Camera Controls

Camera Controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

I see that over time certain issues with the camera have been fixed, this is wonderful!

However, i would like to propose an optional camera control.

When i get into combat, i am very mobile, often running literal circles around my target. It would be nice to be able to keep my camera locked on my target, but also be able to switch around in any direction as needed.

One might think of the Z-Lock from the Legend of Zelda, but that’s not what i want actually.

In another MMO i played, it is possible to replace the mouse pointer with a sight/bullseye/crosshairs/etc. that remains centered in the screen regardless of where you move the mouse. The Camera then centers on this (or however it works, basically like moving the mouse with the right mouse button held down) allowing me to move the camera without actually holding the mouse button down. This makes combat much easier to navigate and lessens the strain on my mouse hand. Kind of like using a mouse to play a First Person Shooter, but not in FPS mode. That may sound akward, but it really isn’t. For an example try it in DDO, it’s free to play, just hit the T key once you’re in the game and see the difference it makes in combat. That’s what i want in GW2.

If you could put in an on/off hotkey for this, it would be friggin awesome!

Camera Controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: tealover.3491


Really dig this idea. Would make some things so much smoother with my d/d ele.

Dork Age of Canteloupe [DAoC]
The Pangolins Den [PANG]
~~~ Maguuma ~~~

Camera Controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: FishofMuu.2643


I, and many others, also have a problem with this. Not to go into detail, but my right hand is damaged. I can use a mouse, but holding down RMB while using the mouse for an hour causes a lot of strain. Similar issues with people who have RSI (Carpal tunnel).

For now there is:

It’s a bit janky, but it’s helped my arm from not trying to kill me after a couple hours of playing.

Camera Controls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

Interesting link, FishofMuu, thanks for sharing. The main article/picture seemed to have been taken down when i looked at it, but the comment thread was still there.

I’ve not played Tera, so the comparison is lost a bit on me. In DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online) you hit the T key to turn off Camera Mode at will, which makes clicking on the environment possible with AND without moving the camera. Also, with Camera Mode on, holding down the RMB frees the pointer from the camera (inverse of the current setting), and when dialogue/inventory/shops come up, the Camera Mode goes off till you close those windows.

I’m not advocating we copy DDO in every way, it has its flaws and i think GW2 is a superior game in many ways, but this is just one thing i think any mouse-controlled-camera game should have as optional.