Bring Previewing back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

I just went over them twice, where is it located?
It’s the last one.

I was referring to the actual patch notes posted here, so they snuck it in on the wiki page? how cute anet. Way to stay classy.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


What, have they gone completely mental? Well if this was an intended change clearly they have..

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

(edited by Blackwolfe.5649)

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Carlie.3869


+1 to the suggestion.

Things like that are what make the game feel more “limited” and sway people away from it. Either don’t include it from the start, or don’t remove it later.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: suntek.5084


I have no idea at all why on Earth would anyone remove a great feature , instead of implementing new features and improving the existing.. really guys cmon ><

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


I just went over them twice, where is it located?
It’s the last one.

I was referring to the actual patch notes posted here, so they snuck it in on the wiki page? how cute anet. Way to stay classy.

This is another problem with how Anet does things. Patch notes should be up and viewable a WEEK before they go live, this allows a developer to see how those changes will be recieved so that the option to not take them live is there.
Patch notes should also be on the MAIN WEBSITE!

Repeat after me everyone in Anet: facebook is not a place to give first news of anything, twitter reaches such a small degree of customers it should be seen as the last method of giving information, everything done to the game should be posted in tripplicate on the main website before anyone even thinks of any other method of telling the player population.

The wiki is expected to be wrong, it is a wiki, the real information for patch notes needs to be on this website!!!

The people in charge of giving us information do so int he most kitten way possible. They rely on facebook (which is shrinking in active userbase, watch the numbers done by independant places not from facebook), twitter (seriously, I have never seen anyone reputable use this in a meaningful way…game companies just kitten off the mass playerbase by using it to distribute any information), and the wiki is for giving us recipe’s and tellign us hints/secrets…that is what wikis are for…there should not be information on it that belongs on the main website!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tooton.1678


Please bring back previewing. taking away was just Eff’ing stupid.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stereo Sage.6758

Stereo Sage.6758

I would like if they could revert back to how they had the previewing system before. It’s nice to see how armor would look like on a certain character, despite their role.

An example of how this is good: I used to use this system to preview light armor on my only human female (which was a Guardian) when somebody asked my opinion on a armor set. It makes it tons easier to preview it on any current character rather than have to change character to preview.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: thrice.9184


This would be great to have once again.

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shizit.1294


I’m hoping this is just a minor, temporary bug. Please revert this feature to its previous state, it doesn’t make any sense to remove it from the game; if it was done on purpose, then shame on you, there are major issues you should be taking care of. Thanks.

Shïzït – 80 Warrior | Teskatlipoka – 80 Thief

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Michikyou.9617


They intentionally took it away.

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Posted by: Joukehainen.5148


They intentionally took it away.

It’s still a bad idea, imo, and I don’t see the point. It’s not like we don’t have alts, so of course I want to be able to see what that armour looks like without having to tab out and use one of the sites that take screenshots of every single armour-type and try to figure out via the item description which it is.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oddcl.1507


I feel like our rights to view what our other characters could wear got revoked.

Heck I am sick and I even am logging in here to keep the thread alive and kicking.

As I stated in my comment above along with others this was not a smart move. It is as if they did not take input or ask us….someone who works at anet decided meh I don’t like being able to preview items I can not wear…so instead of making a character that can use it, I will just remove the previewing of those items just cause I can. looks around slips it in patch

Was this some kind of vote in the work place and if it was why did the players get no say.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


Wow. Why was this changed? I preview armor to see if I want another character to have it for looks before selling it. I don’t like this change.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


according to the wiki notes, this was intentional. but why? why? Why. would. you. take. away. something. that. everyone. enjoyed.

it didnt hurt anyone Anet. Repeat after me: It. Did. Not. Hurt. Anyone.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bunter.3795


This is indeed a horrible change to the game. I used the preview ability to decide on many different characters and it was one of the “great” features of this game. When my guild discussed this it came up that maybe it was due to the preview window allowing different sets to be previewd thereby possibly causign graphic bugs. If this is the case the fix would be to allow us to preview any of the various armor types but if we preview any type we cannot wear the window would render the current armor gone as if you had taken it off. This way there would be no cross type graphics issues and would allow us the ability to still preview any set. Change the window ANet, not the ability to preview any armor.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

I’d like to add my name to the petition. Makes no sense that it was ‘fixed’ since it was a feature that people liked and caused no harm to the gameplay at all.

Anyways, ANet is not the ‘bad guy’. I think someone just got overzealous about things being ‘correct’ or thought that newbies would get confused by being able to preview unequippable armor, or alternatively it was an unresolved side effect of being able to preview weapon and armor skins.

I’m confident that it will get fixed in the next major update (perhaps the post-winterday patch) — ANet has already proven good faith by implementing tokens (instead of pure RNG) for fractal rings and implementing numerous other suggestions by the community.

(edited by Zero Angel.9715)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Account.9832


I just went over them twice, where is it located?
It’s the last one.

Those are comments added by players. There is no mention of it in the official patch notes, found here:

- Al Zheimer

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Account.9832


I think I know why they removed it. But I’d like to see the Official Justification™ anyway.

- Al Zheimer

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Barabbas.8715


Bring it back! It helped me know what alts to make!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araneyl Armegil.2863

Araneyl Armegil.2863


im personally hoping this was an unintentional change, i really cant see what it would serve to alter this. if this was intentional what was being fixed here? was there some exploit with previewing? i cant see how and its flatly insane and insert expletive to disallow us to preview armor that character cant wear.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135


But I’m willing to bet something about this patch was causing a very unwanted bug when previewing so they’ve removed it temporarily.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: frostflare.6390



Le Fix it anet…Le Now! This really is just wierd. You get rid of this…But yet you can’t seem to take the time to talk to the players which arguably would take less of your time. Seriosly a dumb move and makes no sense. it has no balance problem…at all. I mean darn, Not like previeing granted me infinete power and I could jsut walk around and kill everying with my preview pane up. lol.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: KrisV.5612


This was a stupid change. Previewing other armors will help people like me come up with a design for a outfit that may be same race but different class. On my Human Warrior figuring out what I want my Human Thief to look like for example when I finally work on him. I mean honestly what harm is it to allow us to preview other types?

Kris Auditore- 80 Warrior Hawk Ice- Main 80 Ranger
Leader of Immortal Legacy on Blackgate(US)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

I think I know why they removed it. But I’d like to see the Official Justification™ anyway.

Please. Enlighten us.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Previewing was so convenient for deciding the final look for my alts without having the need to swap chars or just to see even what someone else got as a drop when they linked it. I fail to see the reasoning on why they removed it.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


You know what’s ironically funny? I posted and complained because right after the Lost Shores event, I bought Gems—>Converted to Gold—> and bought up 1,000 Karka shells. All to purchase a second Ancient Karka shell. Only to find out what the “unique” quality meant after the purchase! Which cost me something like 40+ gold. Though some cheap karma items we need “protecting” from purchasing??? Even though it clearly has in red text item not for our class.

<sigh>…. idk what they were thinking on this….
[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Protecting us from purchasing the wrong type of armor? Well that’s one silly reason. There’s already lines in red stating you can’t equip something in the item description.

Just bring the class independant preview back, please.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grenn.9134


Thought something was up with previewing yesterday and this confirms it. The change makes no sense, I hope it’s changed back. Like many players, I’m often on the lookout for skins for an alt while I’m on my main of a diffrent class.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


Oh, this isn’t a bug? Then I’d definitely like this ‘update’ to be reverted, it’s so inconvenient when you find things that could be used for your character and want to see how it looks. Actually, the look of a certain armour piece has inspired me to make another character more than once, to the point of grabbing a few new slots for gems.

One of the things I enjoy most in GW2 is customizing characters and armour – and how can you properly discuss fashion with friends when you can’t preview each others links? So yep, I’d love to see the preview function returned.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weebitt.3157


OMG!! I LOVED the way the preview feature was before you changed it. Being able to see what items looked like that you might want for alts was one of the BEST features this game had. Please change it back, and also make this available thru the Trading Post.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcusdeblack.2307


Yes, give us back Free-Preview.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: AstroFM.6508


I agree, please bring preview back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


Huge nerf to Tarnished Coast! >:(

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illiana.9214


I have multiple characters of different class types that I swap armor back an forth with, and removing the preview options was not a very good idea. I played my ranger last night and wanted to see a new piece of armor I received from a drop and noticed I couldn’t view it because it was light armor. I asked on the map about it and a bunch of players had mentioned that it was no longer an option. Seriously? Bad enough we can’t preview items in the auction house before we buy it, now you take away the option to view armor of different class types we receive through loot? Some of us take pride in what our characters look like and what their weapons look like, and I know most of us have characters of different class types that they switch back and forth to when they find new armor for them. Please give us the preview option back. It’s a bigger inconvenience to most than you think.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bensozia.8071


Putting in my 2 cents to get preview back. Yet another nail in the coffin.
Nothing like alienating your customers.

Guardians of the Light [GOTL]
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kuscheldrow.6415


Yepp, preview needs to be the way it has been before.

Trahearne <3

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


Please bring back preview in it’s full glory.
Sorrows Furnace

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Zane.4287


I thought I was mis-remembering this even existing. Please bring it back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shizit.1294


+1, daily bump, don’t wanna lose this thread. Please fix it.

Shïzït – 80 Warrior | Teskatlipoka – 80 Thief

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Voradore.9043


I was convinced that this was a Bug, until I saw this thread… now I’m not so sure. Still, just because we saw it in Wiki Notes doesn’t mean it’s official. I’m sure that if Anet intended this to be a positive adjustment, then they would have told us why.

I’m confident that both parties (Anet and us) share a common perception, that this indeed, is NOT a good thing. If intentional, then I feel assured that this was a temporary change in order to improve upon something else. If by accident, then I’m sure they’re working hard to correct it for everyone (including there own player base).

Arena Net has done right by all of us to date; I don’t see why they would change that overnight. Keep the faith people, our cross profession previewer will come back in time (As well as a BLTP Previewer).

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Putting in my 2 cents to get preview back. Yet another nail in the coffin.
Nothing like alienating your customers.

First ascension gear (which they STILL haven’t given us a non-fractals method of obtaining it) and now this.
Anet is quickly going to drive this game into the ground the way rift did. (Rift may have a lot of classes but most of them are totally worthless for any real content).

Got to keep your players happy, first way to do this is to release patch notes before patches go live so you can get feedback fromt hose playing the gorram game!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ref.8196


Ridiculous change.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


“Hey everyone. This is a fix that is working as intended. As these armor types were never designed to be worn together, it resulted in some graphic issues when previewing them.”

Not sure what they are smoking. The positives of being able to preview off-armor far far outweighs a few harmless clipping issues or whatever.. that only happens in the preview window. What will they come up with next?

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narfesis.8476



Just stupid to ‘fix’ something that is not affecting the game at all. Anet, prove you listen to your players and put it back in.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Navi.7142


Yeah, please bring it back and finally include previewing in TP.

Regarding the graphical issues you could have done:
- leave it how it was, the graphical issues were not a big deal (-> Did anyone notice high amounts of complaints about graphical issues with the preview of off-armor?? I didn’t.)
- display the character without clothing or in starter armor to minimize graphical issues when previewing off-armor

Right now it is very gamer-unfriendly.
Not amused.

EDIT: for clarification

(edited by Navi.7142)

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Hegel.9182


I support this suggestion. As I said on the thread where they confirmed it was an intended change:

I urge you to please go back in this decision. The clipping issues when previewing armor of different types are a very minor issue that is not game breaking at all. You’re pretty much just nerfing fun here. On a game that is supposed to be about cosmetics and prestige skins, being able to browse skins and take a look at interesting visuals should be made as easy as possible.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulfaye.1063


I support this suggestion bring it back!

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Arimik.2460


bring back cross-class armor previewing A-Net. its kind of a big deal.

That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Pasha.2367


please UN-‘fix’ this issue. while you’re at it preview in the TP would be extremely helpful.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Starfall.6813


Please bring this back. it was incredibly convenient, and if there were graphical issues in Preview, I can’t imagine that anyone really cared. Not being able to use preview for all armor types is a real PITA for those of us with alts.