Call me when you fix KB movement

Call me when you fix KB movement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


It just makes no sense.

Why give mouse turners a perfect experience, and relegate keyboard turners to feeling like they are trying to move with a drunken blob?

Just give keyboard turners the same crisp feel with their characters that mouse turners get. Or if you hate the idea of keyboard turning, just get rid of it. But dont’ leave it as is.

I keep trying to log in and play, but end up leaving after moving around with my toon for a few minutes. Everyone else has managed to do it properly .. wow, rift, tera, swtor. Why is it so difficult to add a feature that just turns off whatever that stupid elastic band feel is you’ve incorporated.

Ah well. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I want to play gw2 but just hate the movement experience too much to log in regularly. Off to fiddle with Tera I guess.