Bring back FREE world transfers

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ManofCoal.5069


I have multiple friends that want to come back, but only if we can play together.

By play together, that means: pvp and guilds. So, guesting won’t work.

None of us want to pay like 12 bucks for the world transfer

So, please make it free. Come onnnnnn.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well ANets got to make their money somewhere, also they did publicly announce that they were going to close down free world transfers so you all did have time. One of the primary (I like to think) reasons they kept it open so long was for so that people could hop around, get it out of their systems and then decide where to settle down.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Advent.6193


The other reason, IIRC, was that they didn’t yet have Guesting coded to kick in correctly.
Past that, it does suck to be stuck apart, and still in the same Guild. Hell, my original Guild’s what got me to the server I’ve since stayed on. My suggestion for you, ManofCoal, is to pimp the HELL outta gold/trading, and reunite your crew. (This presumes that your friends have low/zero income, and can’t just do the Gems bit directly.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


“I don’t want to pay, so make it free”

You talking about WvW or SPvP?

Because you could always just grind the gold out for the Gems for a lower population server for SPvP?

Would take you a bit longer for higher populations though.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: rizbliz.8579


I have multiple friends that want to come back, but only if we can play together.

By play together, that means: pvp and guilds. So, guesting won’t work.

None of us want to pay like 12 bucks for the world transfer

So, please make it free. Come onnnnnn.

Get gold transfer them one at a time work together to earn the gold not hard

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i believe anet gave a fair amount of warning before the actual locking in process for gem transfers. while i moved as soon as my guild told me i should, there was i think a period of a month or a few weeks before it went into effect, so i feel as if there was plenty of time for people to move and resettle.

not sure when you received the news, but at first hints and forum posts about it, maybe a need to get together (even just once) to discuss transfers sooner than later would have been beneficial.

this game seems to benefit more and more to those who “get it while the gettin’s good”.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ManofCoal.5069


“Well ANets got to make their money somewhere”

Me and my friends spend a lot of money on games once we are really into them, so trying to make money on a service that is external to the game experience is just gonna lose ANet customers that might stop playing the game all-together (as my friends have)

“i believe anet gave a fair amount of warning before the actual locking in process for gem transfers”

I was telling them this, but while there was only 3 of us that we knew, they weren’t interested in playing. Now that there is about 5 or 6 of us willing to play, they are interested, but it is too late.

“Because you could always just grind the gold out for the Gems for a lower population server for SPvP?”

Yeah, 2 months later they will we be interested in the new hotness.

They convinced me to download Tera last night. It hurt to play that game when GW2 is SO MUCH better. ( the best mmo)

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


Well the issue here isn’t that you want them to transfer for free – its that they WONT transfer unless it is free (for them at least). Paid Transfers helps make WvW a bit more stable (yes I said it), and is a lesser evil to control player population.

I can understand if you don’t have a job or if money is tight, but making transfers free again both impacts player population and WvW – both of which can cost ANET money in the long run.

Ideally a free to play game has quite a few servers to support their population, but by business model they profit from having less server load.

You may not care that ANET has to buy a hundred thousand dollar server rack that can / will only support a few hundred players. You may not even care that to support more than 1k players ANET may need to spend one million dollars on a server rack. To you, your cost is what ANET says you have to pay. Simply put, understand that ANET needs to manage server population and even out WvW as best as they can to keep costs down. In the long run a free transfer system will stack a server with too many players at one time (read into the supposed 12 guild JQ transfer before the 28th jan patch).

Sorry it sucks, save up 30 gold and buy a transfer when you can.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ManofCoal.5069


@VoxShatterfall.5470, your comprehension skills are lacking…

And all of the server issues can be handled by giving everyone ONE free transfer. Not a revolutionary idea.

I have 3 friends with the game and 2 friends willing to buy the game if we can play together.

I’m not going to pay for them because they still may not play much. And I’m not going save gold for 3 transfers.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bron.9647


Free server transfers like they had are definitely gone and should probably stay that way. However, maybe allowing 1 server transfer per account every 3-6 months might not be a bad thing. That would likely still keep server populations pretty stable, but would slightly allow people to resettle. Or maybe a reduced cost for server transfers, cause 30 gold is a heck of a lot of money (it’s certainly not attainable for the casual player).

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: LyricDawnhagen.7803


You can transfer you account for free if you REALLY want to make a free server move. You just delete all your characters (sell everything and sent your gold to a friend to hold) and you can move your empty account to any server for free. The gem charge is to move characters. Moving the account is free.

It might not be what you want to do, but it is an option that is available to you.

Bring back FREE world transfers

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


pray that maybe, along with usual “sales” on items, maybe there will be a discounted weekend for transfers, or something.