Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


Hello everyone!

FIrst of all I want to start saying that I do not know where this could be posted best. This is more of a suggestion and a question towards the community of the game.

I want to talk to you about the RPG (Role Playing Game) element in Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 is, as we know, a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) but it feels more and more like a MMOG. The Role Playing aspect has been lost for many a years, in my personal experience.
There always is a tight small group who keeps on roleplaying but they seem nearly extinct.
Do you not wish to be in touch with your character more or further define your character instead of that random CoF geared warrior or Arah geared necro?

I currently have a forumpost made for my own guild to make them think about roleplaying in the game.

I want to know what you guys think about roleplaying and how you could make it interesting for others.

Thank you all in advance!

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


Give the roleplayers an own server so we don’t have to read this whole senseless spamming everywhere we go.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Give the roleplayers an own server so we don’t have to read this whole senseless spamming everywhere we go.

Better still, why don’t you move to a server that isn’t Piken Square or Tarnished Coast? It’s not as if there’s a shortage of empty servers for you to go to.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Give the roleplayers an own server so we don’t have to read this whole senseless spamming everywhere we go.

“AAAAHHH TOO MUCH IMMERSION”? Please.Tarnished Coast is our own server. If you are either on Tarnished Coast or Piken Square and are complaining about RP, you shouldn’t play on one of the RP servers to begin with.
“Oh but it is the unofficial RP server”.
It doesn’t matter. Devs recognize us as the RP server and sometimes even roleplay with us. I’m sure it must be the same on Piken Square. It is official enough, so if people that don’t care about RP could just get over it that would be great. Turn off emotes from your chat and half the RP is gone. Block the rest of the people that you see roleplaying, if that bothers you so much.

@The OP: You can find RP on Tarnished Coast pretty much everywhere. Open RP events happen almost everyday. I know of at least one guild that hosts a 12-hour long RP event (which is a pilgrimage to Arah that happens every Wednesday, starting at Metrica Province and endind at Arah, getting every dungeon WP).
Edit: Oh yeah, forgot about the name of the guild. Chains of Duty Role Play Guild [RPcd]. No, I am not promoting my own guild, for I am not part of [RPcd]. I just like to roleplay with them when I have time, because they are nice people and don’t mind that my first language is not English.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

(edited by Gabby.3205)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


They are everywhere… I don’t even play there.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


Well the thing is, I would like to encourage RP on more than just the unofficial servers Thanks for replying so quickly. And to Shirk, your attitude is exactly the reason why the RPG is gone from MMORPG. That saddens me a lot.

People have trouble immersing themselves nowadays and getting into character is becoming a stranger and stranger concept. I wish to see it come back to MMORPG again. But thanks to the tip to guest to Tarnished Coast and Piken Will definitly check that out and talk with the guys and gals there!

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


It’s propably because this whole spamming just annoys players who are writing in a group or guild? Already thought about this? Even when the RPers are in a group the emote (/e blablabla) goes through.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


It is not spam. They are talking to each other just like you are talking to your group/guild mates, and it is their right to do so. I don’t like to use the /e command because I almost never roleplay in English and I admit that I find it absurd that the emotes have a wider range than /say, but that’s not their fault. That’s what /e was made for, after all, so just turn it off on your chat options.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


Got to agree with Gabby here

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

“Block the rest of the people that you see roleplaying, if that bothers you so much.”

Congrats Shirk! If you follow this suggestion, you just blocked 90% of the players in TC! That leaves 10% of people to play with 90% of those elitist, 90% of those left after that are new players, and that leaves very small amount (<5%) that will be willing to play with you. You just turned TC into an empty server!


Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


That’s why I said give the RPers an own server… an official one.

And yes, it’s not spamming, its flooding, same crap.

Next time I just flood them aswell, I mean what’s /e made for?

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Next time I just flood them aswell, I mean what’s /e made for?

Alternatively, you could just grow up and realise that there are other players out there who are perfectly entitled to play the game they’ve paid for, any way they see fit.

You’ve been told how to turn emotes off, so why not do it?

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

(edited by uknortherner.2670)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


Why should I? Just because some idiots can’t behave? If they are allowed to interrupt my chat, why shouldn’t I be? If they start flaming, I’m just gonna suggest them to turn off their emotes, should work fine, right?

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


It is pretty simple:
They are not actively trying to disrupt your game. They are just playing the way they want to play using the emotes the way it was intended. (Big news: the main use for the custom emotes is for roleplay.)
You would be actively trying to disrupt their game if you did that, though, which is considered griefing.

They ARE behaving. You are the one that is complaining for nothing and refusing to accept the solutions. Also, calling them “idiots” don’t make your argument any more reliable. You are just sounding like a whining brat right now.

Edit: I forgot about something important. I remember that a dev stated that they wouldn’t label TC as “official RP server” or create a official RP server because that would attract trolls like a sugar cube attracts ants. It was ages ago, though.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

(edited by Gabby.3205)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirk.6421


Whinig brat… ah okay whatever, go back to your imaginary life, but stop this flooding kitten because it’s annoying as hell. Why are you even refusing the idea of an official RP-server? Because you want to annoy other players for attention?

(edited by Shirk.6421)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Clearly reading comprehension isn’t your strongest point, is it Shirk? Shock horror, people are roleplaying in a ROLE PLAYING GAME. If you didn’t want a load of RPers “spamming” your precious chatbox, then perhaps you should’ve gone for a non-RP game then, like Call of Dudebro: Dogs or Battleman 7 or whatever.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

(edited by uknortherner.2670)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


It is pretty simple:
They are not actively trying to disrupt your game. They are just playing the way they want to play using the emotes the way it was intended. (Big news: the main use for the custom emotes is for roleplay.)
You would be actively trying to disrupt their game if you did that, though, which is considered griefing.

They ARE behaving. You are the one that is complaining for nothing and refusing to accept the solutions. Also, calling them “idiots” don’t make your argument any more reliable. You are just sounding like a whining brat right now.

Edit: I forgot about something important. I remember that a dev stated that they wouldn’t label TC as “official RP server” or create a official RP server because that would attract trolls like a sugar cube attracts ants. It was ages ago, though.

Oh hell yes! – Plus, for someone who doesn’t use English as a main language, you do a remarkably good job Gabby.

Smiles sweetly, and bows to Gabby, to show respect
(Oh! did I just do some RP, how naughty of me)

You can’t escape RP, and I for one enjoy it. There are many people who like to RP too, and I may just hop over to this RP server and guest there when I get bored of the grind.
There are ways to make it so you cannot see the RP, just make a new chat box tab and use that for party talk only, and you can ignore the RP in main chat that way. Personally, I welcome ALL RP players, and I am glad to see I am not the only person who enjoys a good RP session.

Can I come to TC as a guest and RP with you all?

(edited by Sickle.6502)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


My edit was one minute too late…
I refuse the idea of an official RP server because it is a troll bait. Play any game that have official RP servers and you will see.
Besides, I like TC too much. Simple as that.
The moment you accept that people like different things and that your rights are not any better than other people’s rights, you will learn to ignore things that annoy you (specially something that can literally be turned off like this).
Until then, I will leave you the very definition of “flooding”: The act of sending a lot of text in a small time frame, whether accidentally or in the hope of annoying or lagging people.
A roleplay is a conversation nonetheless. It is not accidental and it is not in the hope of annoying or lagging people. It is a conversation just like any other. Do you get mad when there are lots of people talking to each other on /map on DR or LA? That is a bit worse, since the whole map will see it. Oh, wait, you can turn it off too!

Oh hell yes! – Plus, for someone who doesn’t use English as a main language, you do a remarkably good job Gabby.

Smiles sweetly, and bows to Gabby, to show respect
(Oh! did I just do some RP, how naughty of me)

You can’t escape RP, and I for one enjoy it. There are many people who like to RP too, and I may just hop over to this RP server and guest there when I get bored of the grind.
There are ways to make it so you cannot see the RP, just make a new chat box tab and use that for party talk only, and you can ignore the RP in main chat that way. Personally, I welcome ALL RP players, and I am glad to see I am not the only person who enjoys a good RP session.

Can I come to TC as a guest and RP with you all?

Thank you very much! Of course you can! Unless something went wrong, [RPcd]’s open world RP will probably start in a few hours. They took a lvl 2 to Arah once on a big roleplaying zerg (I was there!), so everyone is welcome.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

(edited by Gabby.3205)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


Guys guys keep it calm. I just wanted to point out the fact that it isn’t happening enough to my taste in other servers. I mean….it doesn’t happen on other servers outside tarnished coast and piken then! :P

Shirk is obviously a player who just purchased GW2 for the MMOG it is and not the MMORPG it could be if people wanted to. I am just sad that the whole RP element has been forgotten widely and I wanted to know what you guys do to bring it back in your own way

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


Aww tarnished is an american server isn’kitten sadface

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Indeed =/
But Piken is EU. I have no idea of how the roleplay is around there, but I suppose they must have open world RP events, too.
I don’t understand why we can transfer between OU and NA but not guest.
Also, if you don’t mind leveling up again and don’t have a lot of pricey stuff soulbound to your characters, you can put your stuff in the bank, delete your characters and transfer for free. Your names will be reserved for a while (24 hours? I’m not sure), so you can create them again right after changing servers.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Although I’m not an RPer myself (I picked PS for immersion purposes), there’s a fair number of large, active RP guilds who regularly hold open world RP events, usually around Queensdale, but possibly in other places too.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


I’d like to see active RP around queensdale, and not the usual

“Where’s the train?”
“Has Behe been yet?”
“Ok, ty”
“Boar Down – onto Troll”
“Troll down already, people skipped Boar”
“Those F***S – ruining the train route”
“Where’s the train now”
“Bandit then Oak, then Spider”
“Spider down”
“F**K SAKE!!”
“Ok, go to Boar, people, please make one train only”

And so on…. There is only so much of that I can take in a day.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Thats’ only on map chat. Most, if not all RP I’ve come across on PS is on local chat. True, the train spam is getting a little tiresome – I watched for nearly an hour this morning as an argument raged on and on about people skipping ahead or triggering champion events (i.e. Larry the Troll – yes, he has a name!) without ‘consent’.

Personally, as far as these trains go, they’re fine if people want to run them, but for some of us who want to take on the champ bandit or troll, why should we have to stand around, waiting? Anyway, a bit off topic, so I’ll stop there.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


well if you really are into roleplaying, it’s not hard to RP a zerg in queensdale. The thing is, roleplaying requires cooperation.

You could go like: Greetings warriors in Queensdale. Where are my comrades hunting at this moment?
We are hunting this magnificent boar at the moment. We have not found him yet but he is close!
Thank you! I shall make my way to you and help in the search! etc etc etc

@ Gabby, I sadly already have 8 lvl 80s in Far Shiverpeaks EU server :P Too bad cross-continent guesting isn’t here.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


You could go like: Greetings warriors in Queensdale. Where are my comrades hunting at this moment?
We are hunting this magnificent boar at the moment. We have not found him yet but he is close!
Thank you! I shall make my way to you and help in the search! etc etc etc.

THIS IS AWESOME!! – This is what I would love to see…. Maybe a RP server would be useful, and even if it was Troll bait, we can just ignore them…. Everything would be RPG based.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


I wouldn’t mind an official RP server but then there would have be rules of agreement before making a character there and preferably a GM or 2 to keep everything RP based if needed.

Would love to see more RP by people in general across all servers though. Bring back the RP in MMORPG!!!!

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crass.5739


I’ve seen both RP on the Coast as well as Piken. RP happens -everywhere- in TC, and as such, tends to get trolled. A lot. And by a lot, I mean actual guilds dedicated to throwing spammable bundle effects, effectively crashing the games of some people, and being a general nuisance to people. On Piken, you have your hotspots, but it’s nowhere near as voluminous as TC. Another thing to note regarding Piken, is that the RP there tends to be more structured and organized, due to not being flooded by RP’ers.

I think Anet taking a neutral stance on the issue was the best idea, as we get enough trolls as is. And honestly, the game is too big and Anet too small to have GM’s watching over entire servers, the game just won’t work like that.

And as for having TC and Piken the RP hubs, it’s a double edged sword. Homogenization ends up making RP easy to stumble upon. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who seem to have the idea that -they- can decide -what- your character’s role in the roleplay should be, or they end up being a complete loon, or any other myriad of things. Basically, due to homogenization, you can find RP anywhere, but you may have to wade through knee high water to find -good- RP. I think that it’s possible to get enjoyment out of RP regardless if it’s bad RP or not. In this case, I think the pros of homogenization of the RP community outweighs the cons.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raim.6123


I don’t want to particularly force RP in the form of a social event through a political system or anything, but I do think there are some alternatives.

The game needs more open world activities, locations where people are given incentive to meet up and play together outside of instances and champion trains. These can take the form of more mini-games such as the keg toss event or that archery event we heard about early in the game’s development. Of course, the issue is that most modern MMOs players still have that mentality that they need to be rewarded for their time, so you would have to find a nice balance between rewarding players for having fun at these mini-game events, and not making it viable to level or get rich from solely doing them.

Additionally, you could take some ideas from other games such as Mabinogi. Its pretty much known for its events and mini-games. One extremely well known one is the Banquet which is held every Saturday night on every server. Its a congregation where everyone just meets at a banquet hall for food, discussion, and most importantly to most individuals, experience. You could adapt a similar event into GW2 with ease by having players receive experience the more time they spend there. Of course, you wouldn’t make it so efficient that you could level entirely from doing that. All that would need to be done is give it a flat percentage of EXP per minute. Maybe only letting people gain 4-5 levels. Thats nothing when you consider it could be a weekly event.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I’d like to see active RP around queensdale, and not the usual

- snip -

If you want to RP in Queensdale:

  • Find people to RP with
  • Pick a spot
  • Disable map chat
  • Use say
  • Have fun

MMO’s are at least in part about learning to co-exist.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crass.5739


In regards to Raim-
I would agree with having more minigames available. However, that’s what they need to be. Minigames. They don’t necessarily need to teleport people to an instance. There’s no reason for minigames to not flow seamlessly throughout the game world. Hence, the Moa races. Sure. It probably took all of three hours to code in, and is essentially…pretty boring, at a subtle glance. While it might not be the most rewarding thing out there, it has unique rewards. This encourages people to get out there and play through it.

To expand further on this, Anet has said multiple times they don’t want to make -too- many activities, as it would make other activities a dead zone. Things like the moa races, or the belcher’s bluff activity are prime examples of how minigames should be. Mini. They don’t teleport you to an instance, they don’t take a long time to do, they give out certain incentives (Titles/Achievements/Minis), and they’re quick. While all of this is going on, we can take a look at kegbrawl. It’s usually a ghost town. Mainly because (in my opinion) you have to go to a random spot in Hoelbrak and talk to a random guy who teleports you to an instance. While this is fine, it does have drawbacks.

Onto your other point, I don’t think that banquets would harmonize very well. Mainly because people could just AFK through it, and net the same rewards. I’m a firm believer that in order to get an incentive, you need to work for it.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: PatronOfAssasins.4183


I see merit in making an official RP server, if trolls show up you can just use the block function. Trolls thrive off reaction, if everyone blocks them they get no reaction, shrivel into little troll worms, and die.

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Good RP can be a double edged sword. In a previous game I played a few years back we (the wife and myself) on a RP server. One of my characters was mean, sarcastic and basically an all around kitten. Well imagine my shock when I got whispered while playing another of my toons saying “that <insert name> from your guild is a <insert line of expletive deletives>” She went on a ten minute rant of how all the other characters in my guild were so nice and why in the hell did we not kick that person out?

I laughed and laughed some more not only because of her misunderstanding of roleplay but also because she had no idea that she was talking to the same person. I finally had to tell her all my character names. She was so embarrassed she left the server.

The problem with Roleplay that only good roleplayers understand, is that the character has his own life and has nothing in common with your life. That is why I seldom roleplay in GW2. Too few would understand.

Theftwind (HoD)

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Easy solution. I leave it to someone else to post in the suggestions forum.

Give us a few new chat channels: RP Map, RP Say, and RP Emotes. They would each have the secondary property of not transmitting emotes to the non-RP chat channels.

Then every server can have Role Players and the two factions wouldn’t bump heads.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Bringing the RP back into MMORPG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


I do LARP – and I know the difference between OOC and IC related stuff…. For instance, I would hate a certain person in game time, but as soon as I was OOC again, we’d be having beers together and having a laugh…. You MUST separate yourself from what is real ,and what is made for a purpose.

I welcome any RP, good/bad… it doesn’t matter to me, for all I know, that bad RP is meant to be that way…. Everyone has their own ideas of what they want from RP… So be imaginative and go for it!…

Bring back RP to MMORPG’s!!!