(edited by Latorn.4209)
Can we get a little EXP with PvP?
I really like how ArenaNet decided to make PvP xp (glory) completely separate from PvE xp. If your friends want to go through some of the dungeons then I recommend that they play some PvE to start leveling, or better yet start playing WvW as that does reward standard xp.
As for your statement that there are no benefit to PvPing because of the fact that you cannot wear your PvP gear in the capital cities… that’s the entire point of keeping the two modes separated! Are you also suggesting that I should be able to wear my high end dungeon gear in PvP right from the start? If that were the case then yes, there would be no point to PvP if I could use my already earned gear from PvE.
What about earning the high end finishers from PvP? Aren’t those something to strive for?
I agree. I can’t think of another MMO that doesn’t give xp for pvp. There is no downside.
I really like how ArenaNet decided to make PvP xp (glory) completely separate from PvE xp. If your friends want to go through some of the dungeons then I recommend that they play some PvE to start leveling, or better yet start playing WvW as that does reward standard xp.
As for your statement that there are no benefit to PvPing because of the fact that you cannot wear your PvP gear in the capital cities… that’s the entire point of keeping the two modes separated! Are you also suggesting that I should be able to wear my high end dungeon gear in PvP right from the start? If that were the case then yes, there would be no point to PvP if I could use my already earned gear from PvE.
What about earning the high end finishers from PvP? Aren’t those something to strive for?
Maybe using the example of gear was a bad choice, I’m not saying one should be able to PvP with gear earned in PvE, or vise-verse (although it would be nice for PvPers to show off their gear in town but not use it in PvE combat, AkA town clothes). But right now the system in place does absolutely nothing to reward the play in the separate modes: e.×. a rank 30 PvPer could hop into Lions Arch and only be level 2 for all the battles he’s fought in. I get that the system is in place to keep the two modes separated, but I think that’s exactly my problem- too much separation! haha
I really liked the Zkey/Factions mentality from GW1, where your time spent PvPing actually had an effect on the PvE world. This system mingled the PvP/PvE communities, rather than creating a great divide between them.
i have dumped over 80 hours into this game and am rank30 for pvp
i cant stand the pve leveling and am only level 9.
id like to catch up and play with my friends in dungeons and stuff especially since i sunk as much time int he REAL part of GUILD WARS as they have.
guild wars.. not kill teddy bears for iron nuggest waars.
I for one don’t particularly understand the player who literally only plays PvP in this massive game (or any game for that matter). You certainly do miss out on a lot of the game, but to each his own.
Here is another argument on how this idea would not work whatsoever. Obviously by this post you are clearly okay with earning PvE xp while playing the PvP aspect of the game, yes? I ask you this, where do you draw the line? As an example, what if I wanted to earn PvP xp from playing PvE? Seems rather silly doesn’t it? It’s the same premise as your idea, just reversed.
I believe this is a clear enough example as to why this idea would not work. Why is it okay for you to earn PvE xp while PvPing but not okay for me to earn PvP xp while PvE-ing?
What’s next, why can’t I earn dungeon tokens while PvPing?
Not having high enough pvp rank does not bar you from any content also it’s the status quo except for this game to get exp from pvp and I would say so far it’s not working with guild wars 2 system. You wonder why some people have hard times finding dungeon groups? This is part of it.
I’d like that too. Being used to fully equiped and skilled charcs by sPvP I feel crippled when playing the same Profession at low levels and lose interest quickly.
think all the content you would skip if you lvl 80 with pvping
-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-
The answer is NO. Don’t care to elaborate on it, just NO. Live with it
The answer is NO. Don’t care to elaborate on it, just NO. Live with it
agree 100%,
pve —> ths way
<-— pvp this way
As others have said, it’s a big, fat, resounding no. SPvP is completely separate from PvE/WvW and it should stay that way. The only change I’d like to see is a completely different inventory there so that duplicates/stuff that doesn’t go into the pvp locker doesn’t clutter up my regular inventory.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Anyone- other than Dust Bunny lol -care to elaborate as to why PvP should not award EXP? As for “skipping content”, I think this point is moot considering: if a player wants to go back and clear PvE zones nothing is stopping them (the level scaling system even keeps things challenging), and EXP in PvP gives the player the choice to “skip content” and allows them to level doing the things they like.
Would you guys be so upset with a system that allowed you transfer glory into EXP?
No reason sPvP shouldn’t give a small amount of XP imo. Everything else in this game does, and I don’t know of any modern MMOs that cut XP out of instanced PvP (except this one).
Anyone- other than Dust Bunny lol -care to elaborate as to why PvP should not award EXP? As for “skipping content”, I think this point is moot considering: if a player wants to go back and clear PvE zones nothing is stopping them (the level scaling system even keeps things challenging), and EXP in PvP gives the player the choice to “skip content” and allows them to level doing the things they like.
Would you guys be so upset with a system that allowed you transfer glory into EXP?
I already did elaborate in both of my posts as to why PvP should not award PvE xp. I’d recommend reading my posts above.
No reason sPvP shouldn’t give a small amount of XP imo. Everything else in this game does, and I don’t know of any modern MMOs that cut XP out of instanced PvP (except this one).
Yes there is plenty of reasons as to why this game should not reward PvE xp for playing sPvP. As I mentioned above, please reread my two posts.
Thread moved to suggestions.
Not having high enough pvp rank does not bar you from any content also it’s the status quo except for this game to get exp from pvp and I would say so far it’s not working with guild wars 2 system. You wonder why some people have hard times finding dungeon groups? This is part of it.
But those other games that give xp in pvp generally have levels carry over to pvp, so you need that xp to stay competitive.
It definitely is a bit discouraging to not have progressed at all in PvE once getting out of a lengthy PvP session. It separates the playerbase, which is bad. This is further enhanced by it also separating your gear, but still using the same inventory space.
The barrier between PvE and PvP needs to be lifted. So what if they would “miss out” on content if they got a little bit of exp from PvPing – a lot of players PvEing are already missing out on a lot of it, largely due to the nature of dynamic events.
One thing that would lift the barrier between PvE and PvP is a separate inventory for PvP items, as Vayra already mentioned.
I absolutely agree with this proposal. There is no harm in it and viable PvP leveling kept me playing WAR for much much longer than I would have otherwise.
For all you dogmatic naysayers, I take it you have only one character you use in WvW. Now imagine the pain of leveling a WvW alt through WvW only (painful, slow and pointless really – you’re taking a valuable spot from a fully decked 80) or having to grind PvE so you can eventually PvP. Both are unacceptable, at least for me. Frankly I don’t see a point in insisting a game should be boring and frustrating to be “rewarding,” no point at all.
/shrug Give us sPvP xp, put an “/xp off” option for the masochists and that’s it. And while you’re at it, do something about WvW xp gains and specific rewards as well. The model you have now is reminiscent of early WAR days which didn’t end well for RvR after the initial novelty enthusiasm. Unless WvW leveling and reward model gets fixed (and it’s dismal at the moment, both in quantity and quality – the lower level you are the less xp you get which is absurd) you’re looking at a ghost town in a couple of months if not weeks.
(edited by Marko.4065)
think all the content you would skip if you lvl 80 with pvping
Think of all the same DEs you’d have to grind out just because you want to play a decent alt, and not only for WvW.
This worked perfectly in WAR. After the initial joy of PvE-ing and seeing the sights my alts all tended to level through PvP. I would rather shoot myself in the head than have to do the same ole mob grind time after time… I leveled all my alts through PvP and when something interesting came up in PvE I would be able to use them.
Again, I don’t see what’s the fuss. PvP leveling worked perfectly in WAR, no glitches, no downsides, no problems or conflicts with PvE or “sense of achievement” whatsoever. Everybody loved it, no one hated it. I see this whole argument as pointless because the concept has already been proven to spectacular success.
In fact, I even left WoW initially because at the time WAR came out there was no leveling in WoW’s PvP battlegrounds. True story. I found it so punishing to be forced to PvE so I could PvP that I ditched the whole game because of this one thing. It’s not something that bothers you when the game is fresh, but after a time it becomes a huge annoyance. If ya all recall, WAR was the first who broke the ice and was so successful with the concept that even WoW’s (raid or die) developers were forced to introduce PvP leveling shortly afterward.
Jeez, just think about it. It makes much more sense that “experience” you get from PvP arenas transfers into WvW than that PvE “experience” somehow reflects your PvP prowess. If you say that PvP and PvE should be separate, than the present situation is your worst nightmare. People who level to 80 via PvE only and know jacksquat about PvP are maxed out in WvW the moment they set their foot there, while top players in competetive PvP, who should by all rights be WvW gods get absolutely nothing. It makes no sense whatsoever. The “sense of achievement” is all upside-down, reversed, illogical and therefore frustrating at the moment.
Again, jeez, with much head nodding…
player a) “I grind moas. That’s what I do. This entitles me to a max level character and top gear in WvW.”
player b) “I spend my time killing other players and capping points in a most intensive PvP environment. In WvW, this entitles me to a level 2 character and a rusty sword.”
Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?!
(edited by Marko.4065)
…I wish I didn’t get EXP from PvP. It’s annoying.
I’m level 80. If the EXP levelled me further, I’d be around level 167.42.
Just get them to spent time in wvw, its pvp with a hint of pve (or for me pve with a hint of pvp).
really fits how i like to play. now if only my rig wouldnt go on holiday when ever 50 other players run towards me…
(edited by InsomShade.1453)
You CAN get experience with PvP.
All you have todo is go kill enemies in WvW.
In sPvP you’ll get glory, and only glory, as everything is separate there. Drops, experience (glory), ranks…
All different.
You know…I"ve spent over 80 hours playing PvE in this game…I really wish PvE game you at least a LITTLE bit of glory. I hate going into PvP and thinking “Man, all these other people have all this glory, but I have nothing because I’m spending all my time in PvE”. It’s frustrating. Why can’t PvE give me some glory?
In all seriousness…they are sticking to a system they had in GW1 which, in my opinion, works well. There is a competitive, non-level and non-gear based PvP system and then a SEPARATE game where there is PvE and PvP (WvWvW). Think of them as two separate games. I’m really glad for you that you are rank 30 in PvP (I have no idea what that means, because I’ve never done a single sPVP match), but that doesn’t earn you any PvE accolades, just like I wouldn’t expect any “glory” for doing PvE.
I absolutely agree with this proposal. There is no harm in it and viable PvP leveling kept me playing WAR for much much longer than I would have otherwise.
For all you dogmatic naysayers, I take it you have only one character you use in WvW. Now imagine the pain of leveling a WvW alt through WvW only (painful, slow and pointless really – you’re taking a valuable spot from a fully decked 80) or having to grind PvE so you can eventually PvP. Both are unacceptable, at least for me. Frankly I don’t see a point in insisting a game should be boring and frustrating to be “rewarding,” no point at all.
/shrug Give us sPvP xp, put an “/xp off” option for the masochists and that’s it. And while you’re at it, do something about WvW xp gains and specific rewards as well. The model you have now is reminiscent of early WAR days which didn’t end well for RvR after the initial novelty enthusiasm. Unless WvW leveling and reward model gets fixed (and it’s dismal at the moment, both in quantity and quality – the lower level you are the less xp you get which is absurd) you’re looking at a ghost town in a couple of months if not weeks.
I played my first character through PvE to 80. I leveled my alt to ~level 10 (took about an hour, hour and a half) and have been in WvW exclusively since then. He is level 51 now. I have had no problems leveling in WvW, and it has been quite fun. In terms of the time “played” on my alt to reach level 51…yes it is longer than my main took in PvE to hit the same level, but only by about 50% (taking like 1.5 times the amount of time, approximately). THat’s not bad, in my opinion. Especially if you subtract out the time I wait in queue to get in WvWvW while hanging out in Lion’s Arch.
Wow, moved to suggestion forums. Just to let everyone know, I am very well aware that you can get EXP in WvWvW. This thread was originally in the SPvP forum, not the WvW or General forum- I am referring only to SPvP.
…I wish I didn’t get EXP from PvP. It’s annoying.
I’m level 80. If the EXP levelled me further, I’d be around level 167.42.
Soooo… You don’t like skill points?
You know…I"ve spent over 80 hours playing PvE in this game…I really wish PvE game you at least a LITTLE bit of glory. I hate going into PvP and thinking “Man, all these other people have all this glory, but I have nothing because I’m spending all my time in PvE”. It’s frustrating. Why can’t PvE give me some glory?
In all seriousness…they are sticking to a system they had in GW1 which, in my opinion, works well. There is a competitive, non-level and non-gear based PvP system and then a SEPARATE game where there is PvE and PvP (WvWvW). Think of them as two separate games. I’m really glad for you that you are rank 30 in PvP (I have no idea what that means, because I’ve never done a single sPVP match), but that doesn’t earn you any PvE accolades, just like I wouldn’t expect any “glory” for doing PvE.
If they were sticking to a system like GW1 there would be something similar to ZKeys, which- in case you didn’t play -had a huge effect on the PvE side of things.
Also, you should know what the differences are between glory and EXP, but in case you don’t I’ll quickly outline them for you:
- EXP has a cap, where as glory doesn’t.
- the amount of EXP you have restricts you from accessing certain content, while glory doesn’t.
- and most importantly, glory is a currency, while EXP isn’t.
(edited by Latorn.4209)
Agreed that you should, leveling itself runs counter to the statement “play the game your way.”
I like that they keep it functionally separate. However, I would like to see some bonus to the PvE side of things from SPvP. Currently the only bonus you get is access to your ranked PvP finishers, which you can use in WvW as well as SPvP.
I’d love to see special emotes earned for each rank.
EDIT Thought: SPvP rank is SO HARD to get. Instead of special emotes I’d be totally fine with permanent changes to your finisher instead (get rid of the consumable and make it permanent.)
Let me show off my hard work in WvW and I’d be happy with the system
Ah! I forgot about titles, you get nifty titles in SPvP that can be displayed anywhere as well. Emotes would stay in line with this, something that doesn’t effect game play but is a nice show of prestige.
(edited by ClinkyDink.9364)
I agree and would like to add;
- Mist PvP gear shown in log-in screen and can be used as a social outfit in PvE (meaning you can’t actually fight in it).
- Glory Rank gains some benefits while in WvW
- Glory points can be traded for XP
You know…I"ve spent over 80 hours playing PvE in this game…I really wish PvE game you at least a LITTLE bit of glory. I hate going into PvP and thinking “Man, all these other people have all this glory, but I have nothing because I’m spending all my time in PvE”. It’s frustrating. Why can’t PvE give me some glory?
In all seriousness…they are sticking to a system they had in GW1 which, in my opinion, works well. There is a competitive, non-level and non-gear based PvP system and then a SEPARATE game where there is PvE and PvP (WvWvW). Think of them as two separate games. I’m really glad for you that you are rank 30 in PvP (I have no idea what that means, because I’ve never done a single sPVP match), but that doesn’t earn you any PvE accolades, just like I wouldn’t expect any “glory” for doing PvE.
If they were sticking to a system like GW1 there would be something similar to ZKeys, which- in case you didn’t play -had a huge effect on the PvE side of things.
Also, you should know what the differences are between glory and EXP, but in case you don’t I’ll quickly outline them for you:
- EXP has a cap, where as glory doesn’t.
- the amount of EXP you have restricts you from accessing certain content, while glory doesn’t.
- and most importantly, glory is a currency, while EXP isn’t.
You should know that 2/3 of the differences you list don’t exist. EXP does NOT have a cap. Once you hit 80, you continue to gain EXP which builds skill points. And skill points ARE a currency.
You know…I"ve spent over 80 hours playing PvE in this game…I really wish PvE game you at least a LITTLE bit of glory. I hate going into PvP and thinking “Man, all these other people have all this glory, but I have nothing because I’m spending all my time in PvE”. It’s frustrating. Why can’t PvE give me some glory?
In all seriousness…they are sticking to a system they had in GW1 which, in my opinion, works well. There is a competitive, non-level and non-gear based PvP system and then a SEPARATE game where there is PvE and PvP (WvWvW). Think of them as two separate games. I’m really glad for you that you are rank 30 in PvP (I have no idea what that means, because I’ve never done a single sPVP match), but that doesn’t earn you any PvE accolades, just like I wouldn’t expect any “glory” for doing PvE.
If they were sticking to a system like GW1 there would be something similar to ZKeys, which- in case you didn’t play -had a huge effect on the PvE side of things.
Also, you should know what the differences are between glory and EXP, but in case you don’t I’ll quickly outline them for you:
- EXP has a cap, where as glory doesn’t.
- the amount of EXP you have restricts you from accessing certain content, while glory doesn’t.
- and most importantly, glory is a currency, while EXP isn’t.
You should know that 2/3 of the differences you list don’t exist. EXP does NOT have a cap. Once you hit 80, you continue to gain EXP which builds skill points. And skill points ARE a currency.
Semantics. Replace EXP with Levels then >.<
I never understood the point of separating Wv3 and sPvP, they’re both PvP.
At some point everyone started saying Pve and Wv3 were in the same vein, which makes no sense. Absolutely no part of Wv3 is connected to the PvE realm.
I think wv3 should provide much, much more xp than it does, and sPvP should provide a glory/xp trade on a 1:1 ratio.
Also wv3 gear should be purchaseable by glory and they should remove repair bills in wv3.
So for a person who only does sPvP/tPvP and gets EXP for his character:
What happens when he hits lvl 80 on his PvE character? He has no money for anything since he only does sPvP/tPvP, then will ask ‘Can we get a little money with PvP?’
I like it the way it is: Separate from each other.
So for a person who only does sPvP/tPvP and gets EXP for his character:
What happens when he hits lvl 80 on his PvE character? He has no money for anything since he only does sPvP/tPvP, then will ask ‘Can we get a little money with PvP?’
I like it the way it is: Separate from each other.
If someone leveld entirely from 2-80 in sPvP, why do you think they would want to suddenly go into PvE? But thats beside the point.
The introduction to xp in sPvP would totally supplemental to the PvE xp gains, not a valid replacement. So now you get to do Exploration, Hearts, Dynamic Events, Trahearne’s Storyline, and sPvP to break it up.
Why is this such a bad thing?
If someone leveld entirely from 2-80 in sPvP, why do you think they would want to suddenly go into PvE? But thats beside the point.
The introduction to xp in sPvP would totally supplemental to the PvE xp gains, not a valid replacement. So now you get to do Exploration, Hearts, Dynamic Events, Trahearne’s Storyline, and sPvP to break it up.
Why is this such a bad thing?
I agree with you. It would help the people who want to change things up a little. I figured it would be fair if you could purchase xp increments with glory points. That way you would have a choice to buy chests or xp.
It’s crazy to say suddenly people would want money if they only pvp, that’s not even up for discussion.