Buy more items at once

Buy more items at once

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axesome.1025


Come on ANet!

Such useful and not-so-hard-to-make feature!
My mouse almost died while i was buying food for Zhaitaffy!

How it could be done in-game: Talk to vendor -> Right-Click on item (buy multiple) -> Type number

Pretty please

Buy more items at once

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elrey.5472


Agreed, has to make 750 clicks just now…

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
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Buy more items at once

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daevinity Inspirata.2508

Daevinity Inspirata.2508

My husband has been buying drinks for thirst slayer…. he has been clicking for DAYS and he is still not done. We are talking about over 300k clicks here! It’s ridiculous.

First he has to click to buy. Then he has to double click to drink each drink – and you need to drink 100k drinks!

At least make it so we can BUY in one go and reduce the clicking! >.<