Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guhmi.5728


Personally I like the game the way it is. If I wanted the set ‘roles’ I would have played other trillion mmo out there.

GW2 is unique group system on its own, please don’t turn it into yet another same mmo mold.

Trials of Human Ellipses =

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Currently, Toughness and Healing Power do not scale up well at all.

I think the coefficients they use could be buffed without turning this into a “tank & spank” game.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Again, I repeat, letting people customize the skills on their bars to be more protective, or more tanky, or more conditional has nothing to do with the holy trinity.

Here is the thing, in standard mmos, certain classes are tied into being the tank the dps, etc.

However here, everyone COULD do everything. So if I was on a team that needed a tank i could say ok, I’m a mesmer but let me change a few skills, and let me change my traits, and BAM we have a tank.

Everyone being able to do everything was a selling point in guildwars 2. However everyone doing everything at once (which makes you just be bad at what you are doing when you can’t really spec for it properly) and not being able to change wasn’t.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘one hour later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘two hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘four hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!! /cry

Tank: Sure, I’ll go. It will be 10 gold for the run.


No thanks…

Orrrrr wait for it…. Wait for it……. Get a wait for it……. Guild.

Woohoo woh wooh a Guild I Guild Wars. The heck you say.

That or change your spec to one of the desired roles.

Ignoring the fact that the people in the “tanky” role will most likely end up with the highest repair bills… which is the first and foremost reason why everyone likes playing the “stay back and pewpew” roles.

Heck, its the reason why I’ve seen so many fail warriors pewpew’n away on their rifles in dungeons……. or guardians using only scepter/offhands….

The problem is with the dungeon design REQUIRING you to DIE TONS before learning everything… oh sure I expect to see the L2P posts coming in, but not everyone learns as quickly as some, and consequently not everyone has the 2873981273 golds to spend on repairs before fulling learning the mechanics of a dungeon, where almost every enemy can 1~3 hit you (as a squishy-as-kitten elementalist anyway), and if you get downed by a trap they might as well have sent you to the starting waypoint by default since the chances of you getting up again is pretty much none. Heck, swarms of enemies with chain-knockdowns are pretty lame as well, considering every-other enemy is like immune to half the CCs available.

In GW1, I would I tell my repair bills to the Guild Leader after the Dungeon run. He would say “get it from the bank”

I think I realize why I am different the you guys.:
1) I have a career & work most of the days, so my game time is precious.
2) The Guild Mates that I have are 10 or so close Friends that I know personally. With a few friends of friends or people we met online and enjoyed playing with.
3) Skype is a guild requirement. Well when we’re not sitting in my garage at a LANParty.

Most if you seem to say “I don’t get PST invites”, “I don’t get good PUGs”. “I don’t like paying for repairs” or “a Tank item drops for the ranger and he takes it for his other toon” etc….

I think perhaps the things that I miss, I miss due to our ability to utilize them at great efficiency due to our friendship. Due to “meet at Meld Dinner, we need to hash this out”.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Last time I checked, the server statistics for classes do not effect your Guild. Your Guild Leader can if desired, ( as my guild would) assign off Roles to each member. IE: Tiny we are short a tank. Find a way spec one of your toons, to fill that Role or level a 2ndary toon with focus on that Role. If I did that he would help me by assigning other guild members with the task of farming gear for my “Tank”. If I did not, he would give warning, and if I still refused without finding/helping another member to accomplish this tasking. He would boot me out of the guild.

Hahahaha!!! This is really funny!!!

You are basically saying that you do not care what people want to play, they are going to play what you tell them to play.

You: We need a tank for a group, Kal, you are it.
Me: But I don’t like playing tanks, I just suck at it…
You: I do not care, you are in my guild, you play a tank when I tell you to.
Me: But it sucks. and I keep losing aggro, and I just can’t keep a watch on all the mobs, and then get yelled at because I lost aggro! I do not like to play tanks…
You: I said I do NOT care. You play a tank because I’m TELLING you to play a tank.
Me: er… no way…
You: Look, It’s for the good of the many.
Me: It’s no good for me… /gquit

So much for playing what you want to play… The reason you just posted goes against everything that a game designed for entertainment stands for… I come into the game to play what I want to play, not play what you want me to play. It’s a good thing your are not in Anet…

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This is like asking for the skill tree and selecting attribute points in Diablo III.

It’s a core mechanic. It won’t change.

I’m perfectly fine as a it is. I can use my Obsidian Flesh if I need to block some damage another player would take otherwise, or a turret, or Endure Pain.

That’s all the tanking I’ll ever need.

No exceptions!

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


Last time I checked, the server statistics for classes do not effect your Guild. Your Guild Leader can if desired, ( as my guild would) assign off Roles to each member. IE: Tiny we are short a tank. Find a way spec one of your toons, to fill that Role or level a 2ndary toon with focus on that Role. If I did that he would help me by assigning other guild members with the task of farming gear for my “Tank”. If I did not, he would give warning, and if I still refused without finding/helping another member to accomplish this tasking. He would boot me out of the guild.

Hahahaha!!! This is really funny!!!

You are basically saying that you do not care what people want to play, they are going to play what you tell them to play.

You: We need a tank for a group, Kal, you are it.
Me: But I don’t like playing tanks, I just suck at it…
You: I do not care, you are in my guild, you play a tank when I tell you to.
Me: But it sucks. and I keep losing aggro, and I just can’t keep a watch on all the mobs, and then get yelled at because I lost aggro! I do not like to play tanks…
You: I said I do NOT care. You play a tank because I’m TELLING you to play a tank.
Me: er… no way…
You: Look, It’s for the good of the many.
Me: It’s no good for me… /gquit

So much for playing what you want to play… The reason you just posted goes against everything that a game designed for entertainment stands for… I come into the game to play what I want to play, not play what you want me to play. It’s a good thing your are not in Anet…

HAHA that was funny.

You failed to understand that I was suggesting more emphasis on “Guild” based strategy and character diversity.

The guild leader will recruit a player who LOVES to tank. He then will be asked to tank “the heck you say”. However he will also recruit players like my self, who love to have the ability to fill multiple roles.

And after all recruitment occurs. The “primary roles” are established. However at times when the “Tank primary” is not available, he will ask players to diversify and fill the roles that are key to the goal at hand.

I think that if a player is not willing to diversify, to fill missing roles, to work with his “guild”. Then perhaps he should not play a game that is centralized upon the aspect of Guild based play. Perhaps he should play a single player game that has multiplayer aspects like Diablo.

However I fear that GW2 is no longer a Guild based game. It shares the name and idea with one of the best Guild based games I have ever played. But has branched out into a much more “fight as you want while on a heart & well call that a group effort” style game.

A game that has no true “group” missions. Missions that require an organized group and goal. It’s now a game that simply has many players fighting in the same area. While the mobs in that area are scales to the amount of players.

No and I mean NO team work is required. It simply requires players that have solid skill to be fighting in the same area.

The need for a “guild” has been taken out of Guild Wars

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kidel.2057


You don’t need ANet to do it.
There is no holy trinity, but I can say that some classes can’t do some roles, at least not in party istances.

a thief can’t tank, a guardian can’t do anything beside healing/support (any class with guardian buffs is better in any role compared to the guardian who buffed, and also lowest hp and no ranged options), etc.

get a guardian to buff your warrior/necromancer tank and ele/ranger/mesmer to range dps.

necro has the highest hp together with warrior, damage reduction skills, toughness increasing traits, minions, healing skills, fear, cripple, hp leech skills and almost infinite death shroud. That’s a SOLID tank (or ranged dps with minions if you want).
Add 1 aegis+protection every 30 seconds from a guardian and then let’s see if the guardian has the guts to say that he can tank better.

Ranger has 2 pets (that can gain boons too) and an impressive ranged arsenal, fury, regen, and 50% more hp than a guardian. That’s your ranged dps.

and so on

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


Last time I checked, the server statistics for classes do not effect your Guild. Your Guild Leader can if desired, ( as my guild would) assign off Roles to each member. IE: Tiny we are short a tank. Find a way spec one of your toons, to fill that Role or level a 2ndary toon with focus on that Role. If I did that he would help me by assigning other guild members with the task of farming gear for my “Tank”. If I did not, he would give warning, and if I still refused without finding/helping another member to accomplish this tasking. He would boot me out of the guild.

Hahahaha!!! This is really funny!!!

You are basically saying that you do not care what people want to play, they are going to play what you tell them to play.

You: We need a tank for a group, Kal, you are it.
Me: But I don’t like playing tanks, I just suck at it…
You: I do not care, you are in my guild, you play a tank when I tell you to.
Me: But it sucks. and I keep losing aggro, and I just can’t keep a watch on all the mobs, and then get yelled at because I lost aggro! I do not like to play tanks…
You: I said I do NOT care. You play a tank because I’m TELLING you to play a tank.
Me: er… no way…
You: Look, It’s for the good of the many.
Me: It’s no good for me… /gquit

So much for playing what you want to play… The reason you just posted goes against everything that a game designed for entertainment stands for… I come into the game to play what I want to play, not play what you want me to play. It’s a good thing your are not in Anet…

PS: if you suck at tanking I wouldn’t ask you to Tank. I would ask the guild “who’s willing to tank”. If I had no takers I would then say: then no dungeon runs until we find one.

Then I would task a player who has skill in melee based Combat, to learn to tank. To develop a build that fills that role. If he said no, then yes I would boot him. I have no room for people like yourself, who ONLY play one role.

However, if he said “I can’t control Agro, I don’t have the gear. I have no fun doing it”. I would then have him meet up with a proficient tank and learn HOW to do those things. That way if he was good at it, he WOULD enjoy it. That way we would have one more member who is able to diversify. That plus I would task a few Guild “grinders” to farm Tank Gear, from locations that we know drop that style of gear. We know this because its posted in our guild channels.

I truly feel as if a majority of the players who truly feel that GW2 is better then GW1. Had no Guild or the classic PuG Guild. If you say “I did”, then ask your self this: did you have Skype, did you spend a long time typing in guild chat?

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


Currently, Toughness and Healing Power do not scale up well at all.

I think the coefficients they use could be buffed without turning this into a “tank & spank” game.


They dont need to bring the trinity back; they just need to make it POSSIBLE to stack toughness and be effective. Same with healing power.

Those stats, currently, are nearly useless.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


Currently, Toughness and Healing Power do not scale up well at all.

I think the coefficients they use could be buffed without turning this into a “tank & spank” game.


They dont need to bring the trinity back; they just need to make it POSSIBLE to stack toughness and be effective. Same with healing power.

Those stats, currently, are nearly useless.

Exactly. I feel as if they WANT you to die in 2 hits. As a way to convince you that getting max gear is needed. A way to convince you to buy gems that you sell for gold that you use to grind crafting or to buy gear directly. Well or grind 2 hours a day for that gear.

As opposed to set Quests with known rewards. Rewards you can look trough and build an armor set around. Not “fetch” quests so much as “obtain” quests.

If they would allow things to scale more strongly, introduce more skills, and allow the assignment of skills to any skill slot. They would fix a lot of what is missing.

But they would also thin the heard of players. And now that they are using Authorized micro transactions to purchases of gold. which can then be used to buy ridiculously stronger but NEEDED gear. I think they won’t be doing anything that might possibly thin the heard.

Think about it. When you are dying in GW2, do you ever blame yourself? In GW1 you did. You’d say “Darn, this build I’d not doing what I intended” or “we need to change X in this team dynamic”. But in GW2 it’s “darn, gear isn’t high enough” or “Darn if we just had one more body”.

(edited by Tinygod.7841)

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


there are roles in this game, there just more flexable

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


You seem to think that guilds are there only for organization. That without the need to organize around the holy trinity (X tanks, Y healers, Z DPS), then a guild is not needed. The game is a lot better with a little teamwork. Having people placing conditions, and other boons, and stunning, etc, will make things a lot better. The lack of tank/healer does not mean the removal of organization.

It does not matter how you weave it. People that are willing to play tanks/healers are always less than people that want to play DPS. That is a proven fact. Sure, you can get people that love to tank, and even others that are willing to tank, but if you have a 300 member guild, and they all want to run a dungeon, you are not going to have enough tanks or healers for them all. That does not happen with the current system.

I can agree that the dungeons may be tweaked a bit high. However, the solution for that is not necessarily implementing the holy trinity. The game has not even been out a month, so let’s give it some times for tweaks.

I played a healer in other games by the way, I personally enjoy healing. However, I have not missed it one bit, and it feels good to be there in the front with everyone dodging, moving, hitting, rezzing, etc. I think the system is good, and I do not think adding the holy trinity would make it better.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


there are roles in this game, there just more flexable

There are roles. But they a far LESS flexible. So yes all warriors have a heal skill which means flexibility right? WRONG that means ALL warriors are the same. Where is the flexibility in being the same?

There are classes yes. But true roles? No, the classes can simply do many things at the same time. So they are more flexible then a class that has one specific role. But they are less diverse then a class that can switch what it’s role is at any given time.

GW1 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to Tank while sacrificing mitigation for Necro DPS.

GW2 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to wield a rifle instead of a sword. But who also has a heal.

Diversity is different than amount of ability types on your bar. It means sacrifice of one to achieve another.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


there are roles in this game, there just more flexable

There are roles. But they a far LESS flexible. So yes all warriors have a heal skill which means flexibility right? WRONG that means ALL warriors are the same. Where is the flexibility in being the same?

There are classes yes. But true roles? No, the classes can simply do many things at the same time. So they are more flexible then a class that has one specific role. But they are less diverse then a class that can switch what it’s role is at any given time.

GW1 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to Tank while sacrificing mitigation for Necro DPS.

GW2 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to wield a rifle instead of a sword. But who also has a heal.

Diversity is different than amount of ability types on your bar. It means sacrifice of one to achieve another.

right…. but your wrong….

I play a support warrior myself, My build doesn’t let me do allot of Damage I focus much more on buffing my team with my banner’s and making the enemy weaker, I can res faster than most and in if need be my elite banner can get every one on there feet if there downed.

Yes I can still stack condition damage fairly well but that’s not the role i am Built to be optimal at ((there’s plenty of other’s that already play that way.))

I also use a shield in order to suck up some dammeg when i can and I’m treated so it has a faster cool-down. just another thing that prevents me from dishing out huge DPS. But hell if a cant keep you on your feet

the problem is not that there arnt roles the problem is that players dont use them. I sware i see another Gard with a grate sword and all his utilatys for Damage and damage buffs I’m going to explode

(edited by UnderdogSMO.9428)

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


You seem to think that guilds are there only for organization. That without the need to organize around the holy trinity (X tanks, Y healers, Z DPS), then a guild is not needed. The game is a lot better with a little teamwork. Having people placing conditions, and other boons, and stunning, etc, will make things a lot better. The lack of tank/healer does not mean the removal of organization.

It does not matter how you weave it. People that are willing to play tanks/healers are always less than people that want to play DPS. That is a proven fact. Sure, you can get people that love to tank, and even others that are willing to tank, but if you have a 300 member guild, and they all want to run a dungeon, you are not going to have enough tanks or healers for them all. That does not happen with the current system.

I can agree that the dungeons may be tweaked a bit high. However, the solution for that is not necessarily implementing the holy trinity. The game has not even been out a month, so let’s give it some times for tweaks.

I played a healer in other games by the way, I personally enjoy healing. However, I have not missed it one bit, and it feels good to be there in the front with everyone dodging, moving, hitting, rezzing, etc. I think the system is good, and I do not think adding the holy trinity would make it better.

Agreed. However nothing forced you into a 300 man guild. We stopped recruiting when we had 2-4 for each role and 10-20 who were like my self and had multiple toons/builds they could run.

Now we did recruit more after we hit that mark, but we placed stronger standards and raised the guild vote % requirement. But we were never a 100+ member guild. If you said Tiny messed up in guild chat. Everyone knew it was probably about tanking. And If it was on my Healer they were like “ahhh yeah, you let the tank heal lol”. We all talked quite a bit, he’ll we exchanged phone numbers with a group of guild mates who were in Europe. Why? Well Skype and just to chat without having to type 230wpm lol.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tinygod.7841


there are roles in this game, there just more flexable

There are roles. But they a far LESS flexible. So yes all warriors have a heal skill which means flexibility right? WRONG that means ALL warriors are the same. Where is the flexibility in being the same?

There are classes yes. But true roles? No, the classes can simply do many things at the same time. So they are more flexible then a class that has one specific role. But they are less diverse then a class that can switch what it’s role is at any given time.

GW1 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to Tank while sacrificing mitigation for Necro DPS.

GW2 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to wield a rifle instead of a sword. But who also has a heal.

Diversity is different than amount of ability types on your bar. It means sacrifice of one to achieve another.

right…. but your wrong….

I play a support warrior myself, My build doesn’t let me do allot of Damage I focus much more on buffing my team with my banner’s and making the enemy weaker, I can res faster than most and in if need be my elite banner can get every one on there feet if there downed.

Yes I can still stack condition damage fairly well but that’s not the role i am Built to be optimal at ((there’s plenty of other’s that already play that way.))

So by Focus on banners you mean: choose traits that enlarge radius and add damage when placed (pathetic dmg). And place 3 banners on your bar. Right?

So your dmg is limited to the weapon skills effected by banner buffs. So your role is “support”. That is a solid role choice for the current warrior. However I would suggest chants personally but that is the difference I miss so yeah.

The only issue is that that is the ONLY role you can achieve.

Warrior: DPS or Support
Any other: DPS Support

All classes can mass boons and conditions. ALL. But that isn’t the focus I want. I miss dedicated healer, tank, RDPS, MDPS, Distractor, etc…

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



I guess my first comment is that the game has been out for just a month officially. And when I see comments like these, I just think … “Here’s a person who has only played one character, arguably to cap, and has a very limited perception on whats going on.”

I think you said you were level 70? So you don’t know what diversity is out there, you are just basing it all on what you’ve seen, which again is a single limited view point.

I could arguably spec a warrior with a mace and a shield. or even a warhorn. i could also hook my utility slots up with a crap load of banners that boost my group with countless boons. That’s a support class. An effective one for the group who does no damage, and possible can offer some support with stuns and knock downs.

Do people do it? Heck no. When I got the game, before I knew anything about it, I said “I want to be a buff warrior with a big A sword!” and thats what I made … fortunately that spec is exactly what I wanted, unfortunately its the one everyone plays because its what everyone “knows”. Not sure what I would have done had 2h sword been a support class… actually that’s a lie, I would have looked at my options, and made a now educated choice on the class I play.

It’s disturbing to me that people say there are no diversity in classes, and there are no group roles. Because it tells me that people aren’t looking for those answers. The people looking for the answers are in game finding how things work, not jumping on here saying, “Hey! I’ve played one character and I think you should make the game the way I know how to play it.”

The diversity and group builds are there… I see it, I just don’t see how others do not. I cannot tell you a single dungeon I did in any mmo that we didn’t crash and burn miserably on the first time, and then months later after people “figured it out” how easy it was to do. It’s called learning, adapting, and finding solutions. You are not a master straight out of the gates, no matter how sure a person is of their skills. Because you are basing it on old habits and old systems, and not looking at the tools available to you currently.

I just don’t see how people think that they should have these answers right this moment, a month after the games release.

You say you are a normal individual, with a job, and play casually. Well then why are you assuming this game is lacking? Based on that description I’d assume you have no idea whats going on, just like 90% of the other gamers out there, because you admit you don’t have the time to figure it out. You want it the way you know it, and your disappointed it’s not being delivered to you that easily.

Adaption to roles and builds take time, the answers are not just given to you.

The other issue is that you obviously are still passionately in love with GW1. I don’t blame you. I still hold the same sort of admiration for DaoC. But if you are honest with yourself, you’d recognize that all games launch with great potential, and then they build upon that base and the game hopefully becomes amazing afterwards.

But you cannot ask for this game, in its infancy, to be something it’s not meant to be. They don’t want it to be WoW, DaoC, GW1, Aion, SWG, Warhammer, or the hundreds of other MMOS out there, they want it to be unique, different, and they want to expand upon that uniqueness and develop upon that originality. And they are succeeding.

Learn to enjoy this project, and have the patience and respect to allow them to develop the game further, and years later you’ll look back and say … “Wow, this game is a ton of fun because it’s different” and enjoy the fact that its not a reskinned version of an old model/system.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: poot.5487


Oh, you are so smart!! because a guild will suddenly make people want to play tanks instead of DPS!! or healers instead of DPS!!!

It’s a nice change, because now I know that literally everyone who goes into an explo dungeon is individually responsible for switching over their traits, skills, weapons and gear to a setup they likely don’t find fun in order to slowly grind down mobs with huge health pools whilst spamming control skills and/or kiting.

Schadenfreude for the win. You know who’s having fun in dungeons right now? My guess is it’s people who enjoyed playing healers and tanks in traditional MMORPG’s anyway.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


In GW1, I would I tell my repair bills to the Guild Leader after the Dungeon run. He would say “get it from the bank”

Uhm, You’re obviously thinking of a different game.

GW1 had no armor damage/repairs, and no guild banks.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘one hour later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘two hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘four hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!! /cry

Tank: Sure, I’ll go. It will be 10 gold for the run.


No thanks…

this is a pvp game for the most part.
and it’s instances dont require the slightest of tactics compared to other games.
here everyone is responsible for himself lol.

so, i dont think u’ve made a great choice if what u like is dungeons.
much better games for raiding out there. u know which one i mean.

pvp needs roles.
people need to be able to spec as tanks or controllers or support.
or else there isnt much strategy and tactics needed
appart from organised movement tactics.

WvW with everyone playing as ranged dps (that’s how it is atm) is just stupid.

i get it that you dont want to spend an hour looking for a tank,
but everyone doing the same things dps/buff/debuff/control/support
makes the game bland and boring as a whole.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


there are roles in this game, there just more flexable

There are roles. But they a far LESS flexible. So yes all warriors have a heal skill which means flexibility right? WRONG that means ALL warriors are the same. Where is the flexibility in being the same?

There are classes yes. But true roles? No, the classes can simply do many things at the same time. So they are more flexible then a class that has one specific role. But they are less diverse then a class that can switch what it’s role is at any given time.

GW1 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to Tank while sacrificing mitigation for Necro DPS.

GW2 Diverse:
Warrior who chooses to wield a rifle instead of a sword. But who also has a heal.

Diversity is different than amount of ability types on your bar. It means sacrifice of one to achieve another.

right…. but your wrong….

I play a support warrior myself, My build doesn’t let me do allot of Damage I focus much more on buffing my team with my banner’s and making the enemy weaker, I can res faster than most and in if need be my elite banner can get every one on there feet if there downed.

Yes I can still stack condition damage fairly well but that’s not the role i am Built to be optimal at ((there’s plenty of other’s that already play that way.))

So by Focus on banners you mean: choose traits that enlarge radius and add damage when placed (pathetic dmg). And place 3 banners on your bar. Right?

So your dmg is limited to the weapon skills effected by banner buffs. So your role is “support”. That is a solid role choice for the current warrior. However I would suggest chants personally but that is the difference I miss so yeah.

The only issue is that that is the ONLY role you can achieve.

Warrior: DPS or Support
Any other: DPS Support

All classes can mass boons and conditions. ALL. But that isn’t the focus I want. I miss dedicated healer, tank, RDPS, MDPS, Distractor, etc…

there’s planty of other game’s out there like that i enjoy this one far more.

and No thats not the only role i could play, I can also play control

for some time I ran with a build better suted for Stomping and fearing I had the single target Kick the stomp and “fear me” as well as the Root ((salvary)) I use the Hammer and Rifle ((i love my rifle))

I enjoyed it but supports more my thing ((just wish i got reworded for it better in WvW)) it was nice to basically be able to push mobs and players to were i wanted them.

(edited by UnderdogSMO.9428)

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


that would be a fun control build. kicking/fearing people away/off your team mates lol

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


that would be a fun control build. kicking/fearing people away/off your team mates lol

don’t forget the Rifle butt
and its cripple shot

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: dan.3618


Its a shame I feel its a spoiled game, it had all the potential the framework is in place, but its like people say this is an action game, more akin to an arcade 3d shooter, it doesnt even have the primary elements of an mmo, there is zero reward ZERO. Then people say well its not an mmo its not that type of game but then when I purchased I was sold on an mmo that was the pitch of the sale of the game.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Its a shame I feel its a spoiled game, it had all the potential the framework is in place, but its like people say this is an action game, more akin to an arcade 3d shooter, it doesnt even have the primary elements of an mmo, there is zero reward ZERO. Then people say well its not an mmo its not that type of game but then when I purchased I was sold on an mmo that was the pitch of the sale of the game.

seems you wernt looking for a good MMO you were looking for a game more like that of EQ or WOW, This is an MMO but its not so much an standerd MMORPG, More of an Action Advanter RPG

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



massive multiplayer online game.

pretty sure this is an mmo.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256



role playing game.

fairly certain this one of those as well.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


and they pitched the game as a “holy trinity” killer … and it seems people keep complaining that there is no trinity. perhaps you weren’t listening to what you were being sold Dan.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shael.4703


Why do people keep pushing for the Holy Trinity in GW2?

  1. The game was already made, there is no turning back – do you want to shutdown the game so they can redo it from scratch?
  2. Why fix when it isn’t broken? No, seriously, why?

People who are pro-Holy Trinity, just stop it already. There is no way to go back to it, the game has been programmed and launched already.

3rd: This is how they want it and ANet will not change their minds over it.
If you want the Holy Trinity, there are a hundred games out there with it.

Point is, you have to accept the fact that GW2 doesn’t have and will never have the Holy Trinity. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it even if you do petitions or whatever. We see the same posts over and over and over in every GW2 forums – official or not. Just accept it Holy Trinity generation, just accept it.

And man, there never was a Holy Trinity or whatever name you want to call it, before. Learn to play the game the way we used to play games – you learn, you observe, you adapt, you change, be flexible, be open, and you THINK. It is more fun that way, instead of roles and just click-away all you want, which is very boring.

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shael.4703


LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘one hour later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘two hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘four hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!! /cry

Tank: Sure, I’ll go. It will be 10 gold for the run.


No thanks…

this is a pvp game for the most part.
and it’s instances dont require the slightest of tactics compared to other games.
here everyone is responsible for himself lol.

so, i dont think u’ve made a great choice if what u like is dungeons.
much better games for raiding out there. u know which one i mean.

pvp needs roles.
people need to be able to spec as tanks or controllers or support.
or else there isnt much strategy and tactics needed
appart from organised movement tactics.

WvW with everyone playing as ranged dps (that’s how it is atm) is just stupid.

i get it that you dont want to spend an hour looking for a tank,
but everyone doing the same things dps/buff/debuff/control/support
makes the game bland and boring as a whole.

You haven’t played MMOs before the Holy Trinity generation if you think there is no strategy and tactics without roles.

That’s like saying: Hey Legolas, do DPS, I’ll tank!

Or Joan-of-Arc saying: Medics with me! We’re assaulting the castle now! Concentrate on healing us! Archers keep DPS, but dont aggro them!"

Nope, roles =/= strategy and tactics. You go back-to-back with your comrades and move in tandem with each other. You know or can predict/expect the next move or moves of your comrades and adapt and adjust based on it.

If you see them down, you think and find a way to survive while thinking of a way to revive them. You don’t just keep doing DPS or tanking or whatever, waiting for a media/healer to come over and revive them.

If your comrade is down, you cover for him. You do the “tanking”, you do the “DPS”. You think. You make decisions. That’s what GW2 is. That’s how games were played before the roles/Holy Trinity was implemented, we use our brains.

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Why do people keep pushing for the Holy Trinity in GW2?

  1. The game was already made, there is no turning back – do you want to shutdown the game so they can redo it from scratch?
  2. Why fix when it isn’t broken? No, seriously, why?

People who are pro-Holy Trinity, just stop it already. There is no way to go back to it, the game has been programmed and launched already.

3rd: This is how they want it and ANet will not change their minds over it.
If you want the Holy Trinity, there are a hundred games out there with it.

Point is, you have to accept the fact that GW2 doesn’t have and will never have the Holy Trinity. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it even if you do petitions or whatever. We see the same posts over and over and over in every GW2 forums – official or not. Just accept it Holy Trinity generation, just accept it.

And man, there never was a Holy Trinity or whatever name you want to call it, before. Learn to play the game the way we used to play games – you learn, you observe, you adapt, you change, be flexible, be open, and you THINK. It is more fun that way, instead of roles and just click-away all you want, which is very boring.

1. Being able to specialize != the holy trinity. As far back as Ultima Online, people were picking skills that worked well together for a specific purpose.

2. A lot of adjustments people have suggested aren’t fundamental changes like adding friendly-targeted heals, or taunts. They are simple buffs to numbers like the coefficients that scale the effects of Healing Power and Toughness, or new major traits.

3. “No trinity” is a game design idea espoused during pre-release hype. It means nothing to me now, as a player with the final product in my hand. If I think healers, tanks, or air-conditioner repairman would make meaningfull additions to the game, I’m going to ask for them.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Again, I repeat, letting people customize the skills on their bars to be more protective, or more tanky, or more conditional has nothing to do with the holy trinity.

Here is the thing, in standard mmos, certain classes are tied into being the tank the dps, etc.

However here, everyone COULD do everything. So if I was on a team that needed a tank i could say ok, I’m a mesmer but let me change a few skills, and let me change my traits, and BAM we have a tank.

Everyone being able to do everything was a selling point in guildwars 2. However everyone doing everything at once (which makes you just be bad at what you are doing when you can’t really spec for it properly) and not being able to change wasn’t.

Everyone having the option to do everything = no holy trinity.

Everyone doing everything at once and only able to spec for parts of what skills they will automatically have = a mess.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘one hour later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘two hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!!

‘four hours later’

LF1M AC exp, need tank PST!!! /cry

Tank: Sure, I’ll go. It will be 10 gold for the run.


No thanks…

this is a pvp game for the most part.
and it’s instances dont require the slightest of tactics compared to other games.
here everyone is responsible for himself lol.

so, i dont think u’ve made a great choice if what u like is dungeons.
much better games for raiding out there. u know which one i mean.

pvp needs roles.
people need to be able to spec as tanks or controllers or support.
or else there isnt much strategy and tactics needed
appart from organised movement tactics.

WvW with everyone playing as ranged dps (that’s how it is atm) is just stupid.

i get it that you dont want to spend an hour looking for a tank,
but everyone doing the same things dps/buff/debuff/control/support
makes the game bland and boring as a whole.

You haven’t played MMOs before the Holy Trinity generation if you think there is no strategy and tactics without roles.

That’s like saying: Hey Legolas, do DPS, I’ll tank!

Or Joan-of-Arc saying: Medics with me! We’re assaulting the castle now! Concentrate on healing us! Archers keep DPS, but dont aggro them!"

Nope, roles =/= strategy and tactics. You go back-to-back with your comrades and move in tandem with each other. You know or can predict/expect the next move or moves of your comrades and adapt and adjust based on it.

If you see them down, you think and find a way to survive while thinking of a way to revive them. You don’t just keep doing DPS or tanking or whatever, waiting for a media/healer to come over and revive them.

If your comrade is down, you cover for him. You do the “tanking”, you do the “DPS”. You think. You make decisions. That’s what GW2 is. That’s how games were played before the roles/Holy Trinity was implemented, we use our brains.

i didnt say there are no tactics involved.
i said that when the game has more aspects, as in,
not everyone doing everything, but having roles,
tactics become more complex and the game less boring.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


sometimes i think people bought the wrong game…

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


What you all don’t know is that their are roles in GW2 pwoplw are just so ignorant they haven’t read anything about the control,, support, and damage system… Stop zerging and learn how to play thekittengame.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


One of the selling points of the game was no holy trinity. And you can play games without one, has anyone here ever played anything other than an MMORPG?

Playable Tengu please!

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


What you all don’t know is that their are roles in GW2 pwoplw are just so ignorant they haven’t read anything about the control,, support, and damage system… Stop zerging and learn how to play thekittengame.

“Damage / Support / Control” is, again, a concept from pre-release marketing hype. It is not a mechanical system you can actually interact with in the finished product.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I think OP is just asking for more skill selections. Something everyone knows deep down we need, but most of us leave it alone because AreaNet has to work out the “Balance” issue with this b4 just dropping a bunch of new toys on us to see how it pans out. Not only new weapon selections but skills from utility to few more elites all have to be within that profession without making them annoyingly OP. One thing I’d like more variety of is our auto attack, some bosses heal based on conditions making almost every basic attack a problem. Not to mention thief shortbow basic attack is a nightmare to use!

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729

You want a tank bring a necromancer. At least from what I have seen running dungeons as mine I throw 1 spell out and it’s like the mobs go OMFG screw everyone else get the clothie with the shadow scythe on his staff.

~Lone Shadow~