Bring on the guilds.
Capes are necessary. Especially if it means in sPvP we don’t need to wear red/blue armours but instead have red/blue capes. They occasionally bothered me back in GW1, but the current alternative is even worse.
As for GvG, I believe Anet has stated that guildhalls will be in the future, so don’t be suprised if our beloved GvG pops up in a future blog post. All I can say for now is be patient, Anet has a lot on their plate.
As for capes, I would love to see them reintroduced. I wouldn’t mind seeing a cape or seperate cape like items and replacements being introduced( taking in consideration of the charrs different body structure).
Edit- Also Anet has difinetely stated they are considering adding more pvp modes, its just that they found the current gamemode the most enjoyable.
(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)