realy hope they change this.

Since not everyone is familiar with GW1 combat, please allow be to summarize it for those that did not experience it:

  1. Warrior pulls a group of enemies around a corner. Ranged AI is now shooting into the wall, and the melees are being body blocked by the warrior.
  2. Monks and/or paragons drop massive damage reduction buffs on the warrior to effectively reduce incoming damage to 0. In many cases, the warrior will take 0 damage and heal everything in the area with each hit.
  3. Ranged damage dealers (everybody else) drops AEs on the cluster of enemies, being careful to avoid skills that trigger the scatter mechanic. Melee attackers stack +damage buffs and let loose with n-squared damage combos (Whirlwind attack + Hundred blades + battle standard of slaughter, etc.).
  4. Everybody bum-rushes the ranged mobs.
  5. Loot.
  6. Repeat.

When I first experienced it, the content was new and novel. Looking back on it, however, it was all pretty simple, especially following a lot of the skill buffs and 7-hero allowance.

Bosses in GW1 were largely just tank-and-spank fights. Shiro was just a matter of getting everybody in melee range and popping the warrior special skill, or using his leashing mechanics against him. Kanaxai was a straight-up tank-and-spank, urgoz was like kiting a stationary target, almost nothing in EotN was particularly inventive, they were just interesting backstories and groups of enemy builds to counter. Duncan was just a matter of bringing swap on a human-controlled character.

There are only two fights that come to mind as being more than just “kill the enemy” fights: The Iron Forgeman and the wurm boss in the story version of Heart of the Shiverpeaks. These two fights required you to do a lot more than jsut use your skill bar in an effective manner.

While I look back at my time spent in GW1 fondly, it was the environment, lore, and community that made it enjoyable, not the boss fights.

I’m unsure of this grande idea that GW1 combat was better. You hit the nail square on the head with this post and as a full time monk for years I concur. ANet did the one thing they needed to do to make their content more challenging then the last game and that was remove healing. I could be fast asleep and still heal a group in GW1 it was that easy.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I understand you very well, im also getting boring of this battle system and im talking here about make the battle system like gw1 because was much more freely and wise tactical approuch to play, here i feel like im playing a game with a lot of blocking system.
Feel free to speak here, i realy hope they change this.

Since not everyone is familiar with GW1 combat, please allow be to summarize it for those that did not experience it:

  1. Warrior pulls a group of enemies around a corner. Ranged AI is now shooting into the wall, and the melees are being body blocked by the warrior.
  2. Monks and/or paragons drop massive damage reduction buffs on the warrior to effectively reduce incoming damage to 0. In many cases, the warrior will take 0 damage and heal everything in the area with each hit.
  3. Ranged damage dealers (everybody else) drops AEs on the cluster of enemies, being careful to avoid skills that trigger the scatter mechanic. Melee attackers stack +damage buffs and let loose with n-squared damage combos (Whirlwind attack + Hundred blades + battle standard of slaughter, etc.).
  4. Everybody bum-rushes the ranged mobs.
  5. Loot.
  6. Repeat.

When I first experienced it, the content was new and novel. Looking back on it, however, it was all pretty simple, especially following a lot of the skill buffs and 7-hero allowance.

Bosses in GW1 were largely just tank-and-spank fights. Shiro was just a matter of getting everybody in melee range and popping the warrior special skill, or using his leashing mechanics against him. Kanaxai was a straight-up tank-and-spank, urgoz was like kiting a stationary target, almost nothing in EotN was particularly inventive, they were just interesting backstories and groups of enemy builds to counter. Duncan was just a matter of bringing swap on a human-controlled character.

There are only two fights that come to mind as being more than just “kill the enemy” fights: The Iron Forgeman and the wurm boss in the story version of Heart of the Shiverpeaks. These two fights required you to do a lot more than jsut use your skill bar in an effective manner.

While I look back at my time spent in GW1 fondly, it was the environment, lore, and community that made it enjoyable, not the boss fights.

I’m unsure of this grande idea that GW1 combat was better. You hit the nail square on the head with this post and as a full time monk for years I concur. ANet did the one thing they needed to do to make their content more challenging then the last game and that was remove healing. I could be fast asleep and still heal a group in GW1 it was that easy.

I just want to add
SS Necro and 55 monk we can 2 man anything in the game and I mean ANYTHING and never die

But your right GW1 battle system was better, it allowed us all to feel like gods

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Firstly I am not upset, also I am not arguing with you, I am debating with you there’s a difference believe me. I evade attacks as much as possible and I do tend to survive allot more then other classes even when I swap to my daggers and go nuts. The point that is trying to be made here is not that we are calling for a nerf on boss damage, we are not calling to be made gods, we are asking for some variety and for the ability at certain times on current bosses (or future ones) to be able to have the option to do more then just kite. If you are too egotistical to understand that then please go find another thread to try and troll. (The reason I choose the word “egotistical” is in your signature, “Asuran Master Thief” says it all). Your assuming comments on me crying about my build make me laugh (seriously I nearly fell of my chair laughing), my build works well for my play style and works well in groups and I am yet to receive any complaints about it. Lastly I am not trying to turn this in to a fight, but I don’t understand the need for your back handed comments and assumptions. Its just rude and not needed in this thread. This Thread I feel is about making suggestions on ways to make this already amazing game that little bit more amazing.

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

(edited by Koromas.7980)

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Firstly I am not upset, also I am not arguing with you, I am debating with you there’s a difference believe me. I evade attacks as much as possible and I do tend to survive allot more then other classes even when I swap to my daggers and go nuts. The point that is trying to be made here is not that we are calling for a nerf on boss damage, we are not calling to be made gods, we are asking for some variety and for the ability at certain times on current bosses (or future ones) to be able to have the option to do more then just kite. If you are too egotistical to understand that then please go find another thread to try and troll. (The reason I choose the word “egotistical” is in your signature, “Asuran Master Thief” says it all). Your assuming comments on me crying about my build make me laugh (seriously I nearly fell of my chair laughing), my build works well for my play style and works well in groups and I am yet to receive any complaints about it. Lastly I am not trying to turn this in to a fight, but I don’t understand the need for your back handed comments and assumptions. Its just rude and not needed in this thread. This Thread I feel is about making suggestions on ways to make this already amazing game that little bit more amazing.

I am not egotistical I just prove the “problem that bosses can only be kitted” wrong every day I run Fractals or any dungeon for that fact on my Guardian. On my warrior,l I am sorry that I like many others do not have a problem lilke you and many others.

Although for sake of argument answer this,
Is it really a problem when a set or group of people we will call Z have a problem and the rest ( which we will call T ) don’t?
Well that is a trick question
what is the value’s of ZT
Is Z > T or is T > Z
Honestly this is really the first I have ever really heard of this problem and every time I run dungeons no one in melee has a problem staying in melee

so I am inclined to believe that
T > Z so the factor is T/Z = V

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Firstly I am not upset, also I am not arguing with you, I am debating with you there’s a difference believe me. I evade attacks as much as possible and I do tend to survive allot more then other classes even when I swap to my daggers and go nuts. The point that is trying to be made here is not that we are calling for a nerf on boss damage, we are not calling to be made gods, we are asking for some variety and for the ability at certain times on current bosses (or future ones) to be able to have the option to do more then just kite. If you are too egotistical to understand that then please go find another thread to try and troll. (The reason I choose the word “egotistical” is in your signature, “Asuran Master Thief” says it all). Your assuming comments on me crying about my build make me laugh (seriously I nearly fell of my chair laughing), my build works well for my play style and works well in groups and I am yet to receive any complaints about it. Lastly I am not trying to turn this in to a fight, but I don’t understand the need for your back handed comments and assumptions. Its just rude and not needed in this thread. This Thread I feel is about making suggestions on ways to make this already amazing game that little bit more amazing.

I am not egotistical I just prove the “problem that bosses can only be kitted” wrong every day I run Fractals or any dungeon for that fact on my Guardian. On my warrior,l I am sorry that I like many others do not have a problem lilke you and many others.

Although for sake of argument answer this,
Is it really a problem when a set or group of people we will call Z have a problem and the rest ( which we will call T ) don’t?
Well that is a trick question
what is the value’s of ZT
Is Z > T or is T > Z
Honestly this is really the first I have ever really heard of this problem and every time I run dungeons no one in melee has a problem staying in melee

so I am inclined to believe that
T > Z so the factor is T/Z = V

sorry for the miss understanding here but my post was aimed at the guy who quoted you (Raine Akrune) not you mate , also it has been said that not all classes suffer directly from what we are discussing here.

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Firstly I am not upset, also I am not arguing with you, I am debating with you there’s a difference believe me. I evade attacks as much as possible and I do tend to survive allot more then other classes even when I swap to my daggers and go nuts. The point that is trying to be made here is not that we are calling for a nerf on boss damage, we are not calling to be made gods, we are asking for some variety and for the ability at certain times on current bosses (or future ones) to be able to have the option to do more then just kite. If you are too egotistical to understand that then please go find another thread to try and troll. (The reason I choose the word “egotistical” is in your signature, “Asuran Master Thief” says it all). Your assuming comments on me crying about my build make me laugh (seriously I nearly fell of my chair laughing), my build works well for my play style and works well in groups and I am yet to receive any complaints about it. Lastly I am not trying to turn this in to a fight, but I don’t understand the need for your back handed comments and assumptions. Its just rude and not needed in this thread. This Thread I feel is about making suggestions on ways to make this already amazing game that little bit more amazing.

Lol, my signature is for my own personal kicks. If you honestly think I take myself seriously as some sort of master thief your preconceived notions of me are comical.

Moving on…

I constantly bicker with you because every time you post here you add a few more tidbits of nonsense on how you do this or that but still complain about something you never have to encounter.

My groups don’t kite bosses, never have seen a need to except in one instance where we got ambushed by some big troll and all I did was aggro it and run it back and forth across a bridge until my party got back on it’s feet. Aside from those few critical moments I’ve never kited nor seen a boss handled that way.

Like I said, you must be ending up in some easy mode groups that don’t like the challenge of melee combat or w/e the problem may be. My guilds warriors handle it fine so I disagree with the original topic of needing a change in boss behavior. Maybe check your tanks can actually tank before starting?

Aggro in this game can be interesting some times but bosses still target conventionally most of the time. If your tanks are not able to hold aggro against your uber dagger damage then I have a new suggestion for you, tone down your damage. I know, it’s a dangerous thought I’m having here for you kittens that need to stroke the virtual kitten of kittenery but you get no where by trying to be the hero and kill the boss in one powerful shot.

Aggro management has always been and always will be a staple in MMOs. If you end up having to kite constantly then you need to get together with your heavies and figure out what’s going wrong. Not come trotting onto the forum demanding they make the big bad bosses more vulnerable.

FYI, my guilds warriors tank without a guard or water attuned ele. Maybe bring one of those along to help alleviate some problems. Just a thought.

<3 Meri the Master Thief

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

(edited by Raine Akrune.8416)

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


I am still only getting this one notion form this thread.

Nerf Boss damage cause I don’t want to learn how to use the mechanics of the game to my advantage. I just want to pew pew everything till it is dead and have no difficulty doing it, I don’t want to have to create a mitigation build character in order to take hits form a boss. I just want to do Ubber damage and be ubber immune to dying.

That’s exactly what I get from them as well. The thief arguing with me is simply upset his glass cannon daggers can’t save him. Meanwhile all you need to do is do what thieves do best, evade attacks.

Firstly I am not upset, also I am not arguing with you, I am debating with you there’s a difference believe me. I evade attacks as much as possible and I do tend to survive allot more then other classes even when I swap to my daggers and go nuts. The point that is trying to be made here is not that we are calling for a nerf on boss damage, we are not calling to be made gods, we are asking for some variety and for the ability at certain times on current bosses (or future ones) to be able to have the option to do more then just kite. If you are too egotistical to understand that then please go find another thread to try and troll. (The reason I choose the word “egotistical” is in your signature, “Asuran Master Thief” says it all). Your assuming comments on me crying about my build make me laugh (seriously I nearly fell of my chair laughing), my build works well for my play style and works well in groups and I am yet to receive any complaints about it. Lastly I am not trying to turn this in to a fight, but I don’t understand the need for your back handed comments and assumptions. Its just rude and not needed in this thread. This Thread I feel is about making suggestions on ways to make this already amazing game that little bit more amazing.

Lol, my signature is for my own personal kicks. If you honestly think I take myself seriously as some sort of master thief your preconceived notions of me are comical.

Moving on…

I constantly bicker with you because every time you post here you add a few more tidbits of nonsense on how you do this or that but still complain about something you never have to encounter.

My groups don’t kite bosses, never have seen a need to except in one instance where we got ambushed by some big troll and all I did was aggro it and run it back and forth across a bridge until my party got back on it’s feet. Aside from those few critical moments I’ve never kited nor seen a boss handled that way.

Like I said, you must be ending up in some easy mode groups that don’t like the challenge of melee combat or w/e the problem may be. My guilds warriors handle it fine so I disagree with the original topic of needing a change in boss behavior. Maybe check your tanks can actually tank before starting?

Aggro in this game can be interesting some times but bosses still target conventionally most of the time. If your tanks are not able to hold aggro against your uber dagger damage then I have a new suggestion for you, tone down your damage. I know, it’s a dangerous thought I’m having here for you kittens that need to stroke the virtual kitten of kittenery but you get no where by trying to be the hero and kill the boss in one powerful shot.

Aggro management has always been and always will be a staple in MMOs. If you end up having to kite constantly then you need to get together with your heavies and figure out what’s going wrong. Not come trotting onto the forum demanding they make the big bad bosses more vulnerable.

FYI, my guilds warriors tank without a guard or water attuned ele. Maybe bring one of those along to help alleviate some problems. Just a thought.

<3 Meri the Master Thief

Well I have to say I did wonder with the signature but each to there own as they say.. Firstly I have not been running with scrub groups, but I see as per usual you are missing the point. We are not asking them to nerf the bosses we are just asking for the option of a bit more variety, Is that so hard to understand? Last time I checked no one said anything about “boss’s need a nerf”, this section of the forums is about making suggestions. If you don’t agree or lack the capability to actually understand what is being suggested here, then please for the sake of us all and the Kittens you liked to mention so much, go find another forum to post you meaningless ramblings in.



Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Well when I see a good variety of bosses and have no issue with the limit of CC on them, the whole reason for this thread, I don’t see why it’s so hard to get the idea I’ll keep coming back for a laugh.

Stop running them for a few weeks and maybe you’ll be interested in them again. You can keep telling yourself I’m missing the point but I’m merely countering with the fact my guild enjoys them and runs them well as they currently are. If you want dungeons to be easier maybe try RIFT or another game where you’ll get heals.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


Well when I see a good variety of bosses and have no issue with the limit of CC on them, the whole reason for this thread, I don’t see why it’s so hard to get the idea I’ll keep coming back for a laugh.

Stop running them for a few weeks and maybe you’ll be interested in them again. You can keep telling yourself I’m missing the point but I’m merely countering with the fact my guild enjoys them and runs them well as they currently are. If you want dungeons to be easier maybe try RIFT or another game where you’ll get heals.

OK firstly I never said we don’t enjoy the game and the dungeons in there current form, you are clearly stupid if you think we are crying here asking for easy mode. All we are doing is making a suggestion and expressing our points of view, if you don’t agree with that then fine, but please stop with your pointless comments and please stop trying to pick a fight, all we are doing here is putting forward ideas to make the game better not easier. If your view is that there is no problem and disagree with this thread then OK we get the picture, I don’t at this time see any need to continue this conversation with you, so lets agree to disagree.

Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Well when I see a good variety of bosses and have no issue with the limit of CC on them, the whole reason for this thread, I don’t see why it’s so hard to get the idea I’ll keep coming back for a laugh.

Stop running them for a few weeks and maybe you’ll be interested in them again. You can keep telling yourself I’m missing the point but I’m merely countering with the fact my guild enjoys them and runs them well as they currently are. If you want dungeons to be easier maybe try RIFT or another game where you’ll get heals.

OK firstly I never said we don’t enjoy the game and the dungeons in there current form, you are clearly stupid if you think we are crying here asking for easy mode. All we are doing is making a suggestion and expressing our points of view, if you don’t agree with that then fine, but please stop with your pointless comments and please stop trying to pick a fight, all we are doing here is putting forward ideas to make the game better not easier. If your view is that there is no problem and disagree with this thread then OK we get the picture, I don’t at this time see any need to continue this conversation with you, so lets agree to disagree.

I have no interest in agreeing with you. You continue to insult, complain, and cry about my disagreeing with the suggestion but yet I’m merely suggesting there is nothing wrong. It’s a two way street and this is the other side.

If you want this conversation between us to end so badly then walk away. I won’t sit here and listen to sad little cries for unneeded change.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I think the point here is there are people that feel they need to kite everything cause the bosses hit to hard.

Although there or even more people that are saying you do not need to kite everything you can stay in melee. if your groups are kiting everything then maybe the Group ( speculation of course) is scared to do melee, or maybe the group is just not educated enough in their class they choose.

If this “problem” was exsistant to 99.9% of all players I would agree, but that isn’t the case plenty of players are running dungeons with ease. Of course your damage classes are not going to be able to stand toe to toe like a mitigation class can, and if that is what your expecting then you are missing the point of playing a damage class.

We do not have Trinity in this game but we do.
We have Damage/control/support
which is the same as DPS/ Tank/ Heals

yes Control builds are not always the heavy armored professions they can be Necros or Ele’s but if your a damage based class with very little toughness it is your job to watch your threat.

Aggro/ THreat
Damage delt = Aggro
Melee damage > ranged damage
Meaning that melee will generate threat on a target faster than a ranged, this is how the aggro tables work. If you have a mitigation profession with you let him get in there and play with the boss for a lil bit then go in, since there are no damage meter’s there is no dps race meaning no one cares if you hold back for 5 seconds or 10 seconds.

that is all I have to help you out

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koromas.7980


Well when I see a good variety of bosses and have no issue with the limit of CC on them, the whole reason for this thread, I don’t see why it’s so hard to get the idea I’ll keep coming back for a laugh.

Stop running them for a few weeks and maybe you’ll be interested in them again. You can keep telling yourself I’m missing the point but I’m merely countering with the fact my guild enjoys them and runs them well as they currently are. If you want dungeons to be easier maybe try RIFT or another game where you’ll get heals.

OK firstly I never said we don’t enjoy the game and the dungeons in there current form, you are clearly stupid if you think we are crying here asking for easy mode. All we are doing is making a suggestion and expressing our points of view, if you don’t agree with that then fine, but please stop with your pointless comments and please stop trying to pick a fight, all we are doing here is putting forward ideas to make the game better not easier. If your view is that there is no problem and disagree with this thread then OK we get the picture, I don’t at this time see any need to continue this conversation with you, so lets agree to disagree.

I have no interest in agreeing with you. You continue to insult, complain, and cry about my disagreeing with the suggestion but yet I’m merely suggesting there is nothing wrong. It’s a two way street and this is the other side.

If you want this conversation between us to end so badly then walk away. I won’t sit here and listen to sad little cries for unneeded change.

Wow I am shocked at your lack of maturity, I have every right to post my views as do you. I was not trying to make you agree with me, I was actually saying lets agree on the fact we disagree with each other on this subject lol, There are two sides to this post some agree some don’t, in this case I agree with it and you don’t. Its not rocket science. So lets end it here and try and keep this thread on subject I have no wish to argue with you. You have your view and I have mine. ^^

All the best


Exodus - Desolation Server – Recruitment Open

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlpineFlame.7058


This is something that has bothered me for quite some time.

CC is a VERY important survival tool for ALL classes. Whether you are stabby, casty, or rangey. Organizing your CC with your party members is a HUGE part of the teamwork that builds camaraderie when you run a dungeon. I wanted to run a melee ranger of the longest time, and then realized that, because of immunity and low armor I cannot do that. Period.
How many stabby rogues can make it through a fight without blind? Zero.
How many warriors make it through a fight without immobilize, cripple, or knockdown? none.
Rangers without cripple? Zero
Necro without fear? Zip diddly.
You get the idea.

So to sum it up, with all caps for emphasis: REMOVE CC IMMUNITY. It will foster a better community and remove the ZOMGDPS4EVA feel from the game.
(And if you truly do love it THIS much, leave it on a few of the really rough customers. It truly is an interesting mechanic, it just doesn’t belong on ALL the bosses.)

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

This is something that has bothered me for quite some time.

CC is a VERY important survival tool for ALL classes. Whether you are stabby, casty, or rangey. Organizing your CC with your party members is a HUGE part of the teamwork that builds camaraderie when you run a dungeon. I wanted to run a melee ranger of the longest time, and then realized that, because of immunity and low armor I cannot do that. Period.
How many stabby rogues can make it through a fight without blind? Zero.
How many warriors make it through a fight without immobilize, cripple, or knockdown? none.
Rangers without cripple? Zero
Necro without fear? Zip diddly.
You get the idea.

So to sum it up, with all caps for emphasis: REMOVE CC IMMUNITY. It will foster a better community and remove the ZOMGDPS4EVA feel from the game.
(And if you truly do love it THIS much, leave it on a few of the really rough customers. It truly is an interesting mechanic, it just doesn’t belong on ALL the bosses.)

1: I can survive fights without blind

2: Aggro management is a form of crowd control, if a warrior holds aggro on 4 things all targeting him he’s in control

3: CC isn’t the heart of building camaraderie

4: Fights are not about DPS it’s about perfect coordination

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Bosses compared to GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


This is something that has bothered me for quite some time.

CC is a VERY important survival tool for ALL classes. Whether you are stabby, casty, or rangey. Organizing your CC with your party members is a HUGE part of the teamwork that builds camaraderie when you run a dungeon. I wanted to run a melee ranger of the longest time, and then realized that, because of immunity and low armor I cannot do that. Period.
How many stabby rogues can make it through a fight without blind? Zero.
How many warriors make it through a fight without immobilize, cripple, or knockdown? none.
Rangers without cripple? Zero
Necro without fear? Zip diddly.
You get the idea.

So to sum it up, with all caps for emphasis: REMOVE CC IMMUNITY. It will foster a better community and remove the ZOMGDPS4EVA feel from the game.
(And if you truly do love it THIS much, leave it on a few of the really rough customers. It truly is an interesting mechanic, it just doesn’t belong on ALL the bosses.)

1: I can survive fights without blind

2: Aggro management is a form of crowd control, if a warrior holds aggro on 4 things all targeting him he’s in control

3: CC isn’t the heart of building camaraderie

4: Fights are not about DPS it’s about perfect coordination

i say +1 vote no on prob 564321