Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kylindra.1794


So, this patch removed the ability to deposit gold in the bank, presumably because they thought we only used that capability to move gold between characters.

However, every “how to save up gold for your legendary” guide EVER has the following advice: stop spending gold and put it in the bank!

Especially now that we can easily access our entire stash on any character, it’s now more important than ever that we have the ability to discipline ourselves by stashing our gold out of easy reach. Saving up is tough when you have a constant temptation to spend, I know I never would have gotten Bifrost without the ability to hide my gold from myself.

Please bring back this incredibly useful feature!

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carol.6451


Only one answer I can think of right now. Make your own personal guild and keep the gold in there. Wonder how much of that gold it would take to do that though?

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: mage.3570


Account wallet = best thing ever.


Been there, done that. What’s next?

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I like the wallet, and I dont mind the bank deposit being gone. My husband and our friend Ami likes it as well.

Martin has stated that if you would like to have your own means of depositing gold, they suggest making a personal guild and buying the vault. (Had a whole thread on it prior to release)

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The account wallet is fantastic, great…

Get some self-discipline, it will serve you well…

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


The wallet is great, but it does not make bank gold obsolete.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: lawfan.7095


This new wallet is great. It will certainly save me many trips to the bank meaning more time to play the game.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kylindra.1794


So, people posting saying they love the account wallet— yes, of course it’s great, I agree.

But why not ALSO have a bank deposit option? Why remove a useful feature? Just because you personally didn’t use it doesn’t mean no one did. I liked the feature and I want it back. The account wallet is great, but it doesn’t mean a bank deposit feature can’t be helpful, also.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Make a guild bank and get the storage. Use that for your new place to deposit gold.
You can buy influence from a guild Promotor. I did it early on, iirc it was around 8 gold.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blumiere.1489


Guys you do realise that we will be swarmed with hundreds of false guilds by now ? Way to welcome new players, that want to join a guild.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Guys you do realise that we will be swarmed with hundreds of false guilds by now ? Way to welcome new players, that want to join a guild.

Rep personal bank guild, deposit, stop repping, rep active guild, no problem. Tons of players already have personal guilds for banking.

There are these items us old folks used to use that might come in handy, notepad and pen. This new system is a great way for people to learn money management and budgeting if they do indeed have spending issues as suggested. I like the new system and I have 10 alts. I went the new high tech way and opted to make a spread sheet.

The Burninator

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThRoG.4870


I want the bank back they were extremely useful and self control is all good but customer satisfaction is another and I am not satisfied with how they conducted this, yes the wallet is awesome but saving in the back was one of the best feature’s, and yes I know they want us to spend our gold on frivolous things but I want a few options not just being pigeon holed into one way and one way only!

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ilna.3076


Wallet is awesome, but I really need to be able to deposit my gold. It was so satisfactory to earn some money and add it to the gold in my bank really miss it.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TCDJ.5378


Only one answer I can think of right now. Make your own personal guild and keep the gold in there. Wonder how much of that gold it would take to do that though?

5 gold and 1 silver, and 4 days build time.

1 silver for creating the guild.
5 gold for 2500 influence.
500 influence for Architecture I. (16 hours build time.)
1000 influence for Architecture II. ( 32 hours build time.)
1000 influence for Guild Stash. (48 hours build time.)

I really want to be able to deposit cash too, but creating a guild is no option for me because I’m already guild leader. The best way would still be if depositing gold were possible, or “hiding” gold from the wallet.

Edit: Before people tell me to get the treasure trove, we already use that.

Bring back depositing gold in the bank!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

I don’t like carrying all my Gold around with me.. I might spend it and we can’t be having that!!

My fun laughs at your server pride.