Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


I get that you want people to buy gems in order to obtain gold, but aren’t there enough goldsinks already with cultural armors and endless repair costs? At least make it so it’s not so expensive for short range travel. Why should it cost me 1.5 silver just to get halfway across a single zone when it costs the same to get to a completely different zone?

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


Why would you teleport half way a cross a zone rather than run if you are worried about a few silver? Time or convenience at a cost. The choice is yours!

Also I believe the price seems higher at the moment simply because the game is new, this means there is less gold out there. After a while you will soon fell it really wasn’t that big a deal. I know I never run out of cash, and that is without touching the trading post, spending loads on crafting without selling a single thing, and salvaging every single item rather than selling.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


Why would you teleport half way a cross a zone rather than run if you are worried about a few silver? Time or convenience at a cost. The choice is yours!

Also I believe the price seems higher at the moment simply because the game is new, this means there is less gold out there. After a while you will soon fell it really wasn’t that big a deal. I know I never run out of cash, and that is without touching the trading post, spending loads on crafting without selling a single thing, and salvaging every single item rather than selling.

Because I don’t feel like wasting my time running? If I’ve seen a zone already and I’m just trying to get some point of interest or vista, I don’t really feel like spending 15 minutes running through hordes of enemies to get there. I’m glad you’re swimming in cash, but that’s not always the case for the rest of us.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


I don’t see an issue with the current system. If you’re in a rush, then you can pay to have the luxury of instant travel. If you’d rather save your pennies, then you’re able to simply take the journey on foot. Regardless of the route, you can easily make the cash back by participating in a dynamic event or two.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeonCadme.4971


I think there is enough cash for people if they think on how they are using them. There has never been a situation during my 60 levels that I ran so dry that I could not teleport a few times.

The waypoints grow further apart with each character level and the cost increases with distance… seem natural to me.

Instead of changing the game because of a none existing problem, analyze your playstyle and adapt. It is the same as when people feel that their characters are too weak, that often happens when you wear the wrong gear for your playstyle and weapons or you have not found the next appropriate weapon yet.

Just as a side note, I burn most of my money on crafting armors at the end of each playsession. So I am always low on money when I start playing but fill it up by joining dynamic events or doing heart missions etc.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


I agree I believe the costs should not be so high. The reason I say this is because this game is meant to have dynamic game play where players can have huge battles to beat bosses and work together to do so. If it costs me 3.5 silver to teleport to a beginner area to go help people with a boss how often can I be running around doing so before I am out of money. I have played over 200 hours of pvp, pve and wvwvw ect and I make a very slow profit compared to the amount of time I spend. I am not grinding I am just playing the game and helping people. I think that is the way the game should be played. Friendly fun environment where we help each other to accomplish our goals not lose an arm and a leg to tele to help only to lose your other arm and leg in repairs. I suggest that teleporting be dynamic in cost to distance or cost to area.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


As for the swimming in cash I was just pointing out that by simply playing the game and in no way trying to earn or preserve money I have not encountered a single issue with the costs as they are. I am happy to pay the teleport fee if I do not want to run, and often hop around maps. It just feels like people are making a massive mountain out of an ossue that is not even large enough to be considered a molehill.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


As for the swimming in cash I was just pointing out that by simply playing the game and in no way trying to earn or preserve money I have not encountered a single issue with the costs as they are. I am happy to pay the teleport fee if I do not want to run, and often hop around maps. It just feels like people are making a massive mountain out of an ossue that is not even large enough to be considered a molehill.

Have you tried WvW? You die constantly and are forced to pay a stacking repair bill to fix your stuff. Also, have you seen the cost of level 80 cultural armor? We’re talking hundreds of gold to put together an entire set. The money sinks are already there. The additional cost of paying high prices just to get around isn’t needed.

The argument of simply slowly running there doesn’t work for me either. I was over that 12 years ago with Everquest and this world is much larger.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Have you tried WvW? You die constantly

Ooh, please get matched up against my server, I need more medals of honour…. Seriously tho I agree that travel cost are too high and force u to stick in one place, which doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of the game.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Polarity.2648


As for the swimming in cash I was just pointing out that by simply playing the game and in no way trying to earn or preserve money I have not encountered a single issue with the costs as they are. I am happy to pay the teleport fee if I do not want to run, and often hop around maps. It just feels like people are making a massive mountain out of an ossue that is not even large enough to be considered a molehill.

Have you tried WvW? You die constantly and are forced to pay a stacking repair bill to fix your stuff. Also, have you seen the cost of level 80 cultural armor? We’re talking hundreds of gold to put together an entire set. The money sinks are already there. The additional cost of paying high prices just to get around isn’t needed.

The argument of simply slowly running there doesn’t work for me either. I was over that 12 years ago with Everquest and this world is much larger.

Agreed with this entire post, lower the cost There are enough gold sinks in the game already, you don’t need to make travel annoying too.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argis.7049


In my opinion, they should decrease the cost for travelling to and in low level zones and make it so that it costs more as the zones become higher level. You shouldn’t be able to spend a tiny bit of gold and bypass a difficult section of the map but you shouldn’t be punished for travelling back to low level areas to help out new players.

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Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seraki.2753


A lot of people are starting to just run and use the LA gates. I have noticed its taking longer to get though them now too. The cost of travel does eat up a lot of cash. IMO there are too many way points but they cost too much vs the flow of cash though the player.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


i think its expensive. yes. -75%% would be good imo. at least for lvl 80s.

and they should make lion’s arch free, since everyone is going there throught the mists anyway -_-

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mnguyen.5142


lol 1.3 silver to travel 2 feet. WHAT?!?!? something’s wrong here

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


What if they made in zone travel free like it is in the cities, and then charged you when you wanted to go to other zones based on distance?

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zityz.6089


What they should do is fluctuate the cost depends on how much cash you have. The more cash you have = the more it should cost up until a cap. The less cash you have the less it should cost.

For how rich you are it should cap at 4s depending on money, a lot of people are spending money on the lion trader and for mats to craft and repair costs. So traveling can be punishing.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ENBassist.3485


i agree that the cost needs to be nerfed for nearby points. ~1.5s for a foot away… come on.
also, why not have it that if you run up to a waypoint then the cost gets cut in half? if you just want convenience then you can pay a bit more.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Cost are relative to your level, as if your earning potential. Travel costs only really suck in low level areas where you can’t make as much coin to compensate, but if you’re in level appropriate areas then you won’t go broke.

But then again the entire system is cost/convenience based. And I really don’t have a problem with that, you want convenience you pay.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


I think high cost wavepoints is to account for those higher lvl players who simply thinks walking through a zone once is enough – sometimes walking through a zone twice gives a new experience of that zone since you may have missed a DE or a vista the first time around. Personally, I don’t mind high wave-point costs because all the high lvl dungeons drop a bunch of regular items that are worth close to 1 silver each (ie. Ran the CoF EXP dungeon just now & I earned around 30 silver from that instance).