Centering lost mouse cursor.

Centering lost mouse cursor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carnius Magius.8091

Carnius Magius.8091

Center cursor upon release of right mouse button. I would like know where my mouse cursor is after I release the right mouse button. Make it an option for those who don’t like the idea.

Centering lost mouse cursor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


I would love this idea – I quite frequently lose sight of the cursor, particularly in larger fights where there are particle effects going crazy and I end up wasting a skill because I haven’t seen where the cursor is, or wasting time looking for wherever it is.

Centering lost mouse cursor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Actually your cursor remains where you held down your right mouse button. But can’t see any harm if this would be an option.

One – Piken Square

Centering lost mouse cursor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Does it? Haha, that might explain why I never find it, because I’ve expected it to move … derrrrp. Thanks for clearing that up.

Centering lost mouse cursor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

That said, there are ways to make your cursor more visible. Just not official ones. Google.

One – Piken Square