Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Can we get some more realistic top end weapon skins?
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Something like this?
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
Exactly, although like I say, some florid engravings on the blade itself would be nice for decoration
Oh yeah, and with the whole pirate thing going on, why haven’t I seen a classic rapier, hmmmmm?
My Errol Flynn mesmer wants one soooooo bad.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I’ll probably stick with this look for the rest of the game. It’s not too over the top while not being too boring either.
they have plenty of standard looking greatswords.. and they have these wonderful transmutation stone that lets you transfers the graphic of the standard swords to any of those exotic swords.
It’s just a suggestion for more realistic ones on high end weapons testpig. Transmutation is all well and good, but there is a distinct design deficiency in Dungeon weapons. There is room for more variety. Is that such a bad thing?
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Whilst that is true, pig, it doesn’t really answer Mungrul’s request. There are an awful lot of daft & unfeasible weapons in any fantasy game, and GW2 is no exception in the fact that they seem to out-number the practical ones. Yeah, it’s fantasy, yeah, it’s a game, but there are players who would prefer a greater chance of picking up a nice looking (to their eyes) weapon, without having to muck about with transmutation stones. Real swords are made the way are for a reason. Fantasy artists just draw whatever the heck comes into their heads!
Ironically, with the way we use our greatswords the “unrealistic” ones would be far more practical than the “realistic” ones. Greatswords are a stabbing weapon, not a slashing. For one reason is because they are too light, some of the largest only weigh 9 lbs. or 4 kilograms. And two, it would break the greatsword if used like that. The larger greatswords are more top heavy and more sturdy than the more realistic ones and may actually survive the thrashing where the realistic ones would not.
Eso – sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m a medieval martial artist; I’ve been swinging swords around for 20+ years. Along with a great deal of other weaponry, I might add!
Whilst I wouldn’t mind seeing more ‘realistic’ weaponry, bear in mind that ‘realism’ is subjective to the setting. The laws in Tyria are not necessarily the same as the laws in the real world when it comes to physics and biology.
Raedwulf –
Aye, my First Officer and good friend is a reconstruction artist owning over 20 swords and assorted other weapons (including real warhammers of the single handed variety), and we always have a grumpy old men’s groan & moan about the “swords” in GW2, and while I have never swung one in my life, I trust my friend when he explains how they work
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
We take damage & even die when we fall. That suggests that gravity works the same way as the real world. If gravity works the same way, then mass & momentum are the same, and those are the main influences over the way you design & use weapons. That’s even true of firearms, to a degree.
We take damage & even die when we fall. That suggests that gravity works the same way as the real world. If gravity works the same way, then mass & momentum are the same, and those are the main influences over the way you design & use weapons. That’s even true of firearms, to a degree.
…and yet the technology in Tyria is far more advanced than what we see in the real world and magic exists as well, which in itself leaves plenty of room for explaining how people can swing around the larger and bulkier weaponry with apparent ease.
As I said, I don’t disagree with your request. I just think more people need to acknowledge that fantasy/steampunk settings aren’t going to follow the laws of realism as we know them. Nor should they.
Oh yeah, and with the whole pirate thing going on, why haven’t I seen a classic rapier, hmmmmm?
My Errol Flynn mesmer wants one soooooo bad.
Because, as your First Officer will tell you, rapiers would be a dead loss against all those blokes in Heavy armour…
Oh, well, if you’re going to resort to magic, Gare, I’m going to quote Arthur C. Clarke… My point is that the game is quite obviously rooted in real world physics (unsurprisingly). No-one is suggesting throwing away all the daft weapon designs, beloved of fantasy artists & fans. It’s just that some of us would like a better proportion of more realistic ones.
Eso – sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m a medieval martial artist; I’ve been swinging swords around for 20+ years. Along with a great deal of other weaponry, I might add!
Alright, I looked it up after this and I’ve been mistaken Zweihanders for all types of greatswords, my mistake. However, since mesmers are able to levitate the entire sword with magic alone should indicate that it isn’t all muscle strength the classes use to lift and use their weapons.
Oh yeah, and with the whole pirate thing going on, why haven’t I seen a classic rapier, hmmmmm?
My Errol Flynn mesmer wants one soooooo bad.Because, as your First Officer will tell you, rapiers would be a dead loss against all those blokes in Heavy armour…
That may be so, but how am I supposed to cut a dash and make the ladies swoon whilst wielding a zweihander the size of a small country? Possibly made out of one too judging by the appearance of most of the darned things…
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Dunno where you get the idea that Mesmers are levitating their swords. I’d class levitation as conjuration, and Mesmers obviously deal in illusion. I’d assumed they were swinging it, just like everyone else. You are, more or less, right about the weight of 2-handers. They don’t necessarily take a great deal of muscle mass to swing. Combat stamina is another matter, but again, that has nothing to do with muscle mass.
That may be so, but how am I supposed to cut a dash and make the ladies swoon whilst wielding a zweihander the size of a small country? Possibly made out of one too judging by the appearance of most of the darned things…
After 5 minutes swinging one of those things, you’ll have cut most things to pieces and, in a game with no anti-perspirants or deodorants, trust me, the ladies will be swooning, though possibly not for the reasons you’d like! No imagination, that’s your problem…
I agree with needing some more realistic looking weapons. The three best looking greatswords in the game are the generic greatsword, the krytan greatsword and the claymore from guild 1 wars. Somewhere in the development process some of the modelwork kind of went all goofy. This seems to be the trend for mmo`s ever since warcraft became to popular. Because we didn`t have that junk in eq or daoc.
Something like this?
Albions are beautiful. I want one one day. Need my custom kat in first though, and need a bit more income to justify it. That model in particular is especially gorgeous. Could possibly find the furniture somewhere and have one of the more respected Chinese forges produce a blade. The better ones can run folded and laminated Euro blades too, for those of you that want unofficial replicas from a certain book series / TV show.
Anyway, more like this please Anet. I also wouldn’t mind a unification of most GW2 swords, whereby they can be wielded in one hand or both, where the stats and damage are increased to 2H values of an equivalent rarity and level GS if you choose to 2H it (see: D&D, Dark Souls). For some reason I absolutely love this as a gameplay mechanic.
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool
Anyway, if we can stop talking about realism in a video game for a second, I would agree with the OP that we need more “normal” looking Greatswords in this game.
It seems to be in most games that they enjoy turning a large, straight blade into some sort of weird, misshapen, ugly-as-f* object that doesn’t fit well with any style of armor. Now why in the hell is that?
Oh, well, if you’re going to resort to magic, Gare, I’m going to quote Arthur C. Clarke…
My point is that the game is quite obviously rooted in real world physics (unsurprisingly). No-one is suggesting throwing away all the daft weapon designs, beloved of fantasy artists & fans. It’s just that some of us would like a better proportion of more realistic ones.
Go ahead and quote him.
Also, the whole “gravity THEREFORE…” thing is a load of tosh. Yes, some rules of the real world are replicated in a fantasy setting. It doesn’t therefore follow that the rest of them apply. Indeed, magic is a major operative factor in the gameworld, like it or not. Some people like realism, some like it in degrees (myself amongst those), and others spurn it.
Though I am sure Arenanet could throw in a “realistic appearance” design to appease some people.
Dunno where you get the idea that Mesmers are levitating their swords. I’d class levitation as conjuration, and Mesmers obviously deal in illusion. I’d assumed they were swinging it, just like everyone else.
You are, more or less, right about the weight of 2-handers. They don’t necessarily take a great deal of muscle mass to swing. Combat stamina is another matter, but again, that has nothing to do with muscle mass.
On most race’s spam attack the sword floats in midair between the hands then floats back while twirling back into the hand. With this in mind, other classes could adapt the ability to use a combination of magic and physical strength to lessen the strain on the body, which in turn allows the greatswords to be heavier in tyria than they would realistically be in the real world.
Also, the whole “gravity THEREFORE…” thing is a load of tosh. Yes, some rules of the real world are replicated in a fantasy setting. It doesn’t therefore follow that the rest of them apply.
No, it isn’t tosh, and I never said anything about “the rest of them”. I specifically mentioned gravity (since it patently is in the game) and linked that to momentum & mass. I’m not an expert physicist, but I think you’ll find it very hard to rationally disconnect those three. Then again, you chuck in terms like tosh & appease, so it doesn’t strike me that you particularly want to be rational. Nice of you to allow that we might have our choice, though.
…which in turn allows the greatswords to be heavier in tyria than they would realistically be in the real world.
To which the question has to be, why would you want them to be heavier? A sharper sword does more damage, not a heavier one, in most scenarios where you wouldn’t rather be using something else in the first place. A heavier sword is merely slower & more awkward to wield. Since any of the advantages you outline would also be available to the less massy versions, from a standpoint of “realism”, I can’t see the point of the argument. You can’t reduce the weight of the sword (which is a function of gravity), you can only magically reduce the mass (which, indirectly, makes it lighter). By your own argument of “heavier” (which is not completely wrong) that makes it do less damage, while still being more awkward.
Don’t get me wrong. As I’ve already said, I’m not asking for daft designs to be removed. Those that love ‘em can have ’em! But the daftness of them isn’t just about weight; it’s more about impracticality. If the designs were practical & efficient, people would have been making them. They didn’t. Have one because you think it looks cool, but don’t try to justify its existence to me!
Also, the whole “gravity THEREFORE…” thing is a load of tosh. Yes, some rules of the real world are replicated in a fantasy setting. It doesn’t therefore follow that the rest of them apply.
No, it isn’t tosh, and I never said anything about “the rest of them”. I specifically mentioned gravity (since it patently is in the game) and linked that to momentum & mass. I’m not an expert physicist, but I think you’ll find it very hard to rationally disconnect those three. Then again, you chuck in terms like tosh & appease, so it doesn’t strike me that you particularly want to be rational. Nice of you to allow that we might have our choice, though.
You’re welcome.
The issue is even if you allow for momentum and mass to work like they do in the “real world”, it has no bearing on a fantasy world. Even gravity doesn’t work to the same degree. Therefore, if what you want are better proportioned weapons, simply say that.
Have one because you think it looks cool, but don’t try to justify its existence to me!
Same goes for “realistic” weapons.
Also, the whole “gravity THEREFORE…” thing is a load of tosh. Yes, some rules of the real world are replicated in a fantasy setting. It doesn’t therefore follow that the rest of them apply.
No, it isn’t tosh, and I never said anything about “the rest of them”. I specifically mentioned gravity (since it patently is in the game) and linked that to momentum & mass. I’m not an expert physicist, but I think you’ll find it very hard to rationally disconnect those three. Then again, you chuck in terms like tosh & appease, so it doesn’t strike me that you particularly want to be rational. Nice of you to allow that we might have our choice, though.
Hardly. He brought up a pretty good point, you’re the one resorting to passive aggressive attacks on people who agree with your core request but disagree with your flawed insistence on relying on real world laws that are only partially applicable in a fantasy/steampunk setting.
If you dislike the genre, that’s fine – though I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve beyond a misguided sense of superiority for being ‘gritty’ and ‘realistic’. It’s a genre best taken with a pinch of salt.
…which in turn allows the greatswords to be heavier in tyria than they would realistically be in the real world.
To which the question has to be, why would you want them to be heavier? A sharper sword does more damage, not a heavier one, in most scenarios where you wouldn’t rather be using something else in the first place. A heavier sword is merely slower & more awkward to wield. Since any of the advantages you outline would also be available to the less massy versions, from a standpoint of “realism”, I can’t see the point of the argument. You can’t reduce the weight of the sword (which is a function of gravity), you can only magically reduce the mass (which, indirectly, makes it lighter). By your own argument of “heavier” (which is not completely wrong) that makes it do less damage, while still being more awkward.
Don’t get me wrong. As I’ve already said, I’m not asking for daft designs to be removed. Those that love ‘em can have ’em! But the daftness of them isn’t just about weight; it’s more about impracticality. If the designs were practical & efficient, people would have been making them. They didn’t. Have one because you think it looks cool, but don’t try to justify its existence to me!
Being sharper doesn’t really help much if the person you are fighting in in plate, crushing weapons such as a mace, or heavy ended bladed weapons such as an axe would be more effective in this case. Some weapons however are more effective being small, for example daggers. The magic would be used as an extra force, like an extra hand holding it, not reducing the mass directly. The most practical place to use this force would be near the tip and moving it with a full body arc to increase momentum and mass of the strike. But really in the end this would make a pole axe much more useful in Tyria than a greatsword would ever be.
And I know you don’t want the giant swords to be gone and just want more realistic swords. But I find talking about other worldly physics fun…Also I hate losing arguments. Mostly the latter though.
Look the logic is very simple. When we fall sufficently far, we take damage. If we fall far enough, we get killed (alright, defeated). Gravity adds momentum to a mass. The three are linked, pretty much inextricably, unless a better physicist than I turns up to tell me I’m wrong. It is an entirely reasonable supposition, therefore, that weapons will, broadly speaking, behave as they do in this world.
If you don’t wish to accept that supposition, if you want to explain everything away as “magic”, if “it’s just a game”, fine. I already said above, yeah it’s a game, a fantasy game. I don’t have a problem with that. But why walk into a discussion that is made on that basis and say “tosh”? And yet I’m the one “resorting to”? He wasn’t being… oh, all sorts of adjectives I could fish out, if you want. I think I’ll stick to having a discussion with those people who’d like to consider the point from whatever debating perspective, rather than those whose only contribution is “Rubbish!”
{NB: this is a response to Gare; not Eso.}
(edited by Raedwulf.3712)
I think this conversation is a little off track — but I would agree with the original sentiment. I find that overall, I like the mid-level-range armor and weapons the most. The stuff in the 30-50 range looks great, but once we start getting into big crazy moon swords with inlaid lapis and such, you start to lose me.
I’d love to see some more realistic weapons at endgame, with more subtle but cool details. For example, my level 55 guardian has a nice rare sword… not too hugely fancy, but it has some great runed carving on it. I’d love to have something along those lines at endgame, but the runes having a subtle glow to them, maybe a few other details. Not everything needs to be a double-sized lightning ghost sword.
Being sharper doesn’t really help much if the person you are fighting in in plate
Quite right! Which is exactly why my caveat was there – “in most scenarios where you wouldn’t rather be using something else in the first place”. In actual fact, the sword is a fairly crap weapon. It’s a great all-rounder, but the problem of being an all-rounder is that in most scenarios, another weapon is better. In the real world, you can’t walk around with 40lbs of unwieldy weaponry hanging off you, in a game it’s easy.
From that point-of-view, a sword is a very useful real world weapon. But if you know you’re going to be fighting a man in plate, yep, a polearm of some description is a much better bet.
Some weapons however are more effective being small, for example daggers.
“I do not like the dangerous dagger” – Fiore dei Liberi. Who knew what he was talking about!
But really in the end this would make a pole axe much more useful in Tyria than a greatsword would ever be.
Aye, this was part of my point. If I take your perspective as valid (and of course, it’s perfectly valid in a fantasy setting), then your argument is valid. Unless the weapons become massless (which stretches my believeability barrier too far), though, you don’t necessarily shift the relative merits of weapons very far. An 8’ weapon is still physically unwieldy because of its size, even if it is weightless ("Ooops! I didn’t mean to stick it in that tree!)
But I find talking about other worldly physics fun…Also I hate losing arguments. Mostly the latter though.
So do I, to the former. To the latter? I’ve learnt to settle for getting my point across. As long as you understand what I’m getting at, I don’t care if you disagree – you’re as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine!
I think I’ll stick to having a discussion with those people who’d like to consider the point from whatever debating perspective, rather than those whose only contribution is “Rubbish!”
Debating =/= agreeing with you, just saying. You’re asking for a cosmetic adjustment to the weapons. You can extrapolate all you like from the rules of gravity, but they only function to a degree in comparison to real life, where falls as high as those in the game would no doubt kill you. So instead of phrasing the proposition in terms of rules of which you’re only partially aware, you’re better off simply asking for it as a cosmetic adjustment and ending it at that, because one can just bring in magic (and a host of other factors) and you cannot simply dismiss them due to it.
Same goes for “realistic” weapons.
Realistic / plausible weapons don’t need to be justified by their nature.
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool
Debating =/= agreeing with you, just saying.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, Morag. It wouldn’t be much of a discussion if everyone did, would it? I just found the tone unnecessary. As I’ve more-or-less acknowledged, yes the whole discussion is pretty much nonsense. But it’s fun sometimes to have a discussion on the basis of “If…”, isn’t it? That’s all I’m doing… If you want to posit a different “IF…”, feel free to do so. I’ll have fun = /=, as the case may be!