Botting is out of hand

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razy.4852


While working on world completion today in harathi hinterlands i ran into a group of 4 rangers botting and proceeded to report them, nothing new seeing bots in mmo’s. A few minutes later i find at least 10 in a centaur camp all with bear pets and pathing exactly the same, all said and done i reported at LEAST 30 bots in a small portion of a zone and some that were there last week too. I’m not sure what’s being done but its looking like nothing at all at the moment and these bots are destroying the economy. Since i posted in suggestions i would suggest a passive system to ban bots since they do the exact same actions and run the same path over and over again, i know other games have used a system like this with varying success and it would most likely help allot with the problem.

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bravix.3497


They are doing very little to stop the bots. Really, all thats necessary is one GM per server. Go to the farm locations in Orr. Botters are obvious. Start banning. Problem solved.

Supposedly, they’re doing group bannings where they collect a bunch of names and then ban them all at once. Its good because if you just ban people one at a time, botters will get scared and stop for a while. This way you get more of them.

The downside is, your playerbase suffers as the bots prosper.

I’ve severely limited by playtime in comparison to how much I was playing before. I might start playing more once this issue is solved. Until then, other games.

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barghaest.3061


I’d like to suggest all bots relocate to Griffinroost Run and spread out to farm to the rapid griffon spawns. That way no one would ever complain about botters since they’d be performing a useful service and making it easier for people to carry the bomb to the chest… I’d NEVER report a botter I saw there.

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: staticstorm.2318


got 8 mails from bots yesterday i get spamed less in some other mmo i played. geting really old seeing mail full just from bots trying to sell me gold

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


They know. They’re trying.

So let’s all just wait.

I don’t advocate playing during this time; just waiting. fyi.

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: juiceman.2870


I think an automated way to stop the bots could exist I dont know if its worth the time/money actually do or not. I think a few player reports on 1 person means most likely it is a bot then give that bot a few random captchas questions or random images to piece together. They dont get it temp ban them or perm ban whatever you want. I dont think you would get very many false positives people really dont report bots wrongly that often.

Botting is out of hand

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462



The way to deal with botters is by reporting them via the ingame report tool. We also have a thread made by ANet on the topic so please, refrain from opening additional threads on th topic.
This thread is closed. Thanks