Bring back GW1's Obsidian Armor
I like this idea.
i would love this. Aero agrees 100%
Even though it would end up super expensive and further drive ecto prices through the roof I’d like to see it added as well (and not, I might add, as a gem store item thank you very much)
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Even though it would end up super expensive and further drive ecto prices through the roof I’d like to see it added as well (and not, I might add, as a gem store item thank you very much)
This. I’d love to be able to go for it as expensive as it’d probably be, but please don’t make it a gem store purchase.
you do realise that nothing in gem store will ever be as expensive as crafted legendaries….
I want them to bring back the monument armor..that was my favorite…minus the short pants look…make the pants long lol