Bring farming back

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Fierce.4697

Joseph Fierce.4697

I understand that the name of the game is GUILD wars, and not SOLO wars. But being someone who played gw1 for years I am severely disappointed in the lack of farming available in gw2, and by lack of farming I mean non-existent farming.

I get it, you’d prefer it if I went and made cash and loot by partying up with some people and doing a dungeon. But….. It’s not always the appropriate time for that, from guildies not being on, to servers being mildly inactive during certain times of the day to even when they are active not being able to find people interested in doing what it is that you wish to do.

DR, repeatables having long reload times. These things all suck.

And I know I’m not just speaking for myself on this matter, I know there’s got to be people out there that would agree with me. Aside from pvp or high end pve, figuring out how to make to farm something and make a little bit of cash was a joy.

These days it seems that the only way to make money is to power trade, and the devs wonder why the economy is so run-away and why so many people have monopolies.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


ANet specifically wants to keep farming to a minimum in GW2.

GW2 is meant to break away from a lot of frustrating MMO features. Farming is one of them, as many felt is was a long-grind that only hardcore players could keep up with.
If you don’t like it, go back to playing GW1. This game isn’t made for players who would agree with you.

And where the heck are you getting this information that claims people have monopolies? LOL
Besides that person who put up a Twilight for 9500gold, I don’t see any instance of a market being monopolized – Not unless someone’s deliberately putting all their stock on sale for numerous varying prices.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: solitas.6243


Farming is a horrible waste of time and it detracts from community. I’d much prefer if guild wars 2 had a better group pairing system to go dungeoning. Also, better guild recruiting and control. It’d be nice if my guild could advertise what we want and then have people request to join on a trial basis. Like we want nice people, that are relatively active that use mumble (headphones and microphone). I don’t want to post on the forums since the target audience is located only in the isle of janithir.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Fierce.4697

Joseph Fierce.4697

And where the heck are you getting this information that claims people have monopolies? LOL

If you don’t believe that there are people and groups of people monopolizing certain aspects of the market then you need to open your eyes. There are even entire forums available with which people group together for control certain items at a time. If you do not believe me, google is your friend, or simply join a power trading guild and check out their private forum on their website. Easy Peasy.

I can see where one would say that farming can be a grind that many would avoid, but that is why you put less of a reward on a place that is farmable than on a place that requires multiple people to complete. Not everyone always wants to burn time with pugs that are no good or sit around waiting for guildies and allies to log on. Sometimes a little independence is necessary. Without recognizing this fact there will not in the near future mind you, but the far future, be servers that will die off due to that, why stick to a server that doesn’t have people to group up with?

Their are non-english markets that this game isn’t doing aswell in and people wonder why, if I, for example, spoke afrikaans and picked up this game and was one of the first people I knew in my area to pick it up and began playing it only to find that there wasn’t anything I could do that was significant on my own, do you really think I’m going to encourage my friends to purchase it aswell. That’s like a single player game in which there is no content that is doable on your own.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Fierce.4697

Joseph Fierce.4697

I’d much prefer if guild wars 2 had a better group pairing system to go dungeoning.

I would agree that guild wars 2 is greatly lacking in a proper grouping system, and with all the different sites that provide this service with such ranging popularity it spreads the thin amount of butter over much more bread than before.

But even with a more efficient grouping system, there will still be times where the desire to do your own damned thing that isn’t just a waste of time will exist in certain people. There’s only so many times you can grind out a level 80 character or do a map completion before it becomes boring due to lack of tangible reward.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


Farming was always a bore to me I only ever did it when I needed cash to go buy new equipment, spells, skills or consumables. Honestly the least appealing aspect of online gaming to me was acquiring money. To each their own but I would have more fun using a sword to go out and say slay a dragon then to sit around town and make a fortune making and selling swords.

My issue was that you don’t make enough money farming, and they just keep on nerfing it, only to find people abusing exploits to make money. Id wager that a lot of people feel like me, they don’t want to spend an eternity getting money to get geared out just to go play the game. Some grind isn’t bad but when rewards from it are so low it just feels like a big waste of time.


Scenario 1.

Your character just acquired the “dull sword of uberness”. NPC quest guy tells you “To unlock your swords full strength you must slay 1,000 monsters with it!” You “Ok that’s a long goal but I can handle that, lets go get started!”

Scenario 2.

Your character just acquired the “dull sword of uberness”. NPC quest guy tells you “To unlock your swords full strength you must slay 1,000,000,000,000 monsters with it!” You “WHAT!?! To hell with this!!!” chucks sword at the wall

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Farming is a horrible waste of time and it detracts from community. I’d much prefer if guild wars 2 had a better group pairing system to go dungeoning. Also, better guild recruiting and control. It’d be nice if my guild could advertise what we want and then have people request to join on a trial basis. Like we want nice people, that are relatively active that use mumble (headphones and microphone). I don’t want to post on the forums since the target audience is located only in the isle of janithir.

Farming is not a horrible waste of time if you like killing mobs and crafting. It might be if you run a guild and hang out in Lion’s Arch the whole time you’re online.

I know this is shocking but some players actually like loot.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


ANet specifically wants to keep farming to a minimum in GW2.

GW2 is meant to break away from a lot of frustrating MMO features. Farming is one of them, as many felt is was a long-grind that only hardcore players could keep up with.
If you don’t like it, go back to playing GW1. This game isn’t made for players who would agree with you.

And where the heck are you getting this information that claims people have monopolies? LOL
Besides that person who put up a Twilight for 9500gold, I don’t see any instance of a market being monopolized – Not unless someone’s deliberately putting all their stock on sale for numerous varying prices.

Oh you must mean frustrating features like grinding for gear and vertical progression. I’m glad GW2 doesn’t have that and that’s exactly why I’m about to go run FOTM level 1,000,000. Gotta have those new rings! Oh wait but this game isn’t like other mmos.

No farming = people who craft on their first toon have to buy gems to convert to gold to buy mats and bank slots + account bound minis = big $$$ for Anet

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


What guild wars lacks is people in positions of power that actually understand customer relations and not a bunch of money grabby greedsters. How does anyone still give this company their time and respect? Every decision they have made since launch was about how to alienate their customer base while lining their pockets as much as possible and its a shame there are still people that do not see this. So unless your suggestions fall along those two important guidelines there is no sense wasting your time cause it will never happen.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rooen.5317


Somehow this turned into a thread bashing Anet for trying to make money. Crafting is VERY optional in the game and I’ve nearly made it to end game content (75+) with only 3 gold to my name at any one time. Then with time I play the market a bit. Maybe craft or do a few runs a few times to get the costly loot and cash that in. I’ve honestly Soloed up to this point and only grouped with people if I run into them by accident which has MAYBE been 4 times tops, or simply to do runs and people are lined up outside dungeon entrances and all I have to do is throw up a LFG in map and I’m in. Even living in the US on an EU server.

Could the grouping system be fixed? Yes, perhaps a ‘find group’ option that throws you in with a group that is short someone. Much like WoW had.

Maybe a bit more gold should drop from mobs, sure it could happen. But have you seen the marketplaces in some other games. One stack of a simple herb goes for +3g because people have nothing better to do then farm after endgame.

And Anet is trying to make money. But they also put a pretty free game out for everyone to enjoy and people call them ‘Money grabby greedsters’ Many people in my guild have spent NO money besides buying the game and have a good amount of wealth and great armor, and are doing well with their crafting.

It’s not impossible. And it’s extremely disrespectful to stay on a forum simply to trash talk on topics and subjects you THINK you know about. The fact that it takes no monthly fee to play a game as big as GW2 is is pretty damn amazing. Maybe you need find some time and learn some respect. If you don’t like it the door is always open for you to waltz on out. Remember you’re not tied down by monthly payments.

Rooen Dahlbeck | Asura | Elementalist
Lvl 50+ | Norther Shiverpeaks | Cook/Artif

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


There is no farming in the game? Then why do I keep hearing “Grind Wars”? You must be joking, everything is farming atm in the game, if anything they need to reduce it even by making “hard parts” more rewarding (no nerfing already existing places isn’t the answer)
What they should do, is focus on rewarding players that put some effort in the game. Neither farming CoF path 1 nor farming events in Cursed Shore are considered to be “effort”, they are risk-free effortless actions. Arah exp for example should be a thousand times more rewarding (comparing the effort needed between the two) but alas it isn’t the case, that’s why people are looking for the fastest/easiest path in any dungeon or very easy events to farm, because in the same time they get more. This has to stop by upping the rewards everywhere else considerably.

The more you give, the more you should make, the harder the encounter, the higher the reward. Apparently, in this game standing still and pressing 1 (farming) is more rewarding than dungeon running.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


I would rather pay a monthly fee then treated the way anet treats us. Rubbing some free mini-pets in our face drug dealer style during christmas time only to have to spend gems to get them all is shady at best.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chinnaru.4359


Well 3/4 of the legendary making is money,so if legendary were not money based,no1 would need to farm endless amount of cash

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: varonecl.4265


Well 3/4 of the legendary making is money,so if legendary were not money based,no1 would need to farm endless amount of cash

YOu cant put stipulations on the legendaries which require inordinate amounts of mats and then strip away farming which means gold needs. So you either buy gems to convert to gold or farm for gold. The quest for legendaries should have been tied to story play content. Script an elaborate story that runs the length of one time events and dungeons, WvW and have committed players do those events, instead quest for legendaries are tied to farming activities which is equivalent to grinding.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: gammarik.9426


I agree with OP. Considering how expensive some items are (Comander Title and Cultural Armor for example), the game lacks a way to earn money for people who doesn’t like dungeons, like me. and are located on a server, who loses a lot in WvW. I have yet to reach my first 20 gold, as i haven’t found a way to easily earn money. If they want to make this game a more co-op based game, at least give us a Dungeon Finder mechanism!

Milasta Gandil – Human Thief – 80
Agzea – Sylvari Engineer – 80
We, Team Reem [REEM] on Ruins of Surmia, want you! /w me in-game!

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


I get it, you’d prefer it if I went and made cash and loot by partying up with some people and doing a dungeon.

No, they’d prefer you to take out your credit card and buy gems for gold, boosters and so on.

It’s sad, but ANet slowly shows their ugly side and starts to milk people. The constant nerfs to drops, the atrocious waypoint and repair costs, it’s sadly reminiscent of typical Free2Play games.

(edited by Hellmood.2097)

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I get it, you’d prefer it if I went and made cash and loot by partying up with some people and doing a dungeon.

No, they’d prefer you to take out your credit card and buy gems for gold, boosters and so on.

It’s sad, but ANet slowly shows their ugly side and starts to milk people. The constant nerfs to drops, the atrocious waypoint and repair costs, it’s sadly reminiscent of typical Free2Play games.

I can’t imagine anyone not having a full Exotic Set (maybe 2) without farming/grinding the least bit. It’s quite easy to get fully geared so I really don’t understand comments like this. Waypoints and repairs cost next to nothing, unless you die 10 times per minute or something….

Now the only reason to complain about money is when you go to get Ascended Gear and/or a Legendary weapon, then the game becomes a REAL grind (Grind Wars) and it does become reminiscent of Free2Play games. However the devs already stated that they will be adding Ascended Gear on all aspects of gameplay PvE/WvW/Crafting/Dungeons and they’ll make getting specific parts of Legendary weapons easier so I still have hope that with those changes the insane grind will be lessened, until then just stay away of Ascended/Legendary and the grind should not be noticable in any way.

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shizit.1294


I’m kind of a hardcore gamer and I don’t mind farming/grinding to provide for myself and also make some coin in online games, but I can live without it and it would make the game very enjoyable if I wouldn’t have to farm. I played Lineage 2 for 6 years and that game was the definition of farming/grinding, also 1 year of WoW, mostly solo or duo pvp, hunting very rare mounts/achievements. When I first started playing GW2 I thought to myself “this is my favourite game ever, finally I’m done with farming and I can enjoy other aspects of the game”; I did until I discovered THE LEGENDARIES and started hunting for one myself. I got the karma, the skillpoints, the clovers, most of the T6 mats, but I’ve hit a wall when it came to the precursor and the lodestones. Problem in this game is that I can’t make enough money because lodestones/rares/exotics just refuse to drop. First I started farming style, as I was used to do it, then I noticed something doesn’t work, did some research, found out about DR, so I tried playing 1-2h/day, hoping for a change. Nothing happened. Lately they nerfed dungeons too, or so is my impression, last week i was making ~1g/run and at least one rare item, now barely 60-70s and very few greens/blues, no rares. So how am I supposed to break the 2-3g/day barrier without playing the TP, which I totally dislike? Why am I not allowed to farm for my lodestones? Why don’t they drop even if I don’t farm? I’m playing this game for 2 months and got ONE onyx lodestone, I need 100. How? Do I have to take benefit of exploits like many others do? ANet, enlighten me.

Shïzït – 80 Warrior | Teskatlipoka – 80 Thief