Camera still laggy?

Camera still laggy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486



It’s been a while since my last visit, 6 months at least, could be a year, who is counting?
Last time there was a hot topic around the suggestion forum with a ton of improvements. One of them went into great technical detail about how the camera is laggy and feels non-responsive, slow, floating. Something many gamer simply hate with great passion, as myself too.

So now that I got a new Pc and reinstalling gw2 (hopefully I can get myself to grind my “main” beyond lvl 40 this time [yes I got that bored and disappointed with pvp]),
I’m wondering if the camera has been fixed to act faster and sharper, or not?

Camera still laggy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486



Done installing, aaaaaand the laggy cam is still there.
As well as the cam zoom range being restricted between 2-4 meters, no ability to zoom out further for a better overview, no ability to zoom into first person view while fading out the char model, and constantly killing autorun if you doubletap forward to roll, and the utterly confusing combat system and ever so kittened and limited action bar where everything just keeps blinking like las vegas neon signs for no reason.

Great. Guess it’s back to wow then.
Yes, those tiny things are really enough to kill the will to play in me.
I rather stick needles under my nails than try to “enjoy” this game.
No offense. Bye.

Camera still laggy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Great. Guess it’s back to wow then.
No offense. Bye.

I’m sure ANet and the GW2 community will miss you.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.