Bot Bombs
It will possibly affect the bots, but it will mostly be used by griefers to annoy legit players. You hated the duel spam in other games? You gonna really hate the “bot bomb” spam in GW2…
Very, very bad idea.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
Exactly as Korrigan said, it would be used mainly to grief legit players. I played a game where there was a random chance a captcha would pop up (maybe 1-5%?) when gathering materials from a node.
I think it’s a good idea, but I think most bots in GW2 are just farming mobs. Maybe they could do something with this and DR. I know they don’t seem to want to notify us when DR kicks in, but maybe once DR kicks in a captcha pops up. If you get the captcha correctly than poof, DR is reset. If it’s wrong (multiple tries?) then DR gets set on you HARD.
Could add an option in game menu to automatically pop up a captcha incase you were afk or whatever to remove the DR through answering it correctly.
hmmm….make it so if someone used one on you recently they cant do it again for 30min?, or make it so it can be only used on out of combat people….bots tend to have those idle moments after events where they sit in town , also i think the reports on griefers would be much easier to manage then reports on botters,
The DR captcha is already a better idea, but it still annoys me… imagine you, aka a legit player, is actually fighting a pack of mobs, or a harder mob, and that captcha appears… you can’t dodge anymore, you die.
Personally, I’ve never botted in any MMORPG, and I’ve played most of them since UO 17+ years ago. I don’t want to be punished because of bots.
bots tend to have those idle moments after events where they sit in town
So do legit players. I often stay AFK in Lion’s Arch for like 10 minutes while I get some food or go to the toilets. I wouldn’t want some guy pass by, drop a bomb on me, and make be get booted/banned.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
also the game i played the captcha would pop up in the bottom right corner and not take up too much of your screen and wouldnt affect your gameplay, in 30 seconds you can find somewhere safe and then do it
well they didnt ban you if it logged you out from a bot bomb, but another thing is that we can have the Away mode make us invulnerable to it, but we go back to online mode if we move
also duel spam has been solved by many many mmos, they put a tab in options that says reject all incoming duel requests. but im just throwing out ideas from other games
As already explained by Mike, we are very commited to fighting botters. However, we are not going keep you updated about this situation every hour, or answer personally to each questions you are asking.
As soon as we will have more information to provide, we will keep you updated here. Thanks