Chairs, Chairs, Chairs pretty please

Chairs, Chairs, Chairs pretty please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stefania Lisbeth Faerina.6350

Stefania Lisbeth Faerina.6350

CHAIRS. - What GW2 needs right now. -

(excuse, that english is not my native tongue)

- CHAIR. CHAIRS. CHAIRS. Benches. Stools. Couches. Sitting places.

EVERY chair in the world must be made 1-click sittable placeable. Every tavern and fireplace needs an overhaul. Don’t know, how’d you handle creature sizes. (in NWN we would have “invisible placeable [SIT]” just dropped on top.)

The game is nearly photorealistic. So why is everyone standing?! I mean for YEARS.
Same holds true for beds. They absolutely must work. In the same vain: a few more animations/emotes would be nice.

People likes to rest their buttocks. This is almost a truism.

- Nudity.

Nudity is a basic human right. Limit this maybe to beaches, bathing halls and interior areas.

- IC clock and calendar.

For pity’s sake, what time of the day is it? What year, what season. How should you sign a letter. Do I say “Good Morning” or “Good Evening” when I come in.

- Lower the frequency of NPC barks/noises in the main taverns. A LOT (1/10).

Designated social gathering places must be totally unintrusive and accommodating. People just turn their VOICE volume down, and this is no help to anyone. Ideally, there would be no music.
In the same vain: the music frequency slider is a splendid idea, but raise the max. tenfold.
Most important, is Divinity’s Reach.

- I’m divided about the absurd hearing range. Leave it as it is.

- A server status/connectivity/live stats window of servers would be a good idea.

- A general player locator would be a good idea (where is everyone? in such a friggin’ huge world.) Population number of towns or stuff on the map.

- You could need a (strictly IC) 1000-2000 page reference document of all Setting&Lore (PDF). Think of Hitchhiker’s Guide. Could be compiled out of the en.Wiki at same point, when it’s consensus and all typos are ironed out etc. This should be in-game and easy to find. This is NOT the manual or tutorial, but the IC encyclopedia and look-up for roleplayers.

- I’d love you to overwork CTRL+SHIFT+H. The chat window stays open, all essential(!) (no map, no menu) windows would stay open or pop up. You could play for days socially with a bare minimum HUD and free screen.

So, it’s a wonderful game you have here, but whether it works out as a world domination plan, a place to actually live in, and is still around in 20 years solely hangs on: if you have enough CHAIRS. Like SITTING. SW:TOR does it wrong, TSW does it wrong, so why should you.

- Steff’