Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kruttmusa.8364


These events are just silly.
I am guessing this is more an issue with dynamic level adjustment rather than the HP of the encounter.
Either way, the events are over in a heartbeat and I’ve actually noticed players not being able to contribute (and get loot) since the event is over before they get a chance to tag it.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galk the Bloody.4629

Galk the Bloody.4629

i agree, my guild mates went to the worm event and only half of us got credit. The worm died so fast.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Yea, Wurm needs some tweaking. It’s possible to kill it before the DE officially gets started and then no one gets credit. Which is probably what some of the problem is with credit with regards to Wurm.

Wurm just needs to be made invulnerable until the DE officially gets started and more people should be able to get credit more consistently. It’s glitched out a number of times on my server.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


I don’t really have a problem with Shadow Behemoth or Fire Elemental, but the Great Jungle Wurm dies too fast. The event lasts less than a second because the wurm is already dead. And even if you do damage to him before the event starts you wont get credit for it because you didn’t damaged him during the event.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


My problem with these is they just do NOT have the AI or abilities to deal with the players being thrown at them. Yes they need more HP but more then that they need more mechanincs that players have to react to rather then just getting more hp.
The fire ele is actually a fairly good boss. My suggestions on him would be a bit more HP AND a debuff he applies to melle that stand in his fire too long. (Something like BURNING HEAT: 1 stack per seccond at 6 secconds you are set on fire for 1 seccond and each second afterwards.) It’s funny the safest place to stand on him is right on top of him.

Also please check this out http://youtu.be/XMEq4PAFmnI?t=21m52s It’s a video on the top things GW2 need improve and it covers this point as well.

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phadde.7362


Vote for/against <dueling>: http://strawpoll.me/1650018/
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…

Buff Maw, Behemoth, Fire Elemental and Wurm.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


Oh gods, I cannot tell you how much that Q&A makes me think GW2 is heading in the wrong direction.

Jon: One of the biggest issues with balance in PvE is that is skill cap. We see there are certain things that, as soon as we try and balance for a certain thing, we can’t change… One thing we could do, we could just make creatures do more stuff and more difficult stuff, and what would happen is… So I think one of the things is that the warrior and guardian are pretty straightforward professions. And creatures tend to be more straightforward for players to fight, so warrior and guardian tools are are straightforward tools that work well toward these more straightforward creatures. We could just make our creatures less straightforward, and that would actually kind of solve some of these problems, but it would create a new problem for players that are not good at dealing with these less straightforward situations. We would have a lot harder time balancing our encounters if we made our creatures that way. There’s kind of this fine line that we have to walk of encounters need to be understandable to a large variety of players, but at the same time in understandable encounters are probably more straightforward for classes with more straightforward tools to deal with those encounters and are generally going to be more effective in those areas. There’s work we can do and what we are doing on both ends to solve this, but that’s just one of the biggest issues. It was an issue before and it’s an issue now, it’s kind of the issue that got us to the point we’re at now and why we have that problem.

So ANET believes that making content more challenging will create more problems? That players cannot rise to the challenges put before them?
In an MMO you should be encouraging players to work together to overcome obsticles, And if the incentive is there for them to overcome these obsticles they WILL.
I’ve seen the Grenth statue taken down by a pug of over 50 players.
50 players that were able to get organized enough, and helped spread information mid battle (Don’t stand on the steps! Use the portals to kill shades!) to overcome the poor scaling and culling and bring that guy down. It was on the 3rd attempt (the crowd got bigger ever time) that he went down and the cheer that went up afterwards in global chat along with the feeling of overcoming this obsicle (despite the lackluster reward) made it all worth it.
Should we really be dumbing done the game for people that can’t learn how to use their character in creative ways to overcome obsticles? In the open world non meta events I can undertand this as there needs to be some easily accesable content for very casual players. But it should not extend to dungeons or world bosses. It’s an MMO, people will work together to overcome problems and that is what you should be encouraging, Not handing out rewards for simply showing up.