Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fenrir.8095


It’s been 9 months since GW2 came out and very little content has been added to WvW and in turn WvW is getting stagnant. Servers are fighting the same servers over and over for week long matches with nothing to show for it at the end of the week. General tactics have evolved into follow the commander and take unprotected bases while occasionally fighting the enemy zerg.

I think a gameplay dynamic to bring some life back into WvW would be to add server relics to each of the WvW maps. There is a ton of lore in the world of Guild Wars so it should be easy to come up with some relics from the histories that give a server a sense of pride in holding it. These relics would start at the safe outposts in each of battlegrounds and at the start of a new match up would be placed by a Commander in one keep or tower. The goal would be to defend that relic from falling into enemy hands. The longer a relic is held then the bigger the bonus that entire server gains at all times. These could be expanded on from the existing WvW bonuses like an even further increase in gold find, karma gain or magic find.

This would give a strong incentive to fortify the keep that the relic is located in and to defend it at all costs from being taken by an enemy server. If a relic is taken it would act like how the Orbs of Power were before they were removed. You have x amount of time to take it to a keep or tower of your choosing and place it there to defend.

Another interesting dynamic would be to allow captured relics to be kept after a server reset by the server that holds it. The only way to retrieve a lost relic after a match up had ended would be to fight that server again and try to take back the relic.

Obviously any ideas need to be expanded on but we need something to bring more server pride into the game, something to mix up the dynamics of WvW a little bit and something to bring more PvE players into WvW.

Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slyk.1452


one of he main issues why orbs were taken away is because to many people were using teleport hacks , that’s why theyre not here

Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

Orbs. Good Riddance.

TC Thief

Bring back Orbs as server specific relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Orbs aren’t an option because of hackers and a lack of anti-cheat software. I guess they could add other things in the future, but for alot that is too little too late.