Cape Clipping Issue

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: swizzler.2451


It’s my understanding, the reason we don’t have capes in this game is because of clipping when the Charr run. Is this because they’re using cloth physics?? Why not just make it an animation, and NOT use physics?

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well I think the issue here is more based on the various body sizes and types you get in game, so Anet would have to create a coat animation for a large norn all the way to a small asura.

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


I remember shortly before the game went live one of the devs saying that the character creation system/model system was actually licensed from another MMO. If that other MMO didn’t have capes because of the limits of the character system, then you can be sure this one won’t, either.

Wish I could find the link now.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: chronus.1326


What? You could just make the capes back items, and that’s all. It could even be a guild craft thing. What’s difficult in that? It’s a cape model that goes to the back item slot?

I don’t buy the clipping bs either. The game is full of clipping that’s been there since launch. They would’ve fixed those already if it’s really of prime importance.

GW1 had a body size scale too.

For Charr the model can be changed entirely from cape to something else. Like a scarf. Or a ragged cape torn into two pieces that have pieces on both sides, leaving the back open. Or an armband.

You can even make more awesome capes as drops, or craft items. Exotic capes.

50% of the “effort” put into Living Hurr can be put into expanding the varyety of items and item icons in the game. Or giving special models to each exotic armors like Rurik’s or Gwen’s.

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: swizzler.2451


I remember shortly before the game went live one of the devs saying that the character creation system/model system was actually licensed from another MMO. If that other MMO didn’t have capes because of the limits of the character system, then you can be sure this one won’t, either.

Wish I could find the link now.

Would love to see that link….

Cape Clipping Issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Would love to see that link….

This is about as close as I can get it seems. It uses Aion’s character creator as its basis. Does Aion support capes?

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.