(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Camera, that player holds
100% would buy, the drunk effect is too short
I would love a Toy Camera. I take a ton of screenshots, and while I like my characters, there are plenty of times I’d like to just get the scene without them. Not to mention the new kinds of shots I could get out of something as simple as the ability to look straight up.
That’s really all I want, the FPV, but if adding extra features are what it takes to excuse it as a separate purchase, I can tolerate it!
I have had a similar idea like this as well, just not as detailed as listed above.
I approve of this idea and hope that ArenaNet will offer something in that direction eventually.
+1 great idea
Anet could have a lot of fun with this and produce some wood & brass steampunk contraptions on a big wooden tripod, which would look great. Higher res screenshots would be excellent and an Instagram-like interface could be fun too.
How about a /photo emote for characters and /photo * for groups that turn the idle animation into something more photogenic for group shots?
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
How about a /photo emote for characters and /photo * for groups that turn the idle animation into something more photogenic for group shots?
Absolutely. You can use /wave now for a similar idea, but it would be great to have some easier to work with poses/emotes.